lampishthing IE

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Real Name: James Mac Hale
Birthdate: February 3rd, 1988 (37 years old)

Member Since: March 22, 2009
Email: jazzymunj at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: October 19, 2012
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Comments to lampishthing

residue says...

I'm all over it, thanks yo

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
Burdturgler has called the dupeof so you need someone with a gold star or higher to go to the video and tag: *isdupe and it'll transfer over to your video. I'd tag lucky in a comment if I were you but I'd also be afraid of being annoying

In reply to this comment by residue:
oh noes! good eye, although I'm not sure how to proceed from here. I've never tried the dupeof command, nor am I even sure I have the priveledge

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
You've been duped good sir!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
I'm open to contradiction here but I thought ant was being sarcastic...>> ^enoch:
i didnt downvote anything.
and i think you misunderstand my point.
i was defending ANT's right to gave him this credit also but then chastised him for making the very choice you gave him credit for.
i still believe you meant that tongue in cheek but it disregards ANT's faith and his belief in his god.
ANT is a devout there are many facets of christianity but ANT keeps his faith personal and to himself.
he does not push his religion on anybody,not that i have seen anyway,and to conflate Bristol Palin's indiscretion with ANT's choice is disingenuous.
she made a statement that in retrospect is laughable and reveals her lack of discipline in regards to her faith but that has NOTHING to do with my point.
ANT,for all intents and purposes,just admitted he is a virgin and is waiting till he gets married.
he takes this seriously due to his faith.that choice should be honored not ridiculed.
does this mean that i disagree with your points on the beauty or loveliness of a union between a man and women?of course not.
but that was NOT my point.
am i ignoring the abject failure of "abstinence only sex education"?
of course not but it has nothing to do with my point.
my POINT is that ANT has chosen a path based on his faith and we should honor that choice.
WE may have made different choices and for good or ill they are OUR choices to live with.
would you walk up to a catholic nun and espouse the myriad wonders of sexual endevours?
how she is missing out on so much FUN!
would you ridicule and chastize her?
then do not judge the choices ANT has made,regardless if you agree or disagree,they are HIS choices.
because in the end your opinion of his choices are irrelevant.

ant is devout christian.

rougy says...

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
The friend responded: "See above."

In reply to this comment by rougy:
One day Chuang Tzu and a friend were walking by a river. "Look at the fish swimming about," said Chuang Tzu, "They are really enjoying themselves."

"You are not a fish," replied the friend, "So you can't truly know that they are enjoying themselves."

"You are not me," said Chuang Tzu. "So how do you know that I do not know that the fish are enjoying themselves?"

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm, I thought MSNBC was on the approve list as an NBC variant- I've forwarded this to Lucky- as I'm not exactly sure.

In reply to this comment by lampishthing:
Hey dag, I've been trying to post some videos from with no luck - it says that the embed codes are invalid. I'm guessing it's because it's not approved and I'm not privileged enough... Would that be right? Is there any way I can get 'em posted? Here's an example of an embed code:

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