Financial Crisis! Media on the web 2.0

Created: 1 decade 5 years 11 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 1 decade 2 years 2 weeks ago
Views: 1,692

Freedom for all the Noam Chomskies, Pepe Escobars, Chavezes, ENDOFCAPITALISMENDOFWORLD?

An attempt at a collection about the Financial Crisis (tm) and its coverage on the internet (2.0).

"(...)Within 24 hours, the world economy would have collapsed." Democratic representative Paul Kanjorksi talks about the events of September 15, 2008. At 11:00am that day, an electronic run began on... continue reading

posted by StukaFox 1 decade 5 years 10 months 1 week ago • 2,926 views

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