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Member Since: March 9, 2016
Last Power Points used: March 26, 2017
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Comments to transmorpher

newtboy says...

Just walk away.
There is no delete account. It hurts the site to poke holes in it's fabric. Please don't try to erase your presence, it's considered an attack and rude.
You can set your profile to stop all email notifications and you won't hear from the sift again.....or just leave it and you probably won't hear from the sift again.
Sorry you feel you have to go. If nothing else, you sparked a few interesting threads.

transmorpher said:

Please delete my account and all message and videos. I'm done here. Thanks

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

BSR says...

Fear not about the harshness. Spitballs at a battleship.

I see your passion and your good intentions. I can tell you invest a lot of yourself into it. Make it count. Be an example of your hard work and concern.

Teach without teaching. Share your treasures with those who are looking for you. Don't hunt them down. Offer what you got and let them take it. Don't scare the people that could love you for who you are.

Now, I gotta go make some work those budding paramedics.

transmorpher said:

I heavily edited my comment because it came out much harsher in text.

Sounds like you've been thru a lot. I can only wish you well.

I used to suffer from nephrotic syndrome, I nearly died in my teens. I had ulcers opening up on my skin, my joints so swollen they would not bend. Daily blood tests etc. A plant based diet saved my life and as you can tell I can not stop telling people about it.

It seems to solve almost every western chronic disease. And even though the science backs it up clearly doctors and the public see it in the same category as homeopathy. I don't know what is keeping you so ill but I can tell with confidence that if you eat the way you will have more time at the very least. I can only encourage you to try it for a week or two and feel it for yourself.

BSR says...

I've been living on borrowed time for a long time. I'm reminded of it every day. I'm not afraid. I only have now to live. How about you?

transmorpher said:

That's fine but let the paramedics know you don't care so they won't try to save you from a preventable heart attack....since you don't care.

newtboy jokingly says...

Since I have learned by reading their own words that they are part of a movement to dishonestly rebrand "vegan" as "a plant based diet" (because people know and dislike veganism) and to usurp the positive medical studies done on plant based diets (that are not vegetarian or vegan), please feel free to tell them I don't agree with that.

transmorpher said:

OK well you'd better let the 12,000 or so doctors, researchers, scientists and dietitians from dozens of organisations know that you don't agree with their terminology.......

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Woman befriends the man who shot her when he was thirteen has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

SolemnPhilosopher says...

I am a newb, I didn't mean to send this directly to your personal wall.

SolemnPhilosopher said:

I haven't watched it in a few years, but I believe so. If you do a Google search and go to the website page for the edit, you can see all the changes made. Though I would just recommend watching it and experiencing the changes that way.

SolemnPhilosopher says...

I haven't watched it in a few years, but I believe so. If you do a Google search and go to the website page for the edit, you can see all the changes made. Though I would just recommend watching it and experiencing the changes that way.

transmorpher said:

Does it explain why there was a little fish in that guys eye from the black goo?

Or why it mattered that Weyland was Charliez Therons father?

/MikeStoklasa (

eric3579 says...

You're making a comment about something not in this video. May want to link the vid you are referring to if you want your comment to make any sense.

transmorpher said:

This is insane! He obviously had a concussion the way he was stumbling around and repeating himself.

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