Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4...

  (26 votes)
  (6 votes)
  (10 votes)

A total of 42 votes have been cast on this poll.

The quoting system is fairly impressive, I must say. The fact that it was retroactive was slick, too. However, it seems to break somewhat frequently, rendering comments illegible. It also has the shortcoming of not being able to reply inline or to quote multiple comments and reply to each in one comment.

I'm not sure why anyone would vote for #2, but there it is anyway.

#3 could be easily accomplished by adding CSS for blockquotes. The biggest downside would be it not being retroactive: old quotes would look like they always used to.

Disclaimer: Yes, I'm pushing my own agenda with this poll. I proposed styled blockquotes in the VS4 brainstorm thread.
burdturgler says...

Get rid of it.
Even when it works right, anything greater than two quotes takes up a ridiculous amount of space.
And it's very difficult, especially for those who don't understand the code, to trim things down in long quoted discussions.
It was fine the way it was before and this new system improves nothing.
Sorry guys, take it as a compliment, what you had was good.

Krupo says...

I manually quote when taking multiple comments into my response.

... WTF Jim and Pam are getting married and having a baby?? (Watching TV and sift at the same time... yeah).

NetRunner says...

I really like the "styled" look of quoted text, I just have a lot of complaints about the implementation.

First, I don't like that it forces quoted text to the bottom of a comment. Quoted text should appear where it is in the submit window, and if the commenter wants to move it around, they should be able to.

Second, people need to be able to quote multiple snippets of text from someone else's post, which is impossible with the current method.

Third, we need to deprecate the original quote code, otherwise we're just painting ourselves into a corner. Make a special parser for backwards compatibility for the old style (that defaults text to the location within the post it's found in!), and then create a more streamlined way of tagging quotes going forward.

Something like this would be pure awesome:

<quote user="gwiz665" src="">Too many bugs with it right now. It's annoying as hell.</quote>

Especially if you made src and user optional attributes, with a naked <quote> just putting a box around the text inside.

Fourth, we probably should alter the current style of nested quotes, and literally put the quote boxes inside one another to make it easier to work out who said what to whom. Aesthetically it'd be less attractive, but the current style is pretty much unusable past 1 level of nesting.

Sarzy says...

People keep mentioning the new quoting system being buggy, and maybe I've just been lucky but I haven't noticed any problems with it. What are some of these bugs people are talking about?

choggie says...

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!

I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"

Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

choggie says...

oh SORRY!!??, Off topic again...just passing through, trying to beat the place into having an impact for the admins.....made sense to me, fuck what people think about the shit you have to say...way of the world, get a life.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

Bull shit.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^dag:

I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

I'm testing to see if it works better now (this was posted under the quote as usual)

gwiz665 says...

And this second part was posted above.

>> ^gwiz665:

>> ^dag:
I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

I'm testing to see if it works better now (this was posted under the quote as usual)

Stormsinger says...

I wish I could tell you what activity broke the system, but I haven't actually found the pattern. I do tend to edit the quotes, to remove the nested quotes, but I'm not sure it only happens then.

What's really odd, is that even when the quote gets bugged, the -preview- of the post still looks correct. That's what makes it so frustrating...there's no way to know ahead of time if it's broken or not. It would appear that the parser for the preview pane is different than the parser used by the main page.>> ^dag:

I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

Stormsinger says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

In a short sidetrack, any idea when we can expect "ignore" to start working again? I'm getting really tired of seeing this kind of crap...

gwiz665 says...

For what it's worth, btw, to @campionidelmondo and the rest of you guys, I actually really liked the new design of quotes, I think the code is just complex and the errors a frustrating.

There is a bug when you quote someone with @ in their comment too, it replaces it with the full html code when you quote, so it screws it up, since we're not allowed to input css stuff.

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^dag:

I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

I've only had actual bugs on rare occasions until recently. Sometimes deleting the comment body and re-copying the quoted text would fix it, but it doesn't seem to be doing any good lately. I did no editing to the quoted text here or here.

It's also worth noting there are two types of problems here: bugs and undesirable features. These two examples are bugs. The fact that quotes are forced to the bottom is not a bug but an undesirable feature (at least for some of us).

Like @gwiz665 I also like the appearance of quotes. It does get a little bulky, though, even when it works right. I'm a fan of simple systems in general. The old system was simple but visually unappealing. It was fairly easy to work with, though. If you wanted to hack a quote up into pieces or put it at the top, middle or bottom of your comment, it was trivial to do so. The new one is pretty but it only works one way and if you want something else, you're SOL. Kinda like a Mac.

xxovercastxx says...

^and there's another example of quotes not rendering properly. Also, when I post a comment now, it doesn't immediately appear at the bottom of the column of comments. I have to reload the page to see it.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^dag:

I've never had a problem with the quoting. I'm wondering what happens to mess it up for people. Are you editing the tags after pressing the quote button? I'll withhold my vote till then.

I've had varied quote problems. Once, the entire body of the text was transformed into a giant link to the related video. Sometimes it shows the html. Other times it looks similar to the older VS style of quotation.

note: The quote in the body of this comment looks fine.

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

Oh, the irony.

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