
Created: 1 decade 6 years 3 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 10 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,805

Wowie zowie! Frank Zappa, Jimmy Carl Black, Roy Estrada, Bunk Gardner, Don Preston, Jim Sherwood, Arthur D.Tripp III, Ian Underwood --------------------------------------- 1968-09-28 Grugahalle Essen, Germany ... continue reading

posted by wormwood 1 decade 2 years 3 months 2 weeks ago • 711 views • 1:18:48

Frank Zappa and the Ensemble Modern performing Zappa's compostition G Spot Tornado in 1992 and released on the album The Yellow Shark on November 2, 1993. It was recorded in concert in Frankfurt, Berlin,... continue reading

posted by chicchorea 1 decade 4 years 3 months 1 week ago • 2,159 views

Yes it's long, 54 minutes. But if you're interested in Zappa this is a must see. yt: Documentary by Roelof Kiers. About the musician Frank Zappa, who passed away in 1993. Zappa talks about his youth,... continue reading

posted by paul4dirt 1 decade 5 years 4 months 1 week ago • 2,360 views

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