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Birthdate: March 16th

Member Since: March 15, 2007
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Comments to ridesallyridenc

bareboards2 says...

Now I'm sitting here just shaking my head in bemusement, amazement, how-is-that-possiblement. Questions questions questions....

Is everything made special for his height? And surely finding skates for feet the big. And his reach... with a larger than life hockey stick.... Or is he not allowed a big stick -- are hockey sticks regulation size?

I clearly know nothing about hockey, but this guy has me awe-struck.

In reply to this comment by ridesallyridenc:
>> ^bareboards2:

Made me cry.
Then made me gape. HOW BIG IS THAT CAPTAIN?????

Zdeno Chara is the largest player in the NHL, 6'9" tall, 255 lbs. Without skates or pads. A giant.

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Truckchase says...

Hey RideSR, as a SBO I'm wondering what you think of this:


I threw it out there as conversation bait but didn't get any bites. Like I said in the description, this is a problem that I can confirm for the vast majority of business owners that I know, but I can't speak for other geographic regions. Do you think his point is valid? What should we do about it?

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by ridesallyridenc:
>> ^mentality:
>> ^dannym3141:
Curb is by far the funniest comedy on tv at the moment. I feel sorry for all the fans of boil-in-the-bag, insert-joke-here comedy fans that can't understand it. I'm sure another rerun of friends will be on a channel soon.

Translation: My country/religion/highschool football team/political party/taste in entertainment is better than yours! Behold my opinion, which I present as fact! I pity those who do not agree with be because they are inferior! RAWWWRRRRRR!

Translation: Ditto.

Lol your ditto makes no sense =]

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