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Member Since: April 6, 2009
Last Power Points used: January 17, 2010
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Comments to shagen454

oohlalasassoon says...

Hey - sorta responding to your post about THIS HEAT, more specifically about your comment that John Peel was THE MAN. He was. Listened to his show via religiously for a few years prior to his death. I worshiped the guy, which is weird, being a total stranger, but if you've ever listened to him for any amount of time you'll know where I'm coming from. Just the coolest guy around. I sent him an email about some song he played that I liked(Expansion Ride by Magoo). Turns out that he was the type of guy that would actually respond to nubs like me. Not only that but he mentioned my email and said my actual name on the air, which I'm not ashamed to say still makes me smile. LIKE OH MY GOD JOHN PEEL SAID MY NAME -- JOHN PEEL IS TALKING ABOUT ME. I still have that recording and it's a treasured digital possession.

Anyway, thanks for letting me be drunk on your page.

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