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Real Name: Kurt
Birthdate: August 18th
Birthdate: August 18th
A little about me...
Member Since: April 24, 2008
Favorite Sift: Reggie Watts - Tweet Yourselves Right
Last Power Points used: May 24, 2017
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Just another victim of the great sift reboot of '09
Member Since: April 24, 2008
Favorite Sift: Reggie Watts - Tweet Yourselves Right
Last Power Points used: May 24, 2017
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Cheers. All fixed now.
In reply to this comment by dingens:
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Fixed it. Thanks for the link to the Vimeo's account, it should stay up for a while.
I have it uploading to my youtube channel also. I'll send you a link when it finishes.
edit .. here you go:
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Awesome, thank you!
My pleasure! And yes hopefully it's good.
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Thanks, and very good for Alvarez!
In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
Story behind this film:
An unknown filmmaker from Uruguay has been given $30m by Hollywood studio bosses - to turn his $500 YouTube video of a giant robot invasion into a movie. Would-be director Federico Alvarez, who runs a post-production visual effects house in Uruguay, filmed 'Panic Attack' with a budget of just $500 in his free time. The five minute clip - which he then uploaded to YouTube - shows an invasion of Montevideo by giant robots and had special effects which could rival many big budget movies.
Once online it got the attention of thousands of movie fans… and (not surprisingly) studio bosses who wanted to meet with Alvarez to talk about his movie. The 30-year-old was whisked to LA where he was offered a $1 million directors fee and up to £30 million to make the film, by Mandate Pictures. The plans for the movie are said to have a "compelling original story" beyond big robots blowing stuff up. Alvarez has also been put up in a new apartment, given a new car and will work with "Spider-Man" director Sam Raimi on developing the film.
Thanks for the quality
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Siftbot, respect my authoritah! *quality
Now, that is funny.
In reply to this comment by dingens:
It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords!
hahaha, your new avatar is absolutely awesome? Is that a painting by some well-known artist? Can I get a link?
Fixed and thanks.
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Sweet 'stache.
Fixed and thanks.
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Fixed now, thanks a lot
In reply to this comment by dingens:
Woot, thanks for the vote!

In reply to this comment by dingens:
Here you go
Dead video replaced.

In reply to this comment by dingens:
*dead again
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