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Why Was the Islamic Golden Age of Science… Golden?

vil says...

Last names as a way to determine ethnic diversity, lost me there.

Cool though, that makes my sister latin american.

Too bad I am stuck with a name thats probably German in origin.

Diversity is fine. It was the tolerance of the society to entertain the notion that feeding a bunch of good for nothing intellectuals was a noble idea that made a golden age possible. Also the possibility to travel and communicate, the spread of information was helpful. Language barriers came down. That tolerance ended around 1250. Muslim lands were still ethnically diverse after that, but no more tolerance for science.

So tolerance of different ideas, customs, religions, foreigners and races seems more important than attempting to induce diversity artificially.

Tolerance naturally leads to diversity - you can see this in areas like scientific teams, hi-tech companies, or top sports teams. If you want the best people you arrive at not evaluating their race, but their abilities. That is if the society around you lets you do that.

My friends son just spent 6 months working in a chemical lab in Sweden. Met few Swedes, mostly worked with people from all over the world. So he helped with a Swedish project, he can now go back to work on his own project and he knows all these people from around the world who work on similar stuff. No one gives a damn about what ethnicity any of the people involved are or if the lab was "diverse". They all concentrate on the project. If a commision goes in and starts counting how many Laplandian scientists are filling a quota the scientists would show the (imaginary) commision their collective middle finger or just leave.

So i would argue that ethnically diverse scientific teams are not more succesful because they are diverse, they are more successful because they are open and tolerant (and that has led to their diversity).

Forcing diversity will not bring the same result.

Long? Sorry.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

The ACA was passed on party lines, it was going to be screwed up because of that no matter what. What pisses me off about it is that instead of trying to come up with a better solution, the Democrats rammed that fucker through. I can only assume it is because for a brief period they had control of the legislative and executive branches all at the same time. So rather than take a chance to fix it, they figured if they were going to get anything they might as well get it in place.

Obama inherited the situation in the ME. Bush fucked up royally. Obama just took a bad situation and made it worse. Admittedly, there were other fingers in the pie also, but he is still culpable.

The rules for the drone war were decided by Obama's administration. Regardless of what Bush did before, that lays 100% on Obama and his team. Some good articles to read:

newtboy said:

Remember, the ACA was barely passed and had to be watered down so red state democrats would vote for it, then the states had the option to opt in or out of federal assistance. Those that opted out all had terrible experiences with higher insurance costs, states that opted in had relatively stable costs and millions insured, lowering medical costs across the board (because they didn't have to eat 30% of bills and pass the cost to the rest of their patients). Should have been universal single payer. (Side note, my insurance went up 5-10% before Trump, and more than doubled under Trump. I've had the same policy since 08.)

Funny, the people I recall claiming Daesh was a nothing burger were all Republicans, Democrats were pushing to take them on immediately when they emerged in northern Iraq. You do remember who took us into Iraq with no plan to leave, right? Not Obama.
Wasn't it Bush who decided the rules for war in Iraq, like everyone's a combatant? Obama failed to fix them and that's why he lost my second vote, not doing enough...granted he had a pure obstructionist Senate so was stimied, but I expected more.

I feel like people's political memories only go back through Obama now, and that's just dumb. Our history is much longer, our memories should be too.

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

BSR says...

Personally, I don't give up hope. If you know what the truth is then all you have to do is wait for them to burn themselves while playing with matches even though you told them 1,000 times about the consequences. Then when they learn the hard way, as most of us do, be there for them when they find you were truthful with them the whole time.

Your great work does not go unnoticed, newt. It's something that I could not do on my own and you have my support and admiration.

I too have gotten private messages from bob. I have even sent him power points once when he showed compassion. I let him know I don't hate him but I do like to use him for a funny reply once in a while.

Regardless of his intentions or beliefs I still give him the chance to burn his fingers. It's the flame that teaches the lesson.

If you need to 🤦 do it. Just don't stop doing what you are doing for all of us.

Love you, man

newtboy said:

Edit: How long are you capable of rebutting them with just fact and references when they are smug, snide, insulting, dangerous, and seriously delusional if not just purely dishonest?


Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

luxintenebris jokingly says...

what is the stance 🦜 33?

joe is kkk by proxy
and don is kkk by orthodoxy?

didn't deny it
just tried to fly by it

awful job of obfuscating.*

(2nd paragraph)

plenty of giggles listening to the purple conehead, tho' using his glasses (à la clark kent) to disguise his anti-hero status from employers is donald grade dumb. the ridge on right-hand little finger, besides his voice, goatee, cigarette brand, is incriminating enough for identification.

the bible is largely jewish. the newer text is the teachings of a jewish man. that's a bit like not knowing there is a brick outfield wall behind the ivy at wrigley.

bobknight33 said:


How to Apply Your Mask

BSR says...

I got the feeling after watching some of her other videos that she targets a group of kids that have had a tough and abusive life. Her words or lyrics or style harmonize with victims and gets their attention but may also elude the "fortunate". She also shows hope that they can overcome just as she has.

Music, no matter the genre will reach those that are looking for answers to cope with whatever the damage may be and the answer will always be, "you are not alone in being alone."


All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall - Pink Floyd



The Spirit of Radio

Begin the day
With a friendly voice
A companion, unobtrusive
Plays that song that's so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood
Off on your way
Hit the open road
There is magic at your fingers
For the spirit ever lingers
Undemanding contact
In your happy solitude
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free
All this machinery
Making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question
Of your honesty, yeah, your honesty
One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity, yeah
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free
For the words of the profits
Were written on the studio wall
Concert hall
And echoes with the sound of salesmen
Of salesmen, of salesmen - Rush

luxintenebris said:

found that chilling.

the music.
the voice.
the ethereal background.

maybe they showed this to all those anti-maskers?
weirded the living bee-jezzus out of them!
some vicious propaganda that is.

(or would that be anti-propaganda propaganda? 'cause normal propaganda was pro-mask and this was anti-that? either way, haven't felt that spooked since they tried to indoctrinate me into the cult of mary kay)

Trump and Fox Struggle to Attack Sen. Kamala Harris

newtboy says...

You must be joking.
He may have more support among those still calling themselves Republicans, but there are insanely fewer of those today, #walkaway, and his approval among independents has tanked from it's low starting point, and among democrats it's non existent. Also, he's the incumbent, can't get none of that there reform when you're the incumbent, and that was his ONLY selling point. Also, you don't have Biden cheating the election process like Clinton, so fewer turning away from the Democrats.
All these anti Trump commercials are produced by Republicans, Bobby, not Democrats, not Russia, not China, Republicans. I've lost count of the number of anti Trump Republican groups they're popping up so fast.

Democrats fed up with Joe stuttering or flubbing words (but not concepts) will go with Trump, who lost his mental grip before 2016, and finger bangs his daughters, rapes women, cheats on every wife, has a child with his daughter, and has failed at every leadership metric?!? Wow. That will be a sight to see. If they do, we will get the president we deserve, and it will end this great experiment in democracy.

You know what you complain about ALL happened under Trump's leadership, not during Biden's. Same leadership in cities, the only change was Trump that made civility and law fall apart.
Covid is only a non issue to idiots who believe Trump over literally anyone else, no matter their credentials or evidence. Above 85 IQ people understand they live in the real world where 160000 are dead and likely 500000 permanently disabled.
>160000 dead, >5 times the rate of deaths and infections than the global average including third world nations, they aren't just elderly, they do include thousands of children dead and tens of thousands brain damaged. Republicans were prepared to shut down over Benghazzi, 4 deaths...but not over 160000, even knowing not shutting down will extend the pandemic, extend the shutdowns, extend the national isolation, extend the depression, and cost the U.S. trillions upon trillions more in excess costs and losses, all of which could have been avoided by shutting down two weeks earlier and mandating masks, but Trump didn't, so we are the worst effected nation on earth in nearly every way.

Why are you still getting information from the Don the con? He's steered you wrong at every single turn.

bobknight33 said:


I'll say it.

Trump will win by a fucking landslide.

More supporters today than 2016. Democrats fed up with the far left of their party, not to mention Finger Banging JOE loosing his mental grip will push Trump to victory.

The fake news, BLM rioters, Democrat lead cities dumping on Blue lives, cutting funding. Crime spiking, looting, murder rates spiking will lead to total victory.

Covid is a non issue. People want to go tow work not be ordered by Democrat mayors, Governors to stay shut down.

Covid death rates are low % , except elderly, and not worth the economic damage to people, states, nation.

Trump and Fox Struggle to Attack Sen. Kamala Harris

bobknight33 says...


I'll say it.

Trump will win by a fucking landslide.

More supporters today than 2016. Democrats fed up with the far left of their party, not to mention Finger Banging JOE loosing his mental grip will push Trump to victory.

The fake news, BLM rioters, Democrat lead cities dumping on Blue lives, cutting funding. Crime spiking, looting, murder rates spiking will lead to total victory.

Covid is a non issue. People want to go tow work not be ordered by Democrat mayors, Governors to stay shut down.

Covid death rates are low % , except elderly, and not worth the economic damage to people, states, nation.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Men with clouds in the background about to touch fingers....granted, neither is reclining.
Also, until I just rewatched it, I didn't see the fire at all.

eric3579 said:

Sorry, that is not the correct answer. Although curious why Sistine chapel.

Emoji Shortcodes Now Available (Sift Talk Post)

Man charged after violently slapping Burger King employee

RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 - The Impossible Maze

Trump Publicly Suggests Postponing The Election

wtfcaniuse says...

The only dispute over the 2016 election I know of was due to the popular vote, the same as Gore Vs Bush in 2000.

Can you cite a single case of Democrats fucking things up since 2016?

We have already established that your use of "finger banging joe" is pro Biden, why do you keep showing support for Biden while extolling the virtues of a wannabe despot?

bobknight33 said:

Democrats could not accept the election results in 2016 . Sore Looser.

Democrats have been F in things up last 3 1/2 years.

Finger Banging Joe 2020

Trump Publicly Suggests Postponing The Election

bobknight33 says...

Democrats could not accept the election results in 2016 . Sore Looser.

Democrats have been F in things up last 3 1/2 years.

Finger Banging Joe 2020

wtfcaniuse said:

He get's notice on Nov 3rd, he's still got till January 20/21 to fuck things up more.

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