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Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

Expert Decides If Seattle Cop Used Excessive Force

MaxWilder says...

Nicole Gaines, Loren Miller Bar Association: "While we do not condone a 17 year old being disrespectful to a police officer, we cannot support a police officer who uses violence."

Sorry, but "dumb bitch" is a fairly appropriate description. The 17 year old girl was not just being disrespectful, she assaulted the officer. It's right there on the video. That is a HUGE difference that Gaines is trying to pretend isn't there. Like the expert said, "a closed fist punch is not the preferred method of handling this type of situation, but the force was reasonable and justified."

If we let these kids walk all over the cops without the cops being able to protect themselves, what the hell is going to happen next?

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

ToKeyMonsTeR says...

I don't know why your arguing about the jaywalking law. It's needed in certain places but everyone on earth knows you don't need to use force when applying that law.

If someone disrespects the cop while hes writing you a ticket or if that person is yelling at the cop that cop doesn't need to resort to force or start putting his hands on the person. It's bullshit that that's allowed and it's bullshit that if you pull away from that unnecessary force they are allowed to use even more force on you. And you get another added charge for resisting unnecessary force. ><

I get that the original girl walked away, so maybe he grabbed her and brought her back to the car. But clearly at the start of this video she isnt moving anyways and asking the officer to get the fuck off her, I think she says neck or hand, I dunno but you clearly see him grab her even more and push her against the car needlessly, she wasnt running or even trying to escape just being disrespectful. Which to cops = arrest/tase/manhandle. Once that happens she freaks out even more and tries to get his hands off of her in what seems to be a panic. The 17 year old sees this guy being overly aggressive with her friend and tries to break it up, but because cops cant handle disrespect and consider a touch to be fucking assault, she gets decked. fuck that.

That 17 year old was the only person with a backbone. The only person willing to defend a friend from needless aggression. For that she goes to jail.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

Grimm says...

No shit?

3 years old = minor

But I think logical thinking people can agree that a 17 year old should be held more accountable for their own actions then a 3 year old.

>> ^longde:

17 years old = minor
In case you didn't know

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

1- Of course not. It is well known and documented that police stop and harass people depending of factors such as color, where they live, class, etc. The drug war is a prime example of a set of laws that everyone breaks, but are selectively enforced. There are many others, if you want to get into it.

Ah, yes, LA, that epicenter of police justice. Home of dirty cops who make up evidence to convict folks. Didn't they recently have to overturn hundreds of convictions due to dirty cops' behavior?

>> ^volumptuous:
1- Bullshit point. Citing/ticketing a person for breaking the law happens on every "side of the track", or whatever you're calling it. In fact, this "side of the track" is the officers beat. This is where he is every day. These are the people he is served to protect.
2- If you read this thread, you'd see my earlier account of my friend being ticketed for this same thing. My friend is also white, blonde, blue-eyed and makes a lot of money. But, cops didn't care, they saw a guy jaywalking and pulled him over. He wasn't suckerpunched because I didn't try to intervene and then push the officer like the girl in this video!
3- One girl was 19. Not a minor. The other (who pushed him) is 17. You're treating them like they're 8 or 9 years old.
4- Someone in the crowd yelled out "there's going to be a riot, right here".
5- The officer needs more training in subduing a perp. Otherwise, he ended the situation appropriately.
6- I've been arrested three times in my life. I didn't fight back during any one of them, nor did I call the officers names, or try to run away.
I lived for years in downtown Detroit, and now I live in one of the most violent, gang ridden parts of Los Angeles. Please do NOT tell me anything about color prejudice or police conduct. It seems the one here with no experience with law enforcement, or gang voilence, are the ones so quick to point the finger at us.
I'm one of the first to point out police misconduct, and basically have very little respect for authority. But that disrespect doesn't make me blind and cry wolf every time a cop arrests someone.
btw: Longde - your post above shows exactly what happened. People were breaking the law, the cop tried to stop them, they resisted, one pushed the cop, the cop ended the situation. The end.
>> ^longde:
1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks
2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?
3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.
4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.
5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.
6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

volumptuous says...

1- Bullshit point. Citing/ticketing a person for breaking the law happens on every "side of the track", or whatever you're calling it. In fact, this "side of the track" is the officers beat. This is where he is every day. These are the people he is served to protect.

2- If you read this thread, you'd see my earlier account of my friend being ticketed for this same thing. My friend is also white, blonde, blue-eyed and makes a lot of money. But, cops didn't care, they saw a guy jaywalking and pulled him over. He wasn't suckerpunched because I didn't try to intervene and then push the officer like the girl in this video!

3- One girl was 19. Not a minor. The other (who pushed him) is 17. You're treating them like they're 8 or 9 years old.

4- Someone in the crowd yelled out "there's going to be a riot, right here".

5- The officer needs more training in subduing a perp. Otherwise, he ended the situation appropriately.

6- I've been arrested three times in my life. I didn't fight back during any one of them, nor did I call the officers names, or try to run away.

I lived for years in downtown Detroit, and now I live in one of the most violent, gang ridden parts of Los Angeles. Please do NOT tell me anything about color prejudice or police conduct. It seems the one here with no experience with law enforcement, or gang voilence, are the ones so quick to point the finger at us.

I'm one of the first to point out police misconduct, and basically have very little respect for authority. But that disrespect doesn't make me blind and cry wolf every time a cop arrests someone.

btw: Longde - your post above shows exactly what happened. People were breaking the law, the cop tried to stop them, they resisted, one pushed the cop, the cop ended the situation. The end.

>> ^longde:

1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks
2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?
3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.
4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.
5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.
6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

According to Seattle police, the incident began when an officer spotted a man jaywalking in the 3100 block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Way S. at approximately 3:10 p.m. The man was some 15 feet away from a pedestrian overpass, police said.

The officer was talking to the man when he saw four young women jaywalk across the same street at the same spot. The officer asked the women to step over to his patrol car, but the women were being "verbally antagonistic toward the officer," according to officials.

One of the women, later identified as a 19 year old, began to walk away from the scene despite the officer's instructions, prompting the officer to walk over to her and escort her back to his patrol car.

The girl then "began to tense up her arm, and pull away from the officer while yelling at him," investigators said. The officer told the girl to place her hands on his patrol car, but she refused. When the officer tried to grab hold of her, "she pulled away and twisted, breaking free of the officer's grip several times," the blotter report said.

When the officer tried to handcuff the girl, another girl, this one 17 years old, intervened and placed her hands on the officer's arm, "causing the officer to believe she was attempting to physically affect the first subject's escape," police said.

The officer pushed back the second girl, but the girl came back at him. The officer then punched her, police said.

The officer then handcuffed the 19-year-old woman. Other officers arrived and helped handcuff the second girl.

Both teens were cited for jaywalking. The older suspect was booked into the King County Jail for investigation of obstructing an officer. The 17-year-old girl was booked into the Youth Service Center for investigation of assault of an officer.

Nobody was injured during the incident, police said.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

1) I think the girls were stupid and should be taught how to deal with officers who have no respect for your age or gender, especially if you live on the wrong side of the tracks

2) I just can't imagine this happening to some of the skinny blonds I knew in high school, some of whom were just as crazy. I can't see them being suckerpunched. can you?

3) Despite some of you wanting to make an exception for these girls because they don't fit the phenotype you prefer, they are kids and minors, with the same mentality as such. It absolutely does matter in this situation.

4) The crowd was not hysterical, not a mob, not a riot. Look at their behavior, not their skin color. They were very restrained, not physically interfering at all. Just paying attention and recording to make sure this didn't turn into another 'accidental' cop murder. Given the history of cops, I can't blame those folks for being wary.

5) The officer obviously needs more training. To let a jaywalking infraction escalate into punching a 17 year old girl is unacceptable.

6) You law and order types would not be quiet and respectful if you thought some officer arresting you was in the wrong. You feel the way you do because you seldom encounter aggressive cops. Well, some people deal with that type everyday.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

longde says...

17 years old = minor

In case you didn't know>> ^Grimm:
Some people who are defending this "kid" (rolls eyes) forget the simple fact that these people were breaking the law and they knew they were breaking the law and they knew they got caught breaking the law. If they don't like the law, if you don't like the law, that's not the cops fault and it doesn't give ANYONE the right to just start grabbing and pushing the cop.
Almost EVERY day when we drop off or pickup my son from school (High School) some dumb-ass "kid" will not only bolt out off the curb or from behind a parked car right into traffic but they will do it without even looking in the direction the cars are coming from.
If there wasn't a jay-walking law or if it wasn't enforced you could just imagine the shit storm when one of these "kids" gets killed by a car. Why isn't there anyone out there keeping them safe? Why isn't anyone keeping them from crossing the street in a dangerous area?

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Um, NOT punching teenage girls in the face is a good start.

Edit - Also, I'd really like to *talk about this issue of law enforce vs citizens further.

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^Raaagh:
Face punching is a legitimate physical recourse to pacify a 17 year old girl?
Fuck you.

What was he supposed to do? Ask them nicely? Like that was going to work. What is your suggestion for stopping an unruly crowd member from interrupting an arrest of someone resisting arrest?

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

Ryjkyj says...

^Sorry no, still don't see it.^ I would expect that my 17 year-old daughter would comply with a cop, even if she was just jaywalking. Most of the time in these videos I think the cop is way in the wrong and I don't think he should have hit her. But even if you only jaywalked, you still broke the law, which means a police officer can arrest you. It doesn't mean that you have the right to struggle and resist arrest. Cops aren't supermen, they get scared just like the rest of us. I don't know if this cop was scared or if he's just a prick who likes to hit women. That doesn't change the fact that you just don't struggle when you're being put under arrest. The only time I would ever do that is if I was afraid for my life and thought it was either him or me.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^Raaagh:
Face punching is a legitimate physical recourse to pacify a 17 year old girl?
Fuck you.

>> ^ToKeyMonsTeR:
sorry for all the fucks, this shit bugs me and it bugs me that the majority are ok with it.

Precisely, all of you defending the cop like he has the right to be a dick because he has a title "officer of the law making an arrest" don't care about the larger social context of: You shouldn't be a prick toward other humans?

Think about it. If it were a citizens arrest or rent-a-cop at a school.
Would it be okay for the average person to punch your 17 year old daughter [aka a child] in the face?

His actions aren't protecting or serving anyone.
It's a misdemeanor charge that should have been handled with a verbal warning like our sensible @swedishfriend mentioned.

We already know that power corrupts and bureaucracies make rules for the sake of rule making.
We already know that police precincts nation wide are pressured to meet quotas & falsify crime stats.
We already know that swat teams can & will bust into your house and kill both of your dogs for no reason.

If you support this officers actions you're only supporting a broken "justice" system where white collar criminals [upper class] get away with ruining the economy and normal common class citizens get hassled.

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

Seattle officer punches girl in face during jaywalking stop

therealblankman (Member Profile)

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