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Actress Sofia Vergara First Pepsi Commercial

Teen Shot Dead for Being Black -- White Shooter Not Arrested

Teen Shot Dead for Being Black -- White Shooter Not Arrested

GenjiKilpatrick says...

From Tumblr:

Justice for Trayvon Martin

We can’t keep quiet about this.

The following are people who have power to influence this case and get justice for Trayvon Martin. Email, call, and write them. Tell them that George Zimmerman is a murderer and needs to be arrested promptly.This man has a past history of violence and there is absolutely no reason why he should be allowed to walk free. Black lives matter Amerikkka.

Bill Lee (Sanford chief of police) 407.688.5070 email:

Jeff Triplett (Mayor of Sanford) 407.688.5001 Email:

City Attorney for Sanford FL 407.322.2171 email:

A. Bryant Applegate (County Attorney) 407.665.7257


Newt: I'm Not Racially Insensitive

longde says...

I don't take recitation of those statistics as being racist in itself. Again, I'm using context. I know people who actually work in poor and ethnic communities that use such stats as a benchmark or as a reason to call folks to positive action.

If he has good at heart, when has Newt actually worked for positive change in this community that he so soundly criticizes? Obama was a community organizer in poor areas of Chicago. As a legislator he sponsored bills that directly helped people in poor areas and people in the black community. So, when he uses such stats--and he actually does have a history of telling all types of crowds to stick to a work ethic--Obama doesn't come off as a ne'er-do-well.

I know people who work at youth outreach centers and soup kitchens in DC. Noone has ever seen ol' Newt drop in to help. I've never heard of him sponsoring a bill to help the poor of DC, though he can rattle off all the problems those people have. As a longtime legislator and one-time speaker of the house and someone who lived in the DC area at least part time, he's had plenty of opportunity to lend a hand, but hasn't chosen to do so.

The guy's a professional speaker, but I've never heard of him browbeating poor whites. Hell, he's in South Carolina; he has plenty of chances to tell white people to get off welfare and food stamps. He could have used the stage in the video to do so. But, no, he has to pick on blacks to play to a white crowd.

Newt has such a well known public, political and legislative history that you don't have to troll youtube to see where he's coming from. The people who gave him a standing ovation certainly know.

>> ^Diogenes:

you may be right, though i do try my best to see the 'big picture' re looking at things in a broader perspective... you could even say that that's one of my hobbies
forgive me if i don't (probably can't) take up your challenge on providing the asked-for video... though i'll happily buy the rounds myself
i think the media (including youtube, et al) is inherently sensationalist, and as such, gravitates to coverage of what's wrong with the message rather than the basis of the message itself
perhaps this seeming focus on the plight of minorities stems from the basic statistics we have: iirc, there are more whites at or under the poverty level than all minorities combined... yet as a % of total population, they are outnumbered by both hispanics and and african-americans - more sadly (yet perhaps more indicative of newt's focus), is the fact that african-americans outnumber hispanic citizens, yet as a % of total population, the former has more people at or under the poverty line
now, you could take my recitation of those statistics as being 'racist' even though i don't think i am and also don't have a dog in this race
so perhaps newt's message is figuratively loudest where he believes the most help is needed (nation-wise)... but this focus can be skewed to seem a blatant criticism of the race of those affected
here's an 8-year-old quote from gingrich: "It is impossible to maintain civilization with 12-year-olds having babies, 15-year-olds killing each other, 17-year-olds dying of AIDS, and 18-year-olds getting diplomas they can't even read. Yet that is precisely where three generations of Washington-dominated, centralized-government, welfare-state policies have carried us."
taken broadly, many would agree and likely take no offense... but applied to a specific audience of specific ethnicity, would likely seem insensitive
i think newt's been fairly consistent in his views on poverty, which we can trace back to his seminal 'contract with america' in the '80s
but again, i could be wrong...

Newt: I'm Not Racially Insensitive

Diogenes says...


you may be right, though i do try my best to see the 'big picture' re looking at things in a broader perspective... you could even say that that's one of my hobbies

forgive me if i don't (probably can't) take up your challenge on providing the asked-for video... though i'll happily buy the rounds myself

i think the media (including youtube, et al) is inherently sensationalist, and as such, gravitates to coverage of what's wrong with the message rather than the basis of the message itself

perhaps this seeming focus on the plight of minorities stems from the basic statistics we have: iirc, there are more whites at or under the poverty level than all minorities combined... yet as a % of total population, they are outnumbered by both hispanics and and african-americans - more sadly (yet perhaps more indicative of newt's focus), is the fact that african-americans outnumber hispanic citizens, yet as a % of total population, the former has more people at or under the poverty line

now, you could take my recitation of those statistics as being 'racist' even though i don't think i am and also don't have a dog in this race

so perhaps newt's message is figuratively loudest where he believes the most help is needed (nation-wise)... but this focus can be skewed to seem a blatant criticism of the race of those affected

here's an 8-year-old quote from gingrich: "It is impossible to maintain civilization with 12-year-olds having babies, 15-year-olds killing each other, 17-year-olds dying of AIDS, and 18-year-olds getting diplomas they can't even read. Yet that is precisely where three generations of Washington-dominated, centralized-government, welfare-state policies have carried us."

taken broadly, many would agree and likely take no offense... but applied to a specific audience of specific ethnicity, would likely seem insensitive

i think newt's been fairly consistent in his views on poverty, which we can trace back to his seminal 'contract with america' in the '80s

but again, i could be wrong...

The Donny Clay Show with Courtney Stodden

Porksandwich says...

I've never seen a picture of her, especially her face, that would make me think she's under 28ish or so. She looks like she's heading into her 30s if she's not there already. Thinking it's the tanning.

If I saw 50 something year old marries 16-17 year old on paper, that's bad. But just based on pictures I would assume she was over half his age easily.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Teen Daredevil Narrowly Misses Train

Madeon - Pop Culture - Live mashup of various songs

Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

quantumushroom says...

Forgetting for a moment Democrat Blarney Fwank was the Architect of the Housing Collapse...

Maxine Waters charged with multiple violations by the House Ethics committee from activities starting in 2004, refused to step down, re-elected in 2010, Ethics trial to start soon.

Charlie Rangel charged with multiple violations by the House Ethics committee from activities starting in 2007, refused to step down, re-elected in 2010, ethics trial since 2010, ongoing…..

William Jefferson charged with multiple counts of corruption in 2006, refused to step down, re-elected in 2007, convicted of multiple counts of corruption in 2009

Marion Barry charged with multiple counts of drug offenses and perjury and convicted in 1990, refused to step down, jailed in 1991, re-elected in 1994, still "serving"...

And don't forget Gerry Studds!

Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were each separately censured by the House of Representatives for an inappropriate relationship with a congressional page — in Studds' case, a 1983 homosexual relationship with a 17-year-old male.

17-year old honor student pistol whips her mother for a car.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

Lawdeedaw says...

Maybe people laugh so they won't slit their own wrists? Kind of like how, in Iraq, I stood naked in a shower. Mortars flew in, and all I thought about was how cold it was, how my dick was shriveled, and how, this time, I was not going to lay down for safety.

The officer is one of two people. Someone who needs help---and badly. Just like an adict. Or someone who was always sick.

>> ^peggedbea:
i've got several. but this is the one i will share with you, because it disgusts me the most.
I worked the night shift, performing CT scans on patients out of the ER. A stab wound comes in, escorted by the police. While I'm working on the dude, the officer decides to tell me the HILARIOUS story of how this man got stabbed. He was beating his wife. severely. his 17 year old son with down's syndrome had enough and pulled out a steak knife, defended his mother and stabbed his dad. Then, he went up to his room and slit his own wrists. The jerk cop thought the image of a 17 year old with downs, stabbing his abusive father and then attempting suicide was HILARIOUS. he was doubled over laughing and calling the kid "corky" (and explained to me it's because they can't say "retard" over their radios). and impersonating him with his best "retard" voice and mannerisms.
Is this every cop? certainly, not.
I also dated a victim's assistance cop out of curiosity. I thought being a victim's rights advocate would make him more interesting. But I found out it only made him desensitized to some horrific things. Like, being in the medical field, i'm desensitized to blood, and poop, and vomit, and old people dying, body parts and stuff. it gives me a pretty raunchy sense of humor that probably makes some people uncomfortable.
but i never ever ever want to become desensitized to things like child rape.
I think that's the core of why people "don't like" a lot of cops. The job necessitates the abandonment of some socially appropriate emotions, thoughts and feelings. being raised by a cop, you are probably totally used to the attitude that many cops seem imbued with. being raised by hypersenstive people with mood disorders, burnt out hippies, trans gendered people and teenage drug addicts, i'm not used to the kind of world view one must have to be a cop. and i don't like it.
so yes, i've met cops who seem very awesome. i work out with a juvenile probation officer who i think is an amazing person. i don't think every cop is a socially inept dickbag. but i have certainly had more negative experiences with cops than positive ones. but i think it's for the most part, a world view issue. because i don't think MOST cops are abusive or anything.
though, i do think our criminal justice system is fucking broken and has fascist tendencies, i realize that's not the fault of anyone individual cop.
>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^Matthu:
>> ^lantern53:
If every police officer in this country acted this way, there would be armed revolution.
But these are two shitbirds out of hundreds of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to keep the peace and try to preserve justice.
Don't judge thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots who should be canned...or caned.
Would you like to be judged by the action of one of your co-workers?
Don't be a knee-jerk clone and try to paint all police officers by the actions of these two.

Lol... Getting so sick of hearing this bullshit copy pasta. How many videos of abusive cops need to be put up before they're considered evidence of a flawed justice system.
You're the clone, open your eyes. If police officers continue to act this way there will be an armed revolution.
And I'm not judging hundreds of thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots. I'm judging the system which creates an unacceptable amount of abusers.

I was staying out of this until I saw this comment.
Your logic is flawed.
There are ~800,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S., you get to see one bad cop in a video every once in a while. Let's say 250 of these videos come out a year, that still leaves 799750 cops that didn't make it to youtube for doing something stupid.
It's hilarious how you call the handful of us defending police officers clones because we aren't judging them all because of a handfull of idiots. And you can try to deny it all you want, but that's exactly what you're doing.
Yes, there are idiots, and yes, those idiots don't deserve to be on the force, but that doesn't justify hating everyone who wears a badge. In my entire lifespan with my dad being a cop, I've only ever known -one- "bad" cop, and the reason he was a "bad" cop was because he commit credit card fraud. All other interactions I've ever had have been more than pleasant, including the one who pulled me over because I was driving without headlights on. She found out I was driving without a license, and because I was actually polite about it and not an ass, she let me go on the grounds that I had someone come and pick me up.
Open YOUR eyes, what interactions, if ANY, have you ever had with a cop other then watching them on youtube? I'm all ears.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

peggedbea says...

i've got several. but this is the one i will share with you, because it disgusts me the most.

I worked the night shift, performing CT scans on patients out of the ER. A stab wound comes in, escorted by the police. While I'm working on the dude, the officer decides to tell me the HILARIOUS story of how this man got stabbed. He was beating his wife. severely. his 17 year old son with down's syndrome had enough and pulled out a steak knife, defended his mother and stabbed his dad. Then, he went up to his room and slit his own wrists. The jerk cop thought the image of a 17 year old with downs, stabbing his abusive father and then attempting suicide was HILARIOUS. he was doubled over laughing and calling the kid "corky" (and explained to me it's because they can't say "retard" over their radios). and impersonating him with his best "retard" voice and mannerisms.

Is this every cop? certainly, not.

I also dated a victim's assistance cop out of curiosity. I thought being a victim's rights advocate would make him more interesting. But I found out it only made him desensitized to some horrific things. Like, being in the medical field, i'm desensitized to blood, and poop, and vomit, and old people dying, body parts and stuff. it gives me a pretty raunchy sense of humor that probably makes some people uncomfortable.
but i never ever ever want to become desensitized to things like child rape.

I think that's the core of why people "don't like" a lot of cops. The job necessitates the abandonment of some socially appropriate emotions, thoughts and feelings. being raised by a cop, you are probably totally used to the attitude that many cops seem imbued with. being raised by hypersenstive people with mood disorders, burnt out hippies, trans gendered people and teenage drug addicts, i'm not used to the kind of world view one must have to be a cop. and i don't like it.

so yes, i've met cops who seem very awesome. i work out with a juvenile probation officer who i think is an amazing person. i don't think every cop is a socially inept dickbag. but i have certainly had more negative experiences with cops than positive ones. but i think it's for the most part, a world view issue. because i don't think MOST cops are abusive or anything.

though, i do think our criminal justice system is fucking broken and has fascist tendencies, i realize that's not the fault of anyone individual cop.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Matthu:
>> ^lantern53:
If every police officer in this country acted this way, there would be armed revolution.
But these are two shitbirds out of hundreds of thousands of honest cops who risk their lives to keep the peace and try to preserve justice.
Don't judge thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots who should be canned...or caned.
Would you like to be judged by the action of one of your co-workers?
Don't be a knee-jerk clone and try to paint all police officers by the actions of these two.

Lol... Getting so sick of hearing this bullshit copy pasta. How many videos of abusive cops need to be put up before they're considered evidence of a flawed justice system.
You're the clone, open your eyes. If police officers continue to act this way there will be an armed revolution.
And I'm not judging hundreds of thousands of cops on the basis of these two idiots. I'm judging the system which creates an unacceptable amount of abusers.

I was staying out of this until I saw this comment.
Your logic is flawed.
There are ~800,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S., you get to see one bad cop in a video every once in a while. Let's say 250 of these videos come out a year, that still leaves 799750 cops that didn't make it to youtube for doing something stupid.
It's hilarious how you call the handful of us defending police officers clones because we aren't judging them all because of a handfull of idiots. And you can try to deny it all you want, but that's exactly what you're doing.
Yes, there are idiots, and yes, those idiots don't deserve to be on the force, but that doesn't justify hating everyone who wears a badge. In my entire lifespan with my dad being a cop, I've only ever known -one- "bad" cop, and the reason he was a "bad" cop was because he commit credit card fraud. All other interactions I've ever had have been more than pleasant, including the one who pulled me over because I was driving without headlights on. She found out I was driving without a license, and because I was actually polite about it and not an ass, she let me go on the grounds that I had someone come and pick me up.
Open YOUR eyes, what interactions, if ANY, have you ever had with a cop other then watching them on youtube? I'm all ears.

Cop Shoots Dog In The Head While Restrained On A Leash

Opus_Moderandi says...

How can anyone who has ONLY seen this video cry "animal cruelty"? And one thing I think everyone is forgetting, as sad as it may seem and as pointless as it may seem, it's a fucking dog. It's not like they shot a baby or punched some 17 year old girl in the face. It's a fucking dog.

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