
Member Profile

Real Name: Jake
Birthdate: December 26th, 1984 (40 years old)
A little about me...
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

Member Since: November 22, 2007
Last Power Points used: May 27, 2014
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Comments to evil_disco_man

calvados says...

Dupeof didn't work atm but I think it still might. Try switching the embed now?

In reply to this comment by evil_disco_man:
Sure, I'll use yours. I tried changing it already but it won't let me, ("This video has already been submitted") presumably until you dupeof yours.


In reply to this comment by calvados:
Hey, I just realized that I sifted something which is very close to being a dupe of yours:


I think my vid looks much better -- would you like to use the source for your own submission? Then I'd be content to call dupe on my own video, killing it and sending the votes to yours.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by evil_disco_man:
Cool. I did recognize the song - not sure where from, because I haven't seen True Romance, but 'tis good stuff! Boobies are always a plus, too. Nice post!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
dont know if this qualifies as evil disco music,but its too awesome not to share.

you havent seen true romance?
dude..one of my top ten.
quentin tarrentino wrote the screenplay.stars:walken,hopper,slater,kilmer,arquette,samuel l jackson,gary oldman.
it did horrible in the theatres but it was AWESOME!
here is the scene i referenced in my video:
while not a spoiler,it does give away some of the plot.

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