Throbbin says...

PS3 - I just got one not too long ago, and the games are excellent.

Little Big Planet - this game is great for me, my wife, and my son to all enjoy.

Graphics are amazing, and the Core processors are awesome. I also stream my downloaded videos from my desktop through my wireless network and watch them in the living room.

deputydog says...

depends on what you want from a machine.

the wii's a killer for parties but a bit gimmicky for serious gaming. i stopped playing it after a few months after the novelty wore off.

ps3's an incredible piece of kit but i don't think there are enough outstanding games being made for it, although it's improving. plus my tv's too shit to take advantage of the bluray. i'd consider getting one otherwise.

xbox360's my preferred system. great selection of games. it's cheap. it's got the best controller. xbox live is great.

having said all that, if dreamcast had been an option, i'd have clicked it.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

XBOX gets most of my attention, but they are all good systems.

XBOX and its XBL interface has pretty much defined modern console gaming. It has the most titles (both full games and downloadable), the most players and the quickest and easiest interface.

The thing I like best about the PS3 is that they are not afraid to take risks creating interesting and artsy downloadable games like Everyday Shooter and Flower. It also has a Blu ray player and a handful of good exclusives. Playstation Home (a virtual 2nd life style neighborhood) is a good idea, but they need to come up with a more interesting environment than a shopping mall. The worst thing about the PS3 is the system updates, which can take forever. They could also use more high quality exclusives.

Wii waggle is good clean, inexpensive, fun, and the system has a respectable amount of exclusives, not to mention a legendary back catalog. It's got some nice paripherals - guns, balance board, steeling wheel. It's online/multiplayer/friend interface is horrible.

Advantage Xbox

Deano says...

Tough one, I have a 360 and access to a PS3. 360 has better online and games I play alot like Halo 3 and Left 4 Dead. Also better controllers beats out the vastly better engineered PS3 hardware. The noise on the 360 is something else. I prefer Pro Evo on the PS3 for some reason. I'm still waiting for a PS3 game that really blows me away. And for blu-ray disks to come down in price.

videosiftbannedme says...

All kidding aside, I'd probably vote PS3. Huge catalog, Blu-ray, proven system (ie. no RRoD), and good hardware (as opposed to the lackluster Wii).

With all that said, the only system I own is a Wii. I prefer my gamin' on the PC.

^But I also have to go with Farhad.

NetRunner says...

I missed the part where women became game consoles. The ones I've been with couldn't be turned on and off with the push of a button, couldn't look and act completely different based on my mood, and most importantly they didn't have a joystick.

So, when comparing gaming consoles, I'd say if I were recommending someone who had to choose one, the 360 is the way to go. It has the largest/best game library, has Xbox Live, Netflix, etc.

As much as I think the PS3 is a technological marvel, there just aren't enough console exclusives to warrant recommending one. Resistance, MGS4, and Little Big Planet are stellar, but until we get God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5, I'm not sure why you wouldn't go for Xbox with Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, etc. However, if you just want a Blu-ray player with some added functionality, PS3 is definitely the way to go.

The Wii is in some other space. It's great fun for parties, but hardcore gamers have little else except Zelda and Metroid.

That said, if I have to choose between sex and the 3 videogame consoles, I pick sex.

deputydog says...

>> ^NetRunner:
I missed the part where women became game consoles. The ones I've been with couldn't be turned on and off with the push of a button, couldn't look and act completely different based on my mood, and most importantly they didn't have a joystick.

thailand. asap.

JAPR says...

I've got access to all three on a daily basis, and I can definitely agree that they're all fantastic consoles.

The 360 is perfect for FPS games, though I'd much prefer to play Street Fighter 4 on the PS3. The Wii is amazing for it's great Nintendo franchise exclusives like Zelda, Mario, and Smash Bros., but if there's a game on it that's on the other systems, you can bet it looks and plays better on said other systems.

Ultimately, if we're going to go for the most bang for your buck, it's got to be either the 360 or the Wii, since the PS3 is still lacking in enough exclusives to be really competitive (though MGS4 is GODLY). It just depends if you want more "serious" gaming or more of the classic Nintendo experience. For the overall fun factor that both new and old gamers can get out of it though, I'd have to say that the Wii is probably the "best" system in terms of both having good games, appealing to huge numbers of people (look at how its sales stack up against the other consoles), and being extremely cheap.

Now if only Nintendo would fix the Wii's terrible, terrible online playing options.

xxovercastxx says...

For all the buzz, this generation may be the most lackluster collection I've ever seen.

The 360 is just evolutionary. It's the best system only because Sony and Nintendo did so much less. All the hardware issues put a big dent in its image. It's got the strongest library but a lot of the big games on 360 are meant to be played on a PC, so you're just getting a half-assed version of the game. Halo, L4D, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dead Space, etc.

The PS3 was a departure for Sony. For the prior 2 generations they dominated the market with shoddy, obsolete hardware and slick marketing and they should have stuck with that. Instead they built an overpriced cash leech with lots of fancy new technologies that don't work well together and told their customer base to get a second job or take out a mortgage to buy one. Like the PS1 and PS2, the PS3 is impossible to program for and since it's got mediocre market share, developers can afford to skimp on it. PSN doesn't compare with Live, even when free... serious connection and throughput issues combine with hosts that kick you from the game if you're better than them to create a totally frustrating online experience. Oh yeah, and I hate Sony's little kiddie controller. It makes my hands cramp. If you're really into watching cutscenes (MGS, Final Fantasy), this is the console for you.

The Wii... obviously the most successful of the group by a longshot. When it comes to just doing business, Nintendo has been cleaning up for a while now. The Xbox and Xbox360 have yet to turn a profit and the Playstation brand has been never been profitable either. Nintendo, meanwhile, made a nice profit on the Gamecube by selling it above cost and has completely cleaned up shop with the Wii. Another thing I can appreciate is the honesty of Nintendo's product. They're not using it to manipulate people into repurchasing all of their movies or buying a Windows Media Center PC; they're just selling a gaming console. The unfortunate part of the Wii is that they never really pushed the envelope. They somehow took their "revolution" and reduced it to a cheap gimmick before the first shot was fired. If you've played WiiSports, then you've experienced 90% of what Wii has to offer.

>> ^Throbbin:
I also stream my downloaded videos from my desktop through my wireless network and watch them in the living room.

Welcome to the future. I've been doing that for 7 years now with my original Xbox. XBMC still does a better job of it than PS3 or 360.

gwiz665 says...

"Best" is such a subjective choice of word. The PS3 is by far the most powerful, the Wii is the most successful, and 360 is the most, uhm, well, it's gotta be better at something.. crashing?

That said, I prefer a PC at all times.

Shepppard says...


I used to work as customer support for microsoft up here in Canada, and I know everything about the system. I know it's problems, and how to fix them, I even know why three red lights happens.

The system has a number of problems, but unfortunately for the other consoles, it's got a whack of things that it does RIGHT, too.

The live service is stable, More-so I find then the ps3's and much better quality. The downloads and management is much cleaner, and more user friendly, in terms of games, it has more variety then the ps3 if only because it launched earlier and truth be told, I absolutely HATE the L2/R2 buttons on a Ps3 controller.

I own all 3 consoles, Ps3 is great, but I don't feel the need to rank it first because of its blue ray capabilities and web browser. Wii was a huge disappointment, I actually swallowed my pride and lined up for that thing on launch day, got it home, played red steel, and the novelty wore off almost instantly. It's great for parties or playing with my family, but not for much else.

On the whole, 360 for me, hands down.

Handhelds on the other hand.. well, that could be an even better question.

Dsi, Ds, PsP, iPhone/iTouch, or mobile phone?

DSi - Picture capabilities, DS games, Mp3 capabilities, Web browser
DS - Ds games, GBA games
PsP - PsP games, PsP movies, Able to download movies onto its SD card for free.
iStuff - Mp3 capabilities, Web browser, Games, apps
Mobile - Mobile games, Potential camera, Potential Mp3

THAT would be a much better question imo.

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Throbbin:
PS3 - I just got one not too long ago, and the games are excellent.
Little Big Planet - this game is great for me, my wife, and my son to all enjoy.
Graphics are amazing, and the Core processors are awesome. I also stream my downloaded videos from my desktop through my wireless network and watch them in the living room.


youdiejoe says...

You need to add one more selection... all of the above. I'm equally happy with all 3, I use the PS3 mainly for BluRay and Little Big Planet. XB360 is a good gaming machine with the boost of being a MS Media Center Extender, I can watch all my vids from my Windows 7 machine, nice. Wii...tons of fun with my son and great support for the gamecube games we already had.

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