There will be an indie rock channel...
Updated: 1 decade 4 years 10 months ago
Views: 580
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♪I was in love but that was yesterday Now I'm in pain and it's here to stay I was the bird that buzzed the bees and stole the honey The ones that you want they're the ones that get away The ones... continue reading
posted by lampishthing
Future of the Left are a Welsh rock band. This song is taken from the 2009 album "Travels with Myself and Another". I'm really loving this band at the moment, they seem to be the soundtrack of my finals.
posted by lampishthing
The drummer is using a pineapple :)
posted by lampishthing
Again, another band that i'm not exactly a "fan" of, but gatDAMN this is a great song. What a riff, what a sound. Well fricking done. If this is where rock is going, count me in.
posted by djsunkid
One of their first ever singles from their first album Silent Alarm. The riff sounds very familiar, think it's been used on numerous ads
posted by alien_concept
Second single from their third album Intimacy
posted by alien_concept

Music video for the Bloc Party's recent single: Flux. Mothra and Mecha-Streisand eat your heart out.
posted by sepatown
The official video for Kasabian's single "Fire". Excellent song, the rest of the album is pretty amazing too, only a step away from sheer brilliance if you ask me and certainly worth a listen.
posted by lampishthing
Man this song makes me wanna dance... that riff... Starring Noel Fielding (of Mighty Boosh fame) as Vlad.
posted by lampishthing
I have no idea what the time signature for this is.
posted by lampishthing
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