joedirt US

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Channel: Elections
Birthdate: January 5th, 1970 (55 years old)

Member Since: June 18, 2006
Last Power Points used: September 5, 2012
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Comments to joedirt

lucky760 says...

You're probably just seeing the cached image. I see your new one. Try a hard reload so you don't have to wait for the cache to expire.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
I can't change my profile pic.

I even deleted to previous. But if I upload from any source (URL or file) it keeps the old one. Heck the deleted one is still there.

lucky760 says...

Fixed "your comments - threaded". Not sure what you mean by "changes to the same function as add comment." What function is that?

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
- The Your Comments - threaded is broke (not threaded)
- I recommend after like 100 comments, the comments(121) changes to the same function as "add comment". The reason is the AJAX gets kind of hairy when a thread gets this long (like this one).

schmawy says...

Well this idiot thinks that sounds like a diesel in the background and I don't know of many airplanes with such an engine. The sound of dirt underfoot would seem to negate it being on a boat. They are filming through a light enhancing scope or other device, which would be particularly sensitive to the above mentioned atmospheric phenomina of high altitude ice crystals, Mr. Dirt.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
idiots. This is shot out of an airplane window, correct? It is probably the effects of the plexiglass or whatever and/or the micro-scratches. Just like when you look through glasses or a car windshield you can see effects like this.

MarineGunrock says...

I've breathed CS gas. IT sucks, but it's not all that bad. I've also been OC sprayed. It was the most pain I've ever experienced in my life. But still, 1 out of 1,000,000 people will react to it in a way that is potentially fatal.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
TORTURE?!?! CHEMICAL WEAPONS!?!?! POTENTIAL TO KILL PEOPLE!??! It's just fucking pepper spray!

I hope when they declare Marshall law you are with US and not them.

JAPR says...

Hmm. The official typeset as defined by the band for their name and the title of this particular song are all capital letters, and I'm a little OCD about music titles like that, but mabye putting the song title in a more normal format might attract votes.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Change title to lowercase and maybe say Japanese Music Video and you'll probably get more upvotes.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

You're not getting it Joe, we are talking about internalized and institutionalized racism, not intentional racism. Go ahead and look those terms up.

I'm not sure if the 'Joe Dirt' thing is a character like BillOReilly, so perhaps you are putting me on, but the thought crime canard was already put to bed in another thread - -if you care to read it.

Here's the short version:
You are entitled to whatever racist thoughts you like in your own head. That is not a crime. But, once you commit an actual crime with the intent to terrorize a particular group, you've entered the realm of hate crime. Actions aren't thoughts, Joe.


In reply to this comment by joedirt:
This is the definition of a "concern troll". You sound really dumb citing the "C" in NAACP is somehow racism. So is the Holocaust museum then. Also, I love how much of the world is moving quickly to thoughtcrimes. Facial recognition is being used by airports to give you the special treatment. It literally won't be long before highschools have special facial recogition / lie detectors to counsel bullies and racism in students.

Can we just start with railing against racist actions and ignore thought crimes and "gee my introspection tells me a harbor racist and homophobic thoughts". Let's keep it to actions and words, like those of the author. (before some idiot tells me words are thoughts. No, your diary that no one reads is thoughts. Things you publish in emails and on the internets are actions).

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