burdturgler says...

Call it what you want but it is what it is. The facts are up there and they speak for themselves. Anyone who wants to defend sending pictures of dead bodies and wishes of being raped please get in line behind blankfist.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

urrrhhhm. Happy Siftiversary? ... :-(

I will hold my vote until hopefully the accused weighs in. Was this provoked, was it many rounds of continuously escalating tit-for-tat? Taken on its own - this does seem like harassment.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^when someone is provoked by something much worse? I don't know - I don't know the full story, I'm just saying there may be some context here that we're not aware of.

jonny says...

I was pretty sickened too, and considered throwing the manacles on her when I saw that vileness in recent comments earlier tonight. (Can we call it manacled, not hobbled?) I don't think this is worthy of a suspension, though. A steady stream of choggian abuse maybe, but not suspension.

In any case, usesprozac, thepinky - you two need to knock it off. You're acting like a couple of high school brats. I don't care who started what. Just drop it. Grudges aren't worth your time and energy. And the rest of us that have to read your bs in recent comments could do without it. I've got nothing personal against either of you, but I if I have to read one more hate filled comment from either of you, it will be too soon.

burdturgler says...

>> ^dag:
^when someone is provoked by something much worse? I don't know - I don't know the full story, I'm just saying there may be some context here that we're not aware of.

Well .. I don't think one person's behavior excuses another. No doubt these two have had an ongoing antagonistic relationship here. Regardless of whatever transpired between them .. this incident is harassment.

Two people arguing doesn't mean one of them gets to send images of dead babies and tell them they wish they were raped. Seriously. Wtf.

blankfist says...

I'm really not taking sides here, because I really like both burdturgler and UsesProzac a lot. I consider them both very important members of the Sift, and I, to some degree, think this is something we can all get past.

To Dag's comment just above, even if this was harassment, is that really an egregious offense worthy of a ban? And if so, is what UP said enough for a ban? This seems very pedestrian considering some of the other things we've all said to each other.

I hate that I stepped up here, because I feel to some degree burdturgler has pretty much written me off his friend list. I'd hate to see that happen. Really. I agree with most of what he says around here, and I find him to be a great friend on the internets. I hope that isn't the case.

But, fear shouldn't be a reason for silence. I simply disagree with this Siftquistion, and I stand behind my decision.

blankfist says...

^Haha! Yes. That's pretty much how I acted when I stood jury duty during a homicide trial. And, I'm happy to announce that I was pretty much the Henry Fonda character, and, boy, were people pissed in the jury. Haha! Very suiting!

All of my friends (mostly film nerds) called me Henry Fonda from Twelve Angry Men. Good show, dag. Good show. You can always count on me to be the contrarian.

EDD says...

I think burdturgler has overreacted a little bit. And the sad thing is, this poll will give the UsesProzac comment at least 50x more views than it would have normally got (around 3). And I wouldn't say it was unprovoked, there's been tension building between the two for what, months now, with both parties exchanging nasty remarks. Admittedly, this probably is stepping over the line for some. Not so for me. Time (and poll) will tell.

burdturgler says...

Alright well at least we will have established that it's ok to send people disgusting images of dead babies and to wish that they were raped. Good. That's good precedent. We will be able to exclude that from things that are considered harassment here. I wonder what fucking does it take to actually qualify?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^ I don't think that's the case at all. I for one think this could be considered harassment and a suspension could be in order. I'd just like to hear UP's side.

EDD says...

Although I'm also in disagreement with you, burdturgler, I do agree and think it's a good idea that we try and define harassment guidelines in more detail. I also think that this ought to serve as a warning for UP and if she were to pull another stunt like this I'm quite sure I'd vote for a suspension.

>> ^burdturgler:
Alright well at least we will have established that it's ok to send people disgusting images of dead babies and to wish that they were raped. Good. That's good precedent. We will be able to exclude that from things that are considered harassment here. I wonder what fucking does it take to actually qualify?

campionidelmondo says...

Well burdturgler, it's a sliding scale. UsesProzac might have offended in the traditional sense, but luckily for her, she doesn't hold any unpopular opinions like, let's say, BillOreily. He would've been banned for this so fast, it'd make your turd spin.

That's mob rule for ya.

blankfist says...

>> ^dag:

I for one think UP's silence is more than acceptable. I don't think she needs to defend herself in order for the rest of us to remain impartial. First, she didn't embed the image, instead she linked to it. That's exactly what kulpims did in my link above.

Secondly, I doubt this creates a precedent for posting dead babies. And if it did, I think we'd all love that, no? Oh wait, shit. Sorry. I'm the only one that likes dead babies? Okay, scratch that.

Thirdly, I'm glad our bromance is still on, burdturgler. I am so fucking you tonight... and I promise you can eat my abortion from my butt.

Farhad2000 says...

You are in effect calling for censorship on the website.

I disagree with that.

This is really silly, had you not seen that comment you wouldn't have started this. I don't like the idea of people monitoring what I say to others, especially in the lieu of the fact that many previous commentators have made far worse comments.

burdturgler says...

You have to take the person being harassed into consideration as well .. and if you want to actually be impartial you need to leave your own views behind. It's because of pinky's religious beliefs that this image was sent. NOW .. you don't have to share her beliefs .. but this is the very definition of harassment.

As much as I want to get into that .. I'm honestly still struck by the lethargic reaction here. Are you people so numb that images like that just don't affect you anymore? Are you honestly oblivious to how hateful and sick UP's remarks were? Do you really admire this and want it here on the sift? How can you defend it?

You think I need a new hobby Rasch? I'm starting to ask myself why I even give a shit.

burdturgler says...

Or hell .. what about my grandpa fucking your grandma in the ass? ..
how far back do you want to go? And what of it has anything to do with what is on the table here today?

which part of that makes the dead babies and "wish you were raped" ok with you?

Deano says...

I've noticed that BurdTurgler has become increasingly chippy in his comments recently. His recent PMs to UsesProzac use extremely bad language which is unnecessary, only serves to inflame matters and could make one wonder if there is a personal grudge behind calling this siftquisition beyond the offending comment.

Anyway I think this is the series of comments between UsesProzac and ThePinky.

I understand there's a history between them that I haven't followed so I don't know if UP's comments are partially in response to previous slights or insults. Taken on their own I think UP is out of order and an apology is due.

Personally I would then have a quiet word with both and try to cool things down because a ban on its own is not going to solve anything and I won't vote for one (I would have for the recently perma-banned who were complete wastes of space).

burdturgler says...

oh no shit I called her out as being an extremely gross cunt unfit for humanity .. a revolting pig and a shameful cancer of the human race .. please do siftquisition me when this is over ..

by the way that was all in response to this disgusting load of shit she spewed out tonight ..

I stand by every chippy word.

alien_concept says...

On some levels I agree with you burdy, in that that picture was disgusting and isn't something people want to see publically or otherwise. But as far as harassment, this has been between those two for a long time as ridiculous as it has become. I dont think anything said in profiles should be brought to a siftquisition unless it is one of the people involved. Profile commenting should be left well alone imo. And burdy, I agree with blankfist and rasch, your'e getting way too stressed lately. But that's not to say I think you should stop giving a shit and stop being yourself. The great thing about you is that you are balanced enough to be able to not take criticism and disagreements too personally and see them for what they are. So in effect as long as you can keep doing that then you should carry on questioning the things that piss you off. Lets not take censorship too far guys huh. Just take a few more deep breaths in the meantime sweetheart for fucks sake, none of us want you combusting

Deano says...

>> ^burdturgler:
oh no shit I called her out as being an extremely gross cunt unfit for humanity .. a revolting pig and a shameful cancer of the human race .. please do siftquisition me when this is over ..
by the way that was all in response to this disgusting load of shit she spewed out tonight ..

I have no interest in doing that but I would suggest you calm down before you type these responses. If UP/thepinky had done the same we might not be in this situation.
In terms of a desirable outcome Jonny's already said it for me.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Burdy, you are escalating your rhetoric in kind of an aggressive way. Just because you're angry that doesn't make you right (though you may be). Watch the 12 angry nerds clip, try and decide which character you're being and take a breather.

burdturgler says...

You're right. I'm done. I don't know how it became ok to send pictures of dead mutilated babies to someones profile.
ha ha here's how you broil it .. add some cheese?

I don't know why it's ok to wish someone was raped.

And I don't know how I got caught up in a group of friends who don't see anything wrong with this.

Just discard this.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Don't go away hurt Burdy. I for one think this is a very valid Siftquisition. At first reading I don't think those private profile comments were appropriate at all and barring any amazing context from UP, I'm probably going to vote for the 2 week suspension. The way I see it, a 2 week suspension from her (I hope) favorite web site is not a huge punishment and is probably a suitable action for the lameness of those harassing profile comments - which were clearly designed to cause emotional distress because of her well publicised religious beliefs

For those that voted against the suspension - does the fact that she is a pregnant lady in any way (even subconsciously) influence your vote?

Deano says...

Dag, I note that there are 10 votes so far. Should there be a minimum number cast? I'm just thinking it is perfectly possible for a ban to occur based on say one vote.
Also if in this case, as seems likely, UP is not banned where do we take it from there? Are things just left to fester? I can see another inappropriate/edgy comment being made by thepinky/UP and we'll be back here all over again.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^I think it would be highly unlikely for there to be only one vote cast. The Siftquisition lasts 72 hours and there is an automatic notice placed on the front of the site. If UP is not suspended I think we still need to be clear that this kind of commenting is not acceptable.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^This is a perfect example of how subjective "breaking the rules" can be. This one is most definitely not on me, or Lucky. The community should decide. If I were making this decision, she would be suspended, and from the looks of it 80% of the community would disagree with that ruling.

jonny says...

^ I wouldn't disagree with that ruling if you made it. I abstained because I'm against the idea of the community making it, allowing all sorts of other (possibly hidden) biases to come into it.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Campion, How have we established that democracy doesn't work? Whatever the final vote turns out to be - I think we will have established that democracy does work. I am not going to ban/suspend her.

campionidelmondo says...

No you're right dag, I just think these votes are ery biased and based on "personal" opinions, not facts. I didn't want to put any pressure on you. This is your site and if you feel that these things should be decided by vote then it should be done that way.

K0MMIE says...

I didn't click that picture because just by mousing over it I could see it said "aborted-7-month-fetus.jpg" and I didn't want to see that. Don't you guys do that? I do that out of habit. Too many goatse and tubgirls have been sprung on me I guess.

Ornthoron says...

I don't take that big an issue with the image link. As kommie says, you can choose yourself to click on the link or not. And considering thepinky's and UP's rivalry, either one should be suspicious about any links sent to them by the other.

However, wishing someone a raping crosses my line. Granted, people here post similar comments about each other all the time, but always in a humorous and transparantly ironic manner. Unless there is some clever inside joke between thepinky and UsesProzac, which I doubt, I move for a suspension based on that comment alone.

kulpims says...

I just stuck two pencils up my nose and I wear nothing but my underwear - on my head. I thought, why hold back when everyone else here seem to be fucking insane. now, excuse me while I go entertain myself...

LadyDeath says...

I do not think this a reason to ban a person we all know how the pinky started her arguments before.Yes the picture is not something everybody wants to look at it,but is not a reason to ban Ms prozac so I Vote Against ban.I think this is not something important to make a Siftquisition for usesprozac.

LadyDeath says...


And you talk about that horrible image but look at these horrible insulting comments you left to ms prozac? I never seen someone insulting another sifter this way I am speechless....Sorry but I think your words were terrible.

shuac says...

Not to get off track here but...Mormonism is ridiculous. Is there a sillier religion with a shakier foundation? Magic underwear? Jesus came to America? Multiple heavens? Oy.

As far as banning goes: no. The picture was linked not embedded. Also, the comments and the link were inside of a member's profile (a place normally only visited by the profile owner) not out in the open. Lastly, wishing rape onto someone is actually...wait for it...harmless. If I were to say I hope a fellow siftee gets cancer, do you really think he'll get it because I hoped for it? It may be an asshole thing to say but I imagine not being nice is sort of the intent. Being an asshole is not a hanging offense. IMO.

And I think there's a difference between the assholeism of rampant downvoting of someone's PQ and what's going on here. Downvoting vids affects the site as a whole. Being an asshole in a private profile affects one person. And thepinky has a pretty thick skin, I should think. Smooth, luminescent, lovely...and thick. Sorry, where was I?

If we start banning people for every little thing, then this community will become very dull indeed. It's a bad step to take, burdturgler. I hope you get cancer. Just being an...well, you know.

laura says...

Voted against a ban because I don't want to see siftquisitions being held for public judgement of someone's character.

I love the "ignore" feature.

UsesProzac says...

Before the panties get bunched any further up SiftBot's ass, I'd like to say that I was asleep when I was hobbled. Hence a delayed response. (Maybe someday I'll master surfing the internet while asleep and lo, on that day, the world will be doomed.)

It's really kind of exciting and an honor to be the first one hobbled!

As many of you are aware, the spat between Pinky and I is far-reaching and long and drawn out.

I linked to that picture because I wanted to find an abortion picture that was on a religious site, where, presumably, religious types go to bask in the glow of images of dead babies. The irony? of it amused me. [Especially the fact that religious sites are the first ones that pop up in Google. What does that say, really.]

And the rape thing, that's a long story. Maybe if it really happened to her, it would validate a previous unquotable argument of hers. I can't stand people who lie. [But I've said this, pretty much exactly about that situation before.]

Maybe it's hormones or maybe I normally would have been as pissed. Eh.

I was really surprised, amused and taken aback by burdturgler's response(s). I know he was a little upset last night already. If I've given him an outlet for that anger, all the better. Don't hold it in. Let it explode into everyone's faces.

Et cetera, et cetera. Ad nauseum.

videosiftbannedme says...

I remember catching an episode of The New Candid Camera (late 1990's) and the setup was this: they had taken over an ice cream shop and put a sign on the register apologizing for not being able to give change. Then someone would come in, order two cones, hand them $5 and Allen Funt, Jr. would put the money in the till, shut the drawer and wait. As you can all see where this is going, people wanted their change and he kindly explained that they don't give change. And of course people were getting upset.

All except one guy.

He comes in, pays for his cone, doesn't get his money back and stands there calmly eating his cone. Funt Jr., not seeing any reaction, tries to assuage the guy by explaining that they don't give change. "Cool..." the guys says. Funt Jr. tries again to provoke a reaction. Nothing. So finally he breaks down, admits to the guy that it's Candid Camera, they caught him, yuk yuk yuk, etc. Intrested, Funt Jr. pursues the guy in his questioning, asking why he didn't get upset. And to this day, I'll never forget what the customer's answer was:

"Yeah, I don't let stuff like that rent space in my head." Fucking brilliant. Because that's what stuff like this does. It just rents space in your head. Until the next thing comes along.

Be smarter than the drama. Leave it on the stage where it belongs.

Kevlar says...

Whatever explanations and statements may come from UP and/or thepinky, this - every part of this situation, including the siftquisition - is ugly. I'm abstaining because I don't know where the hell you would even begin to draw the line with the discussion and statements that I've read from both sides, and nor am I certain that this personal dispute should be publicly policed.

UP, you're a hell of a sifter and I appreciate your contributions. thepinky, I said to you once in the early days that your opinion, while often contrary to the majority, was a worthy and interesting stir into the conversation. I may not agree with some of the things you say, and there have been times where I've been frustrated by occasional comments that resemble more trolling than contribution, but you should have the same reasonable expectation to make your opinion known as everyone else. Burd, you've been all over the sift, man. It's tough to find the time to list everyone's additions to this little community.

So what is going on here? Just three strong personalities with viewpoints so divergent as to never stop fighting? Is there a *reset button on this thing somewhere that I can hit? Can we all agree to take ten minutes outside and consider the scope of this in relation to, y'know, the world and life at large?

Whatever happens, I'm most tired of losing good people - and for one reason or another that's everyone in the party. Here's to cooler heads prevailing all throughout.

gwiz665 says...

This is a frivolous attack and a waste of everyones time. You yourself could be siftquisitioned for your "personal attacks" directed at UP.

The picture was, I assume, disgusting (I have more sense than to click anything that says "aborted fetus"), but that in itself is not a bannable offense. These two have been going at it for months, so you'd think that they could just figure out to use the ignore button. If not, then so be it.

I don't think a siftquisition is the right way to handle a thing like this. A simple "What were you thinking?" PM ought to suffice.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^jonny:
I was pretty sickened too, and considered throwing the manacles on her when I saw that vileness in recent comments earlier tonight. (Can we call it manacled, not hobbled?) I don't think this is worthy of a suspension, though. A steady stream of choggian abuse maybe, but not suspension.
In any case, usesprozac, thepinky - you two need to knock it off. You're acting like a couple of high school brats. I don't care who started what. Just drop it. Grudges aren't worth your time and energy. And the rest of us that have to read your bs in recent comments could do without it. I've got nothing personal against either of you, but I if I have to read one more hate filled comment from either of you, it will be too soon.


peggedbea says...

im not interested in what 2 people message to eachother for months on end. they both obviously get some sort of satisfaction/gratification out of it. if they didnt, they could just ignore. if one of them decided to be a raging cunt to multiple members in multiple forums, well then maybe... but no, they obviously like whatever sick hostile dynamic they have going on. carry on ladies, carry on.

peggedbea says...

with my first pregnancyy, i decided that i totally hated this old fleshy cunt at my job. i spent 9 months doing and saying completely out of character retarded bitch things all over her. i dont know why, i guess i picked her as my target for hormone and tension release..... i learned yoga and coping skills for the next pregnancy.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

After hearing UP's explanation - I'm voting for a 2 weeek ban. Because at the very least a breather is called for - and it's not alright to abuse in a private profile.

Although I disagree with thepinky on just about everything - she deserves to be treated humanely.

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
I remember catching an episode of The New Candid Camera (late 1990's) and the setup was this: they had taken over an ice cream shop and put a sign on the register apologizing for not being able to give change. Then someone would come in, order two cones, hand them $5 and Allen Funt, Jr. would put the money in the till, shut the drawer and wait. As you can all see where this is going, people wanted their change and he kindly explained that they don't give change. And of course people were getting upset.
All except one guy.
He comes in, pays for his cone, doesn't get his money back and stands there calmly eating his cone. Funt Jr., not seeing any reaction, tries to assuage the guy by explaining that they don't give change. "Cool..." the guys says. Funt Jr. tries again to provoke a reaction. Nothing. So finally he breaks down, admits to the guy that it's Candid Camera, they caught him, yuk yuk yuk, etc. Intrested, Funt Jr. pursues the guy in his questioning, asking why he didn't get upset. And to this day, I'll never forget what the customer's answer was:
"Yeah, I don't let stuff like that rent space in my head." Fucking brilliant. Because that's what stuff like this does. It just rents space in your head. Until the next thing comes along.
Be smarter than the drama. Leave it on the stage where it belongs.

Don't let the amygdala rule your mind. It will make bad decisions for you. What you first feel in reaction to something is not always the right feeling, step out of yourself, and so as to make better decisions.

spoco2 says...

All of this and NO ONE has asked thepinky what she thinks?

I've not seen her weigh in one bit, SURELY a siftquisition should only be started if the person having the comments directed to them actually has an issue with it?

I mean really... this is ridiculous.

I'm voting for no ban because this was started via a third party taking offense at what two grown people were saying to each other. Until one of the people involved has an issue, then I would say 'stay the f*ck out of their business'.

And maybe don't have profile comments be part of the main stream that people see? It would seem to be fairly stupid to have that be part of the site in the first place. Only things posted on videos and sift talks should really be part of that discussion stream.

So, no ban because this is becoming like a friggen religious parents group cracking down on kids swearing at each other, when neither of the kids had any issue with it.

If thepinky wants to take issue with it and provide proof that she didn't say things of similar venom towards UP and that she's being unfairly victimized, then sure you might have grounds for some sort of action... but not here, this is ridiculous.

spoco2 says...

And bloody hell burdturgler, how does it help anything when you decide to go apeshit at UP and send vile comments to her? Really, you've lost any sort of high ground you might have had.

Maybe you need to go away from the interwebs for a little bit and chill.

If UP was directing that at YOU, then maybe YOU have the right to be horrendously offended, but when two people are talking amongst themselves, DO NOT think that you have the right to dictate how they are allowed to address each other, that's between them and no one else.

REALLY think you need to remove profile comments from the discussion feed guys, this probably would never happen if that were the case.

spoco2 says...

Look, for pete's sake, THIS is thepinky's reply to that very comment to UP, SHE handled it perfectly well and didn't run away crying and getting all flustered.

You could keep trying to offend and provoke me if you want, but I should tell you that it's getting pretty ridiculous. I didn't mean to offend you in the WalMart thread and I apologize if I did. I went back to figure out what I did to make you so mad, and now I can see how my reply to your comment could have offended you. When I said that I'm sorry your paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle is depressing, I was making the point that although your paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle is depressing, not everyone's is. Your username is UsesProzac and you had just told everyone that your lifestyle is depressing, so I guess I assumed you wouldn't be offended by my comment. Again, I'm sorry. I'll try to remember how sensitive you are in the future. However, I didn't ask for the personal attacks and they are unacceptable. You're either too touchy or you want to try and make my life miserable. Either way, if you have a problem with me I would love for you to inform me of your concerns or of the offenses I have committed without all of the nastiness and immaturity. I have been guilty of this in the past, but for a while now I've been trying to do better and to move on because I am really, really done dealing with you.

See... THAT's how this is handled, they talk it out...


volumptuous says...

Unless ThePinky is the one to complain, this siftquisition is 100% Bullshit, and burdturg should be temp-banned for this highschool hissy-fit.

The fact that you are using a conversation between two people, neither of which is you, to call this siftquisition is censorship.

THIS is a textbook example of why the hobbling concept is ridiculous.

thinker247 says...

Vote against banning:

1. Conversations involving two persons should not be interfered with by a third party, unless said third party is brought into said conversation.

2. Any person using the Internet should know that anything can be placed behind a link. Thus, clicking on said link absolves the poster of any liability, or "clicker beware." This rule is not limited, as all users, including third parties, should know better.

volumptuous says...

>> ^dag:
After hearing UP's explanation - I'm voting for a 2 weeek ban. Because at the very least a breather is called for - and it's not alright to abuse in a private profile.
Although I disagree with thepinky on just about everything - she deserves to be treated humanely.

If the qualifier here is rude comments in a private profile, then you should start a siftquisition against Burd for what he's left in UP's profile.

Unless "stupid fucking disgusting revolting cunt" isn't rude.

jonny says...

The comments under discussion here are public, not private, despite having been left on thepinky's profile. I and many others visit the "Recent Comments" page as much or more than any other page on the site. Last night, I happened to be tracking multiple discussions that way. And so I and others were forced to see the final blows between them unfold.

When I saw UsesProzac's comment, I was repulsed, even before clicking on the image link. Yes, I saw what the filename was in my status bar, but I clicked anyway because I half expected it to be something humorous - foolish me. But even leaving the image aside, much of the rest of the comment was a clear violation of the commenting guidelines. That UsesProzac would be unlikely to be able to carry out such a threat is irrelevant - the threat of physical violence is there nonetheless. I'm not going to play semantic games defining "wish", "will", etc. The intent of the comment is clear.

No doubt many people have written some pretty nasty things around here, myself included. Generally, though, such outbursts are followed by a redaction, an apology, or at least some admission that it was out of line (and possibly alcohol inspired). That's why I thought calling for this Siftquistion last night was hasty. Now that UsesProzac has responded and shown zero remorse for such statements, even defends them, I am inclined to change my vote. And I never vote for bans.

On the more general theme about free speech and monitoring of peoples' comments. Free speech has limits. You are not free to threaten others with physical violence, or try to intimidate and harass them. And if you don't want your comments monitored, what are you doing posting comments on a public internet forum? Seriously, monitoring others' comments is the only mechanism for keeping track of ongoing discussions.

When I first joined VS, calling someone out like this in public was pretty seriously frowned upon. It now seems encouraged. This is a very bad trend that will only lead to more strife. I think campion was right dag - this is the sort of thing that could be handled far more effectively with a little, you guessed it, authoritarianism. It's a great experiment you've got going here, but if you let it get out of control, the experiment will fail (cf. Stanford Prison experiment).

jonny says...

>> ^spoco2:
you need to remove profile comments from the discussion feed

My gut reaction to that suggestion is absolutely yes. But there might be unintended consequences. I'll have to think that one over - but for right now - yes, do it.

jonny says...

The problem with looking at this situation as nothing more than two people going at it is that this is a public internet site. The comments were not private. The quality of commenting here is one of the things VideoSift touts more than any other. That is completely undermined by such personal attacks.

joedirt says...

This is so retarded. Two people responding back and forth on their profile page? And burdturgler gets all upset.

Um, if someone is "harassing" you then just ignore them and don't respond to their comments. If thepinky brought this up at a Siftquistion, then ok. But this is the height of stupidity.

OMG, how about you don't click links you don't trust. It's like internet 101.

I get abuse all the time from internet tough guys, or is it shocking images that cross a line?

spoco2 says...

>> ^jonny:
The problem with looking at this situation as nothing more than two people going at it is that this is a public internet site. The comments were not private. The quality of commenting here is one of the things VideoSift touts more than any other. That is completely undermined by such personal attacks.

Yes, but if the profile comments were not part of the common 'discussions' feed, then people would have to actively go to one of their profiles to read any of it, and quite frankly trying to censor what people can and can't write on their profiles, or people that they are talking to is ridiculous. It's not like thepinky couldn't have deleted the post if she disliked it that much anyway, you have that control over your own profile.

Plus, read thepinky's reply, she handled this way better than any of you who are getting up in arms, and quite frankly this is about the worst thing I've seen happen on the sift in my eyes... this nanny state, holier than though attitude and intervening in things that don't concern you is really concerning.

NetRunner says...

I voted no, but it was not a clear choice for me.

We're not talking about a permaban, we're talking about a temporary suspension. I personally think that individualized hatred is more ban-worthy than using the gay channel invocation inappropriately, or discarding a probie's video with -2 votes but hey, I'm clearly in the minority on that.

It's mutual, which is a mitigating factor, it was semi-private, which is also a mitigating factor. I agree with laura's comment that Siftquisitions are not meant to judge people's character, but I also think in a place where all we have are our words, pictures, and videos there should be reasonable boundaries on using them to hurt other people, and this looks like a transgression to me.

That said, the public disapproval of the soul-sucking pointless fighting should be sufficient for the time being, though the two of you should just ignore each other or find some way to settle your differences.

Personally, I suggest settling it with a mud wrestling match, and let burd sift the video of it, but anything that gets this to stop is cool with me.

imstellar28 says...

I think that if you initiate a siftquisition, and it fails, then you should receive the punishment you attempted to lay on the person you falsely accused.

Otherwise, stuff like this is going to be popping up left and right.

thepinky says...

Wow! This is a surprise.

As much as I would like to have an UP-free Sift for two weeks, I don't think that this should have become a public discussion and I am abstaining.

Now let me say this. I am used to UP. I didn't even click on the link and I still haven't.

Now, I want to defend myself a little bit now because people seem to think that my relationship with UP has been tit for tat. I hope that no one ever thinks that I have or ever would make a comment like that. That kind of nastiness was not provoked by me. We have argued, but take the meanest thing I have ever said to her and it is not even nearly that bad. She likes to use whatever tools she can get her hands on to hurt me as much as possible. This in nothing new.

But I digress. UsesProzac may not be a troll in general, but she has been my personal troll since the day that Deedub81 decided to have a public discussion of UP's tendency to downvote nearly all of my comments. That is why I don't feel very friendly toward this particular thread. I can't seem to stay out of the limelight and it never does me any good.

I don't need protection from the Big Bad UP.

This next part won't be very popular, but I want to say it. This is not completely UP's fault. Mostly, but not completely. Let me tell you why. I am a passionate person, but if I want to survive here I cannot be direct in my opinions, sarcastic, or poignant. We Sifters have the right to say whatever we want, however we want, as long as we agree with the majority. That is why some of us can't be part of the club. It's too bad because I enjoyed the site for a while. I am not asking for pity. I am not free of blame. I say this because I hope that you realize how biased and hostile this environment is for people who disagree. As nasty as UP has been, she receives a fair amount of indirect encouragement from the community. If you want to help, try to be more friendly.

gwiz665 says...

Who will be the next protector of the fragile thepinky? Will it be dystopianfuturetoday? Rasch187? Zombie-Choggie? The 1984 Denver Broncos?

When asked for comment thepinky said: "I don't know anything about that... but I do love little kittens"

Find out on next week's Scandalmakers - where things happen!

oxdottir says...

Profiles are either public or private. These comments were all public, and as such, we were all subject to the abuse. If they had been private, I would have left it up to Pinky if this was objectionable. As it is, it was public, and I don't think that kind of behavior is ever acceptable as a public statement in a supposedly civil community like this.

And I think all this whining at burdturgler is annoying.

jonny says...

>> ^thepinky:
I don't think that this should have become a public discussion

It became public as soon as you each decided not to use the 'private' checkbox. I don't think anyone is equating the nature of your comments. As far as I'm concerned though, you were both willing participants in activity that is ultimately detrimental to the site as a whole, and neither of you seems willing to recognize that.

>> ^spoco2:
if the profile comments were not part of the common 'discussions' feed, then people would have to actively go to one of their profiles to read any of it

Absolutely. And I haven't thought of any reason not to implement that. But in the current context, it's also completely irrelevant.

trying to censor what people can and can't write on their profiles, or people that they are talking to is ridiculous.

I don't want anyone censored. I do want people to understand that their words have consequences, and that those consequences may go well beyond themselves and their intended audience.

thepinky says...

There is a difference between anyone being able to read the comments and a siftquisition with a million comments on it. And to be honest I've never spent any time in "recent comments" and I thought you had to go to a profile to see the comments made on it. Now I know.

I recognize that I was a willing participant in activity that is ultimately detrimental to the site as a whole.

Have you ever had someone insult you and provoke you like this, jonny? I admire you for ignoring it if you did. It's pretty hard to ignore, but I'm going to try harder.

UsesProzac says...

Yeah, try harder. If you hadn't approached Deedub81 that day about "Oh my gosh, who is downvoting my comments!", this would never have happened.

I have no remorse concerning anything I've ever said to you. I can honestly say that I wouldn't pull you from the path of an oncoming bus.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's pretty inhumane and repulsive. I'm glad I voted the way I did.

>> ^UsesProzac:
Yeah, try harder. If you hadn't approached Deedub81 that day about "Oh my gosh, who is downvoting my comments!", this would never have happened.
I have no remorse concerning anything I've ever said to you. I can honestly say that I wouldn't pull you from the path of an oncoming bus.

vairetube says...

these are both chicks so this is unfortunately | HOT |

BT used the C word

Comparison of words used and response:


your mother
you look fat.
better if you were really raped.
aborted fetus

stupid fucking cunt fuck piece of shit piece of shit.
fucking fucking fucking pig.
you are fucking done fucking scum.


comment by UsesProzac:
Aww. What's worse to joke about, then? Abortions or child molestation?

^ - lets just call it even there!

deputydog says...

fuck, this is pathetic. i remember when people used to come here to watch and chat about videos. dag, bring back the old layout. maybe its innocence will rub off on some people.

is it possible to commence a 'Siftquisition of the Siftquisition Process'?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well, the way I see it - and I admit I could be completely wrong here - all communities need some drama - it's the forge that defines local rituals and customs.

By confining our drama to Sift Talk we're siphoning all of the dramatic vapours into an area that does not interfere with the main "work" of the village.

Just like there are some areas of town people might want to avoid - so are there places on VideoSift where the hard working proletariat return from their day jobs to drink, fight and fuck until the morning whistle blows again.

Nice place to visit ... while the sun is still up.

rasch187 says...

So tired, tired of all this drama
You go your way and I'll go my way
(No more, no more)
I need to be free
I'm so tired, tired, tired from all this drama

Broken heart again
Another lesson learned
Better know your friends
Or else you will get burned
Gotta count on me
Cause I can guarantee
That I'll be fine

(No more pain), No more pain
(No more pain), No more pain
(No drama), No more drama in my life
(No more in my life)
No one's gonna make me hurt again

Why'd I play the fool
Go through ups and downs
Knowing all the time
You wouldn't be around
Or maybe I like the stress
Cause I was young and restless
But that was long ago
I don't wanna cry no more

(No more pain), No more pain, no more pain
(No more games), No more games
Messin' with my mind
(No drama), No more drama in my life
(No more in my life)
No one's gonna make me hurt again, no more
(No more tears)
No more tears, I'm tired of crying every night
(No more fears)
No more fears, I really don't wanna fight
(No drama), No more drama in my life
I don't ever wanna hurt again
Wanna speak my mind, I wanna speak my mind
Go 'head

Ooh, It feels so good
When you let go of all the drama in your life
Now you're free from all the pain
Free from all the games
Free from all the pain
Free from all the stress
So find your happiness
I don't know
Only God knows where the story ends for me
But I know where the story begins
It's up to us to choose
Whether we win or loose
And I choose to win

(No more pain)
No more pain, no more pain, tired of hurting
(No more games)
Tired of your playin' games with my mind
(No drama), No more drama in my life
(No more in my life)
No more, no more, no more
No more, no more, no more
(No more tears)
No more tears, no more crying every night
(No more fears)
No more waking be up in the morning with your disturbing phone calls
(No drama), Leave me alone, go ahead
(No more in my life)

(No more pain), No more, I'm tired
(No more game)
No more games, I'm tired, I'm so tired
(No drama), No more, no more
(No more in my life)
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

(No more drama)
I'm tired of all the drama
(No more drama)
Go 'head, go 'head
(No more drama)
Your demons gettin' out of my face
Goin' out my life
(No more drama)
I'm about to lose my mind
Lord help me, help me sing

No more drama...

Oh help me sing
I need a piece of mind
A piece of mind, piece of mind
Well, I need
I need to know that you agree
oh no, oh no
No more, no more, no more drama
No more drama in my, in my life

So tired, I'm so tired
So tired, tired of all this drama
Go ahead with all your drama

joedirt says...

I agree that burdturgler should have to suffer some punishment for bring a failed case here. Even the participants in this "offense" don't care about a Siftquisition. I can't believe someone trolling another persons profile page can get this involved.

I agree with the above that the accusor should suffer the penalty when there is a failed vote, otherwise this stuff will never end.

LadyDeath says...

♥ LadyDeath's Tip Of The Day: ♥

Please use the IGNORE comment option just like I did to some people who tried to ruin some of my videos here with nonsense and nearly irrelevant comments.That is the solution to all THIS!

So Game Over... ☠

lucky760 says...

UsesProzac has definitely said and continues to say some pretty... vile things to thepinky. After reading everything in this thread, here's why I'm voting how I'm voting and some personal feelings about the situation.

While I am truly appalled at some of her statements, what I feel most is sorry that UP is so full of uncontrollable anger for thepinky and glad for thepinky that she is able to maintain her composure and slough off UP's worse than disconcerting comments.

Sure thepinky has differing opinions than most Sifters, but she's more than welcome to share them here and she, like all other members, shouldn't be the target of never-ending insults for them. Despite UP's apparently constant, disgusting remarks, thepinky is the recipient of her barrage and she is comfortable handling it herself.

As stated in the abuse guidelines: Harassment or personal attacks in any form are forbidden

In this situation, thepinky apparently doesn't feel harassed or the victim of a personal attack. If she'd have felt otherwise or that intervention was necessary, I'd vote differently, but since she explicitly stated she doesn't "need protection from the Big Bad UP," I don't think it should be forced upon her. So I'm voting no.

If thepinky hadn't responded at all I probably would have voted yes, but for any type of situation where profile comments are the alleged offense, I think the feelings of the supposed victim have to be the divining rod that guides our course of action. Since she felt there was no need for this to be brought to the attention of the community, a Siftquisition probably shouldn't have been called to begin with.

As a side note, I don't think a temp-ban would help the situation. I don't think UP will be able to contain her ferocity until either she is perm-banned or thepinky can't take it anymore and quits the Sift. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that we don't have to see either of those things come to fruition.

LittleRed says...

Lucky - Ever gone through a sexual harassment training? One of the things they focus on is that the comments don't have to be directed at you for you to be uncomfortable with them. If I overheard two people telling sexual jokes, or something sexual I was offended by, I have just as much right as one of them to report sexual harassment - because I feel harassed. How is this any different? It's pretty obvious Burdturgler isn't the only one that feels harassed by UP's heinous comments.

>>As a side note, I don't think a temp-ban would help the situation. I don't think UP will be able to contain her ferocity until either she is perm-banned or thepinky can't take it anymore and quits the Sift. I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that we don't have to see either of those things come to fruition.

I've noticed that no one cares, but the reason I haven't been around for the last two months is because of UP and EDD. I'm appalled that the opinion toward members who were formerly charter is so much different than regular, peon members. She has a history of harassing - and not just thepinky. Everyone's just slapped her on the wrist, laughed, or turned their head. How is her behavior different than invocation of the gay channel just to bother and irritate others? She sends nasty pictures and says rude things to bother and irritate others - probably in an attempt to drive thepinky off.

UP is offensive. She's been harassing other members for months. Now she's stepped way over the line. If it was anyone else, would it have been okay? If I had sent EDD nasty comments and mutilated photos, I guarantee other people would be up in arms. I don't see how this situation is any different. Take out the names and just consider the histories. This is clearly harassment.

And just because thepinky said she doesn't need protection doesn't mean she appreciates the comments from UP, or her presence here. It means she doesn't want to cause another scene.

xxovercastxx says...

I voted for the suspension though, on further contemplation, I wish I had abstained. While I find the behavior in question extremely childish, if pinky isn't bothered then I don't feel I should care.

I do wish a clear message would be sent that this is unacceptable behavior here. Lots of us have been targeted in this manner, though probably not with quite so much venom and I, for one, am sick of it.

There was no chance of UP being suspended, though, because she's fairly popular around here. On the other hand many people hold a grudge against pinky for the controversies she stirred up when she first arrived, her unpopular opinions or just for being conservative. If the roles were reversed, I bet there'd be a lot more yea votes.

I would sure like to see VS make a move to be more fair to everyone rather than just catering to the majority. The new SQ system will only help insure that only people with the same views and opinions are welcome here.

lucky760 says...

The problem is, littlered, that you're comparing real life to Internet life. If you read two members sending sexual jokes back and forth to each other on their own profiles and you happened to read them and felt harassed, does that mean they should be banned for sexually harassing you? (If that's the case, some serious pipe-hitting motherfuckers should have gone medieval on blankfist's ass long ago.)

I didn't cast my vote based on who is involved in this situation. I voted very objectively and primarily based on the "victim's" feelings about the alleged offense.

If the offender has been attacking people for months, it's been kept a secret from me because I've never heard about it before now. If her past harassment was detailed as part of this SQ the results would likely have been different. (Do you have links to her past offenses?)

And if EDD has also been harassing people, I also haven't heard about that. I wonder if this harassment that you think no one cares about might be because no one else feels harassed by it? Why hasn't anyone else mentioned it before now? (Or maybe they have and I just haven't heard?)

I'm no mind reader. If someone says their situation should not be a public discussion and they don't need any assistance, I take their word for it. I'm not one to reinterpret someone's sentiments and project my own translation onto them. If someone insists they haven't been victimized, we can't force the victim role onto them because we have a personal opinion about the alleged offender.

Perhaps you need to take all the names out of it and just look at this specific situation objectively because it sounds like your preexisting disdain for UP is what's fueling your passion to see her punished, rather than considering just the circumstances at hand.

And please don't get me wrong. I'm not sitting here trying to defend UP, just my reasons for voting no. It may very well be that she deserves to be banned (either temporarily or permanently) for other reasons, but it seems that she shouldn't just for her comment to thepinky.

Fjnbk says...

>> ^UsesProzac:
Yeah, try harder. If you hadn't approached Deedub81 that day about "Oh my gosh, who is downvoting my comments!", this would never have happened.
I have no remorse concerning anything I've ever said to you. I can honestly say that I wouldn't pull you from the path of an oncoming bus.

>> ^UsesProzac:
It's really kind of exciting and an honor to be the first one hobbled!

Seriously, after UsesProzac's behavior on this thread, how come there aren't more ban votes? She is not at all sorry for her abuse and is even proud of causing all this trouble, and now she's essentially saying that thepinky should die. If you argued earlier that this doesn't matter because it's not on public threads, then that argument is moot now that UsesProzac has brought her vitriol into a public discussion.

thepinky may not want UsesProzac to be punished, but UP's behavior violates the Abuse Guidelines in the FAQ. Even if thepinky is fine with it, a significant amount of other users are not. Unless you are willing to defend UP's actual original comment, you can't seriously argue that she wasn't harassing or at the very least intending to harass thepinky.

Too many are focusing on burdturgler. Sure, he completely bungled his argument and ruined his own credibility with his own personal attacks, but that doesn't excuse UP's behavior.

swampgirl says...

I skipped to the end and voted no. I'm not wasting my eyeballs over a debate over someone losing their temper and saying something naughty. Don't we have the "ignore" button? There is also "delete" too.

So there aren't so many Siftquisitions going on huh Dag?

edit: ok, I skimmed it since I saw Volumptuous' post for BT. Just use that ignore button then

Sketch says...

Nah, the democracy of it is working just fine. And I for one am kind of enjoying the soap opera. What a time for me to finally actually look in Sift Talk!

Isn't this a video sharing site? I must have taken a wrong turn.

thepinky says...

People are putting words into my mouth. Did I say I don't care? I do care. I wish that UsesProzac and people like her would disappear from VideoSift forever. I would love this community if it weren't for the UPs of the world. I abstained because, like LittleRed said, I didn't want to cause a scene.

I can verify LittleRed's comments. I am not the first person to be harrassed by UP, and I doubt I'll be the last. But heck, do what you want. You can see for yourself that she doesn't care. And now she hates me even more, if that's possible.

However, I'm feeling better about this thread now. I admit that when I read UsesProzac's comments here, I felt relieved. It's very satisfying to see her acting like herself for the whole world to see. She shows no remorse and she takes no prisoners, and she probably still thinks this is completely my fault and that I deserved the harrassment. Well, I did act badly and I'm sorry for not ignoring her a LONG time ago. Now that you all know how spiteful she is, I feel much better. *catharsis*

LittleRed says...

@lucky -

My pre-existing disdain? Have you not kept up with any of the drama UP has caused here? She called me all kinds of nasty names. She still has kept up her asinine "LittleRed doesn't know how to read" campaign, and apparently has brought it up in recent comments to thepinky. My "pre-existing disdain" is well-grounded. If there were members calling you a cunt on this site, I guarantee you would think less of them, too.

Go through the comment history between thepinky and UP. Go through UP's old blog entries. There were two completely dedicated to how she thought thepinky should die, or similar. UP has left comments consisting of nothing but "See you next Tuesday," and people think it's funny because thepinky has some opinions that aren't exactly popular, and may not have voiced them in the best manner possible.

UP routinely went through comments of other users, and, knowing she would get in trouble for targeted downvoting, she flagged every comment as spam instead. Attention was brought to it in ST. Nothing happened. Never once has she been reprimanded for being everything she claims thepinky is. This obviously isn't a problem of pregnancy hormones, because this has been going on for months. Since last summer, I believe.

I could say more, but it's pretty obvious that UP's clique has spoken. I'm wasting my time here. So much for being a decent place to hang out, let alone anyone's favorite site. The Sift has turned into a discriminatory, hate-filled place. I was gone for a month on vacation and came back to rude comments about me that were completely unprovoked. Now you can't even slap someone on the wrist for harassing another member repeatedly, even in a public forum. It's not limited to profile comments anymore and you still can't see that she's in the wrong.

There's nothing to win - I guess I'll just leave this be.

lucky760 says...

Yes, littlered, I honestly have really not kept up with what's been going on in the life of UP. I had no idea the extent of her viciousness or comment history.

Clearly I overlooked her comment above about not being sorry and letting thepinky get killed by a bus. And now that thepinky has clarified her feelings, I definitely feel I should have voted yes.

deedub81 says...

Banning her for 2 weeks is like a slap on the wrist. She deserves that and more, in my opinion. She's treated me the same at times (using personal attacks rather than sticking to the issues being debated). I even attempted to extend an olive branch to her on a certain social networking site and she used it as an opportunity to insult me even more personally. No biggie for me, I just ignored her... until now.

I don't have a lot in common with many people on the sift, but I appreciate everyone's opinions and civility. That's why I stick around.

In my experience UP is vulgar, offensive, and generally an all-around negative user. It should be very obvious to everyone that her motives for posting comments directed toward thepinky (and others) are malicious, mean-spirited, and spiteful ON PURPOSE. This is not an isolated instance of a lost temper.

In any case, I think she needs more prozac.

I agree that it's her right to disagree (and even get a little nasty at times), but if she hasn't yet crossed the line I'd like to know where it is. At what point has it gone to far?

>> ^gwiz665:

When asked for comment thepinky said: "I don't know anything about that... but I do love little kittens"


Ryjkyj says...

I think THE LINE is personal threats or spamming.

If someone you don't like sends you a picture, don't look at it. If they send it 200 times, talk to an admin. If they say, "this is a picture of what I'm going to do to your baby" then call the police.

thepinky says...

Yes! There are lines and they have been crossed! I want her head on a platter! I demand a *revote!!!

Just kidding.

I have an idea for an experiment. I should create a mule account on my school campus and act like a Christian, anti-porn, pro-life version of UsesProzac and see how long it takes me to get banned. That sounds like good times. No, I wouldn't really do it. Don't get angry.

And I do love little kittens.

alien_concept says...

I think we need to settle down. You know, as much as people dont realise it, this kind of thing is good for the community. Everyone is getting to have their say and whether it's going a certain way or not, we can all at least see what stance we take on these kind of things.

Pinkers is taking the high ground, LittleRed is making some certain fair points, burdturglar has taken a step outside for some air, prozac has refused to back down and is practically inviting a suspension, Farhad keeps moaning about this thread going on and on yet still comes back to add more, Lucky has changed his mind with new evidence brought to light, volumptuous has seen it as an excuse to point and laugh at burdturglar, swampy is maintaining her, "you're all a bunch of whiners" line, dag admits we all need drama in our lives, rasch has resorted to singing Mary J at our asses, joedirty is taking his usual "you're all retarded" stance and vsbm is smokin the ganj and spreading the love. I could go on and on but I won't.

Last thing, to anyone who thinks that UP should be banned after this and that democracies like this poll clearly don't work. It may not go in your favour this time, but do you really think UP is going to get away with any inflammatory behaviour after all of this? I think not

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

>> ^rottenseed:
sigh I feel responsible for this...they're fighting over my love and affection. I'll take care of this, sorry for the troubles.

That made be laugh. (he's probably not kidding though - he inhabits a rich fantasy world- claiming even to have a girlfriend)

gwiz665 says...

Do me, do me!

>> ^alien_concept:
I think we need to settle down. You know, as much as people dont realise it, this kind of thing is good for the community. Everyone is getting to have their say and whether it's going a certain way or not, we can all at least see what stance we take on these kind of things.
Pinkers is taking the high ground, LittleRed is making some certain fair points, burdturglar has taken a step outside for some air, prozac has refused to back down and is practically inviting a suspension, Farhad keeps moaning about this thread going on and on yet still comes back to add more, Lucky has changed his mind with new evidence brought to light, volumptuous has seen it as an excuse to point and laugh at burdturglar, swampy is maintaining her, "you're all a bunch of whiners" line, dag admits we all need drama in our lives, rasch has resorted to singing Mary J at our asses, joedirty is taking his usual "you're all retarded" stance and vsbm is smokin the ganj and spreading the love. I could go on and on but I won't.
Last thing, to anyone who thinks that UP should be banned after this and that democracies like this poll clearly don't work. It may not go in your favour this time, but do you really think UP is going to get away with any inflammatory behaviour after all of this? I think not

spoco2 says...

And I think that was indeed the right decision for the charges laid, by the person who laid them.

If anyone who has been subjected to her hateful words (because, yes, this had brought to light just how incredibly hateful she is) wishes to call for her banning based on her attacks on them, I don't think anyone here would vote against that... and not a temp ban, but a permanent one.

So, don't take this result as a sign that the sift is ok with this sort of abuse of other users, take it as a sign that the charge as laid (one comment) laid by a third party who was not involved will be not taken seriously. The sift certainly does not accept the sort of abuse that she has been dishing out at all.

(I hereby step down from the podium and hand the talking stick to the next user to be able to speak on behalf of everyone... thankyou)

xxovercastxx says...

Much as I might despise the behavior, I still wouldn't support an insta-ban. I think nearly all offenders deserve a 2 week suspension before a full ban, especially in cases like this where it's not a standard infraction (like vote-sprees).

Krupo says...

It's scary how many times you can loop through the latest Yahtzee review while skimming over all these comments. Geez.

I know I haven't been sifting as often as before, so I don't recognize the interpersonal bitchfights that have broken out. People, please, do chill.

>> ^imstellar28:
If this thread isn't a case study on the failure of democracy I don't know what is.
by the way, when are we going to create a drama channel?

The main problem is that voting AFAIK opens immediately.

Lucky - there should be a hold/block on votes in Siftquistions for the first 10 or 20 hours so the arguments can be heard. *That's* where the current system is failing horribly. No need for revotes (though I have a feeling one would change things if it were held here), though I think if the original proponent hadn't gone on his own crusade this could've definitely come out differently.

>> ^dag:
Well, the way I see it - and I admit I could be completely wrong here - all communities need some drama - it's the forge that defines local rituals and customs.
By confining our drama to Sift Talk we're siphoning all of the dramatic vapours into an area that does not interfere with the main "work" of the village.
Just like there are some areas of town people might want to avoid - so are there places on VideoSift where the hard working proletariat return from their day jobs to drink, fight and fuck until the morning whistle blows again.
Nice place to visit ... while the sun is still up.

I picture dag as a rogue scientist in lab coat observing his sift-rats scurrying about now.

>> ^UsesProzac:
... the spat between Pinky and I is far-reaching ...

Between Pinky and me.

You see, you ("me") are the object the preposition "Between".

"Pinky and I had a private argument", however, would work.

Aside: if this ridiculous self indulgent wank of a siftquisition - that's what it is - is going through, then I'm going to have a completely nerdy grammar teaching moment (read: my own self indulgent wank), so at least some good can come out of this glorious waste of time.

Oh, and the so-called "Genocide Awareness Project" is whack, but please kids, don't knock each other up, but if you're just that ridiculously fecund and you can't keep it, please give the baby up for adoption rather than have an abortion.


*"kthxbye" is the pinnacle of English's advancement, shortening "All correct, Thank you, God be with you." into seven lowercase letters. Humanity is doomed. Obviously, it is used to end a conversation *fast* that you don't want to be in anymore.
Whiny bitch: Here's your hamburger. Anyway, as I was saying about how bad my life is...

Other dude: Yum, burger. kthxbye. *leaves*

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