Of Urine and Urinals
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 2 months ago
Views: 150
A grouping of videos involving urine and urinals.

This made me LOL!
posted by pumkinandstorm

"The kids today have a lot to learn about urinating in public"
posted by dingens
People keep urinating in the lobby. Here is the landlord's creative solution.
posted by EDD
You can actually buy this at ThinkGeek.com http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/superpiipii.html
posted by DigitalAlloy 1 decade 6 years 11 months 2 weeks ago • 1,360 viewsApparently it also makes for some crazy sex.
posted by MarineGunrock
A funny Honda ad.
posted by dotdude

An argument between Greg and Lou leads to a literal pissing contest.
posted by dotdude
Don't stand next to them when they relieve themselves.
posted by kronosposeidon
An illuminating exposure into mens restroom behaviors. Up until now, a highly guarded secret from women.
posted by deathcow
From the people that brought you: http://www.videosift.com/video/Honesty-Date
posted by MarineGunrock
Do Unto Others demonstrates things you can do to annoy people in public restrooms.
posted by syncron

and they don't even wash their hands...
posted by E_Nygma
Uploader Description: Greg doesn't like to chit chat in the bathroom.
posted by dotdude
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