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- David Attenborough - The Languages of Animals (1/6)
- Jonathan Miller: The Body in Question (6/13)
- Carl Sagan: The Planets
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- David Attenborough - Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
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- Lost Cities of the Ancients
- Discovering Psychology (5/26)
- BBC Superhuman
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- Art of the Western World
- The Private Life of Plants(5/6)
- The Human Animal
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- David Attenborough's Life in Cold Blood (3/5)
- David Attenborough's The Life of Mammals
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- Great Artists w/ Tim Marlow
- The Divine Michelangelo
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- BBC - Human Instinct
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- Michio Kaku: Time
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Member Since: May 16, 2006
Last Power Points used: July 24, 2009
Available: now
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Finally submitted a Sift I feel I can shamelessly self-promote via spamming your profile
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Sometimes you can see the youtube video title and length even if it's dead, so I copied the original Russian title and looked for the results that had the exact length time and similar thumbnails.
In reply to this comment by calvados:
Wow -- bro, how did you ever find a replacement feed for the cheerful Russian kids' song about ghastly nuclear immolation? I tried like hell, couldn't find it!
Wow -- bro, how did you ever find a replacement feed for the cheerful Russian kids' song about ghastly nuclear immolation? I tried like hell, couldn't find it!
You meant http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/04/27/science/042809-Ants_index.html ... Thanks!
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Thanks. They looked correct to me, but I'll take your word for it
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Your recent Ghibli concert deadpool fixes were incorrect, so I called them dead again.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
congrats on the gold star
I'm really intrigued, but the page shows nothing for me.. taken down, any ideas? i even logged in
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
I can't stand them
James Watson: The double helix and today's DNA mysteries
thanks for posting - was really interesting
Thanks, added and upvoted.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Another one for your drug playlist
I know what you're saying about the filler episodes. Except for the brief Amigai arc they pretty much suck.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
I watched a few episodes years ago, but then months of fillers followed so I stopped watching it. Bebop, GITS, and Monster are my favorites. Monster is long, but doesn't disappoint like other long series often do.
I also like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ghost In The Shell, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Death Note, Samurai Champloo, and Cowboy Bebop (which is probably my favorite, maybe because it had so much kickass music).
Yeah. I never thought I would be either, because I normally don't go for animes that are basically tournament fighting shows. It just grew on me. Now I check for the latest episodes every week, as well as the latest manga chapters. I'm totally fascinated by it. It's even helped me learn a tiny amount of Japanese. I also like how they incorporate Spanish words into the show with the arrancar and Hueco Mundo.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
You're into Bleach?
Fixed and thanks.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
I fixed your video http://www.videosift.com/video/Rear-Window-SpoofParody-in-The-Simpsons but the dimensions messed up when saving the changes. you can correct it with this one:
<******embed src="http://www.tubearoo.com/player/spiked_player.swf?file=http://www.tubearoo.com/videocodes/85170/data.xml&auto_play=false" quality="high" scale="noscale" bgcolor="#000000" width="540" height="437" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/>
(Get rid of the asterisks and replace them with a bracket at the beginning, I did it because posting the correct code embeds the video on your profile)
See deathcow's http://www.videosift.com/video/TED-Talks-Bonnie-Bassler-How-bacteria-communicates
I did not know that! Thank you for putting an urban myth to rest in my noggin.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
>> ^raverman:
This reminds me of the millions of dollars NASA spent trying to perfect a pressurized pen that would write in zero gravity on space missions.
The Russians used a pencil.
False. Both the americans and the soviets initially used pencils, but it is dangerous if a piece of graphite broke and floated around inadvertently. It could affect instruments, get into your eyes, etc. Also, a free oxygen environment makes the wood of the pencil and probably also the graphite more prone to burn or combust.
Good analogy on seeking simple solutions to a problem, but completely made up and incorrect.
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