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Member Since: February 21, 2006
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Comments to maudlin

choggie says...

yer right, kitty was distressed at no cost to anyone, but kitty's!! I felt wantin' ta slap the shit out th cameraman!!!

In reply to your comment:
Nice try. I know much worse things happen to both animals and humans, but I couldn't laugh at a freaked out cat, even if it probably wasn't permanently damaged by the experience.

Oh well, the cat has probably killed its owner in his sleep by now. Evolution in action, eh?

In reply to your comment:
try to see a more....sympathetic point of view, regarding the kitty bath.....ohhhhhh sooooo happpy kittty!!!

In reply to your comment:
No no no -- I commented but didn't post. But yes, it died in the queue.

Still abstaining. I gotta live with this guy. -->

choggie says...

try to see a more....sympathetic point of view, regarding the kitty bath.....ohhhhhh sooooo happpy kittty!!!

In reply to your comment:
No no no -- I commented but didn't post. But yes, it died in the queue.

Still abstaining. I gotta live with this guy. -->

Farhad2000 says...

Senior citizen

Still *procrastinate on bio! And you got a gold star and everything!

In reply to your comment:
Favourited because even though I'm old and used to read CREEM, I can't remember Lester Bangs ever writing about this.

maudlin says...

Thanks again for the prezzie, michie. It looked and sounded very pretty. And thanks for the button-press-glowy-Hal thing info. Thing. (I've been working on Flash all week and am as right brained as hell right now: words gone.)

Thanks, mauz15. It's nice to be up here!

choggie, your poodles, as always, are glorious, and since your link doesn't show anything I ever said, then I never said anything, right? :-) However, if I were on anything, which I'm not, I would gladly share it.

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