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Comments to cryptographrix

theo47 says...

There are Ph.D.'s who are advocates for intelligent design, too - and their underlying belief systems override their better judgment, just like with you.

In reply to your comment:
Some life - arguing/voting down others about subjects you don't know anything about.

If I'm a science "amateur," who do you consider to be professionals? Please note - I am a physicist.

My challenge stands. Newtonian physics is 10th grade level physics at best. If it'd take too much of your glorious "life" in order to complete my challenge, then maybe you should go back to high school.

As for your challenge, here is where I spend 75% of my time:

In reply to your comment:
Sorry, dude - I try to have a life.
Here's a challenge for you:
Read something other than crap on 9/11 conspiracy websites from science amateurs like yourself.

In reply to your comment:
Here's a challenge for you: Prove that the WTC COULD have collapsed using Newtonian physics and provide your dissertation.

Here is a very good Creative Commons book on Newtonian physics. Use this or any other book on Newtonian physics you know, and tell me how the towers could have collapsed in the time they did. Use any video or written documentation you choose as a record of the time those towers took to fall.

theo47 says...

Sorry, dude - I try to have a life.
Here's a challenge for you:
Read something other than crap on 9/11 conspiracy websites from science amateurs like yourself.

In reply to your comment:
Here's a challenge for you: Prove that the WTC COULD have collapsed using Newtonian physics and provide your dissertation.

Here is a very good Creative Commons book on Newtonian physics. Use this or any other book on Newtonian physics you know, and tell me how the towers could have collapsed in the time they did. Use any video or written documentation you choose as a record of the time those towers took to fall.

yaroslavvb says...

I found an interesting post along the lines of earlier discussion "Who owns the Fed"

Here are some points:
1. Banks indeed make profit from the Fed, but that profit is fixed and mandatory for every member bank (6% dividends paid on 3% of the capital), and accounts for about 0.5% of total bank revenue
2. Any extra profit that the Fed makes (for instance through interest payments on government bonds) is returned back to the government

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hi crypto - thanks for going charter. Drop me a line if you have any questions. Don't forget to set up your VideoSift subdomain for your profile.

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