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Member Since: February 22, 2006
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Comments to mlx

raven says...


Your presence is requested at the biggest Horror Show of the year! The FORTNIGHT OF FRIGHT! An all out non-stop freakshow party starring YOU and the viddies YOU SIFT to the HorrorShow!

Beginning this Friday, the 13th, and also the night of the New Moon, and running all the way until the Full Moon on the 30th, I encourage you, nay! I implore you, to post as many murderers, monsters, and miscreants that you can find, directly to the HorrorShow!

The spook who contributes the most sifts will be richly rewarded with 2 *saves and 2 *promotes from me!

For further details, hair-raising thrills, and ghastly screams, please stop on over to the All Night Horror Show!

Krupo says...

So very much so.

Now it's Samsung's dance troupe. It's fun to see how 'young' a video is when it hits the top 15 - the dancers are a little over a day old, so they're going to be parked there for a while, eh?

In reply to your comment:
That sounds really dirty. Ha!

In reply to your comment:
Your fetish balloon is chasing my iPhone piggy.

silvercord says...

We had a band of high school kids who could emulate GFR to the tee. I think it was about 1971. I remember an assembly in the auditorium when they played and absolutely tore the house down. I wonder if they do that in High Schools any more . . .

I played the crap out of my GFR double album as well as the Woodstock album on a record player which had a turntable that got so hot it discolored the record labels.

KPPC radio in Pasadena was my station. Wikipedia has a great article about it here: It was home to Dr. Demento and Firesign Theater as well as the Credibility Gap. I was introduced to rock music through them and a couple of brothers I hung out with. I didn't know it at the time, but we were at the roots of something very special in pop culture and, in a larger sense, American History.

In reply to your comment:
One of my brothers had this LP and I used to sneak into the boy's room to listen to it. I think I scratched it up and the boys complained to Momma so she got me my own little record player. This was one of the first 45s I asked for.

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