Seriously Funny Sh*t
Views: 3,123
Just some videos I have found on the sift that I find particularly funny.

This lucky biker almost had a really bad day.
posted by Zifnab
A clip from the movie.
posted by theaceofclubz
Family Guy - Most Disturbing Moments Ever
posted by prisonpanda
'Cowboy' Terry Tibbs wants to buy a car.
posted by michie
This is in the "didn't see that comin'" category. From our buddy grspec.
posted by silvercord
From the recent RUSH tour. A pretty funny way to open a song.
posted by grspec

This poor guy's nuts are really itching!
posted by budzos
simlar to dotdudes but without the edits.
posted by grspec

Kevin Smith deals with a disgruntled 2007 Comic-con goer at a open mic panel.
posted by Imagoamin 1 decade 7 years 7 months 1 week ago • 4,945 viewsCarlsberg and mentos can kill you. Dont try this at home.
posted by eric3579

A leaked DVD quality copy of the intro to the much hyped ATHF movie. "If I see you videotaping this movie..." and other threats\instructions on how to politely\correctly view the movie.
posted by Krupo
And the Oscar goes to: The Prairie Dog
posted by maatc
Ed Helms and Jon Stewart talk about the taint and its effect on Washington politics. Hilarious illustration and political insight. :) The funniest video I've seen in a while.
posted by phelixian
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog reports from the red carpet at the 2007 Tony Awards.
posted by batmanuel
Great scene form Boston Legal with Denny Crane being... Denny Crane!
posted by grspec