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Comments to thesnipe

choggie says...

maybe I have been irrationably hard on poor Heather, after all, she does have a missing leg and all, and a boutique in London, and she did make an ok dragging partner on Dancing with the Characatures, and she did fuck over an ex-Beatle after his perfect wife passed........Naw, fuck her, she's a succubus, straight from Hades, and deserves worse!!!!

In reply to your comment:
Haha nice post, I like the point addressing the "do-gooders" including the diversionary tactics. I just can't stand people trying the "passive" shock and awe campaign on a situation in which we all know is happening. Posting a documentary or something that requires thought is one thing, going for the OMG THE GORE THIS IS INSANE DONT WATCH approach is nuts.

In reply to your comment:
hey snipe, go and read the comment I made after yours addressing sally whale-saver.....
This is one of my serious pet-peaves of human pathetics.......Folks who love the animal race over humans....its called Burnt-out or Psychosis...take yer pick!!! More diversion that we do not need, if we are to get back to a way of life, suitable to both man and man's charges......

In reply to your comment:
It's no offense to you, I oppose fur as much as the last person but the reason I downvoted was that I believe it was just to graphic for my tastes and as your nick suggests it seems like a one post deal. Granted you warned about it I just feel that there are better documentaries around, most of us know the cruelty behind the fur trade and there are better ways of documenting so.

At the very least mark it NSFW when you post. As Fletch commented "makeitstop, considering your nym and the nature of this video, this looks like a drive-by."

JAPR says...

I actually have purchased about half of the pillows's albums; they're my favorite group.

In reply to your comment:
I have seen this OVA wayyy to many times also farhad. It's one of my favorite, I bought (yes actually spent money) on the OSTs, manga and am waiting for the DVD set to be released.

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