joedirt US

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Channel: Elections
Birthdate: January 5th, 1970 (55 years old)

Member Since: June 18, 2006
Last Power Points used: September 5, 2012
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Comments to joedirt

MINK says...


In reply to this comment by joedirt:
No.. It's more simple than that. Israel is like a spoiled rich kid living off a trust fund and acting like an ass.

If the US cut off the purse string and even gave aid to Gaza at the same time.. I guarantee it will change the dynamic. Israel has used this Iraq mess as an excuse to do whatever they want because US is too much a hypocrite to complain (same for Russia). Lebanon stuff, everyone looked the other way. Formal military occupation of Gaza.. they get a pass.

Time to cut off all economic and military aid.

I guarantee when US quits sending F16 munitions and parts they will eventually stop dropping bombs.

blankfist says...

Are you the big "decider" of what makes for great comments? Obviously more misguided narcissism.

You know what I think? I think you're the world's biggest blowhard. You beat your chest and promised to downvote every video we upvoted, but what happened to that? You promised then failed to deliver. Too chickenshit, right? You are pathetic and worthless. Do the rest of us a favor and try to offer something to this site other than your narcissistic, psychotic and misguided opinions. You are a terrible human being.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
Are you mental? Seriously?
Ok, let's look at the comments that were in your "fresh-start-over" thread that were lost to my discard.

(1)"Way to try to erase history, Stalin."
(2)"That's just how I roll. Actually, I wanted to clean the clutter. All that chest-thumping was getting in the way of what's important: the upvote everything day."

Ok, so this is about the deja-vu effectively comment erasing.

(3)"fuck this, stop erasing shit"

More comments about your thread bait-and-switch.

Then the discard.

PLEASE tell me what comments were lost from the discard? It would have been 30 more comments about your improper usage of comment blanking. So WTF.. All the other comments were added later.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Hey mister loose logic, I think you failed to realize my Talk Post also had comments when you discarded it. But, I understand. Narcissism has a way of revising one's own history.

blankfist says...

Hey asshole, let's get something straight. I understand you are angry because your buddy CP420 was banned and you have some silly Sift-borne axe to grind, but when you discard someone else's Sift Talk post you are breaking the rules. The Sift Talk post I discarded was also posted by me, so I have a complete right to discard it.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:

You don't get to keep discarding and reposting ST threads just to control the comments.


siftbot says...

Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #30. User lucky760 is now ahead of you. You can do better than lucky760, can't you? You're only 22 votes away from getting back in front of lucky760.

siftbot says...

Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #30. User rasch187 is now ahead of you. You can do better than rasch187, can't you? You're only -301 votes away from getting back in front of rasch187.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 383 stars, earning you status of Bronze Diamond member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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