Does Your Voting Depend on the Submitter?

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A total of 65 votes have been cast on this poll.

I find myself gravitating toward those submissions from people I interact with in a positive way. I am wondering if we ought to have a month of anonymous submissions to see if that would change the weekly rankings . . .

How do you vote?
Throbbin says...

I usually don't notice the submitter until after I have voted/not voted for something. Now, that said, I will go through the pqueue/sifted videos list of people I like and check them out. But generally I stick to the Unsifted/Front page, or Beggars Canyon (or VS recommendations at the bottom of video pages).

I do think alot of people view/vote based on the submitter. I've lost alot of traffic since Westygate.

kronosposeidon says...

Kind of what Throbbin said. I do my best to check out videos from everyone, and I try to go through PQ videos of almost every active member at some time or another. Still, I tend to check out more videos of people I like than people I don't like or just don't know that well. I think that's mostly because the people I tend to like here have similar tastes in videos. A notable exception to that rule is blankfist, whom I like even though he routinely posts heartless libertarian videos.

I think you may be onto something, silvercord. Sometimes I wonder if the submitter should be anonymous during a video's unsifted phase. However I don't know how to implement that without removing the "unsifted videos" link from the Navigation box on profile pages. And I kind of like that feature because, as I mentioned, I like checking out videos of members that I like. I suppose I could live without it for a month just to see how it worked. Maybe I'd like it. I don't know.

videosiftbannedme says...

My usual MO is this: I'll scan down the front page for videos that interest me, usually by a descriptive title and open them in tabs. I'll watch the ones I open, then vote or comment accordingly. (I get into a bad habit of commenting and forgetting to vote though, as some have noticed. )

Then, I'll do the same thing with Unsifted. Sometimes if I recognize the clip as either something I've seen before, or something I know I'll like, I won't even watch it and just upvote it.

Occasionally I'll go into Beggar's Canyon.

Only after I've voted, will I look at who submitted it. I don't think it's ever influenced my voting.

I've tried to go through people's pqueues, but there are so many of you and I haven't found an easy way of getting to your videos. I almost wish there was a "Watched Members" area, so I could throw you guys in there and then see what you've submitted. I suppose I could use RSS to do it, but then that means I'd have to used a separate 'reader', and I'm just too damn lazy for that.

Drax says...

When I scan what videos to watch, the submitter has nothing to do with which ones I pick. I do look at the name when the page loads up, but again it doesn't effect wether I upvote or not.

I'm a libra, I'm fair.

EDD says...

In short: my voting doesn't; my watching does. And, since there's a positive correlation for upvotes and views... well, you get the gist.


>> ^blankfist:
I vote only for videos submitted by me.

I've actually seen a couple of people like this on the sift.

gwiz665 says...

My voting is rarely affected by who has posted the video, but if it's a video I would have otherwise skipped entirely, I will check it out if it is someone I like, whether or not it gets a vote depends on the video.

I vote for videos of people I don't like too, if the videos are good.

demon_ix says...

My standard for upvoting is kinda low, so I tend to upvote most videos I watch.

After that, it comes down to getting me to actually watch it, and that depends on the title / thumbnail mostly. Occasionally I'll go through people's queues, or unsifted / top 15 randomly just to see stuff I would normally miss.

So, no. Doesn't really depend on the submitter

EndAll says...

>> ^EDD:
In short: my voting doesn't; my watching does. And, since there's a positive correlation for upvotes and views... well, you get the gist.
>> ^blankfist:
I vote only for videos submitted by me.

I've actually seen a couple of people like this on the sift.

Aye, and I've seen the same with promotes.. some people only use their power points to promote their own videos.

*cough* GQ *cough*

But hey, they're your power points.

thinker247 says...

Even if I love a video, I refuse to vote for it if it's submitted by someone I don't like, because then I'm helping them.

But luckily for me, most of the people I don't like on here have a permanent ban.

Now if we could just work on banning blankfist and his kittie porn uploads. Sick fuck.

MrFisk says...

Over time, one way or another, I've managed to offend each and every one of you. There a handful of members who regularly view, and usually, upvote my contributions. Aside from those devoted few, I'm almost certain that members don't upvote my videos simply because I submitted them. I don't mind whatsoever. Inevitably, you'll come across a video you'll find so enthralling that you'll forgive the Japanese Bug Fights series, and I'll get my upvote; you can't stop me.
I upvote heavily. Both, people I like, and people I disagree with. I find particular pleasure in upvoting the crucial 10th vote. When I see a newer member, I try to go through their pq. Sometimes, I'll even promote something of theirs. I try to be nice to the newbs, because I was treated so nicely upon my arrival, what with the Siftquisition and all. Jerks.

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