residue US

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Member Since: July 22, 2007
Last Power Points used: November 23, 2010
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Comments to residue

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to keeping VideoSift clear of duplicate videos has earned you your "Super Duper" Level 6 Badge!

EDD says...

Thanks for the encouragement! I will definitely try it out someday, but how soon, I can't say right now. It does look very cool though, can't deny it!
In reply to this comment by residue:
totally agree, once you get going it can be really addicting, which rocks. You really should consider rock climbing, I think per capita it's one of the best workouts and it doesn't feel like working out at all. Huge thrill, not dangerous at all, addicting and as challenging as you want to make it. If you can find a gym, that's a nice safe place to start and you don't need to get on-rope either. Plus, there's no real ceiling to how good you can get. I got tired of running because even running daily and on weekends for distance, I wasn't really getting much faster, and running longer just takes more and more time.

Keep up the good work!

EDD says...

Thanks - and great to hear about you too! I don't know much and I've seen even less of mountain climbing, but I gotta say, I'm starting to see the appeal and maybe one day I'll try my hand in it - for now and for at least a year yet I'll be primarily a runner/triathlete though. High five for us both turning turning our lives around! Don't you just love the addiction and the post-workout high?

In reply to this comment by residue:
awesome story! I was in horrible shape long ago and got sick of it.. now I'm an avid rock climber and run a couple half marathons each year. I don't think I ever want to do the full...

In reply to this comment by EDD:
I'm going to work out and work out, and work on it, and keep pushing myself until I can do at least one.

Let me elaborate a bit. A year ago I was a complete couch potato. I couldn't jog for more than a kilometer, couldn't do more than 6 or 7 consecutive pushups - near-zero marks on a fitness scale, basically. That all changed this April, when I finally decided to get of my (fat) ass. I'd already started gradually changing my eating habits since year's end 2010, and in April I finally started working out. For half a year I've been allocating somewhere between an hour and two and a half practically each day for workouts; running almost every other day and in between - also every other day - did bodyweight exercises: started with these, built a routine around them, but recently substituted it for a weightlifting program in a gym. I've lost some 15 kg, I've done the 100 pushups program (yup, pretty much anyone can do it, and in less than six months, too), recently ran my first half-marathon (1:47, very proud of that time), and I'm aiming for 2 marathons (NYC among them, hopefully), a 70k ultra, and a long-course triathlon next year.

So because this is so inspiring to me, and because I want to be able to do what he does, and because I realize now that anyone who sets their mind to it and works towards it relentlessly can do it, let's *doublepromote

Barseps says...

In reply to this comment by residue:
welcome to the sift! By looking through your page real quick I thought I might point out that if you're having a back-and-forth conversation with someone, it's a little more efficient to use the "profile reply" button so your comments don't just end up on your own page. Alternatively, the @ user command flags their attention via email. Like this @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 27th, 2011" class="profilelink">Barseps


Cheers for the advice me man :-)

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