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Comments to TheFreak

longde says...

How many non-Jews were killed in the holocaust?

In reply to this comment by TheFreak:
>> ^Shepppard:
I don't see the point of denying the holocost, when there are still survivors OF the holocost, and documents, eyewitness accounts, films, and still photographs proving that millions of Jewish people were encamped, and killed, during WWII. True, you can argue that you don't care about the jews, you just don't believe it happened.. but I don't understand the reasoning for it. Any hard look at the facts would prove that it happened, and unless you really did have some ulterior motive you'd change your views.

Can I just get something off my chest, I know it's a bit off topic.

My grandmother had the most awesome photo albums. Beautiful old photos of family in Europe from a time when posing for a photo seemed to mean something. She showed me those albums every time I visited her and she carefully recounted the stories of every person in those photos. And it was impossible to go through the family album without pauses to note the people who died in concentration camps, survived concentration camps or in one case, actually escaped a concentration camp. We are not Jewish. At some point between my childhood and becoming an adult the holocaust became solely about the internment and death of Jews. How did this happen?

You might choose to deny the holocaust because you're anti-semitic...but you're also calling my Polish grandmother a liar. Even if you don't deny the holocaust you're doing an injustice to a large number people by equating it only to the Jewish community.

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by TheFreak:
Always take the time to investigate sources.

"The Acton Institute is an ecumenical think-tank dedicated to the study of free-market economics informed by religious faith and moral absolutes."
Who funded the Acton Institute?
The Bradley Foundation: $225,000 (laissez-faire capitalist organization)
Philip Morris: $10,000
ExxonMobil: $30,000

No thank you Acton Institute. You're assertions are rejected. Not because your points are short sighted, naive and laughable and you show an obvious agenda towards promoting corporate power through manipulation of wait, that is the reason.

while i agree knowing and vetting a source is valuable. information should not be dismissed out of hand based soley on that factor.
is it your contention that what america has now is a free market?
that what has transpired in the past few years could not remotely be considered a flirtation with plutocracy?
while i am not a purest when it comes to capiltalism,what we have now has become an abomination.

MrConrads says...

There are times when one up vote is simply not enough; I wish I could give it 15 more. Thank you!

In reply to this comment by TheFreak:
I need to hire a plumber to fix my heating boiler before winter. My boiler is very old and in terrible condition so it has to be fixed every fall. All the thoughtful and intelligent comments about this video have inspired me to try a new tactic in getting the issue resolved.

I'm going to start by getting a detailed list from the plumber of EVERYTHING that needs to be done to fix the boiler once and for all and I'm going to set my expectations very high that I'm never going to have to pay to repair that thing again. As he's working, I'm going to stand behind him and question everything he does. If he appears to slow down his work or swap tools I will immediately lose confidence in him. If he should suggest paying to replace the boiler, which I know I should have done years ago, I will get very angry and accuse him of trying to destroy my children's future by stealing my money.

I will constantly check his work against the initial list of repairs he intended to do. If for any reason the work he does changes based on what he finds after he starts I will call him a liar and accuse him of being in league with all the other plumbers I've hired in the past. I'm fairly certain most of the past plumbers I've hired weren't actually concerned with fixing that boiler. Who can blame them really, it's a hopeless job, so I'm sure they just ran up the bill a little, tweaked a couple things and left.

My wife does NOT support the idea of me trying to repair this boiler every year. I think it will actually help if she's with me while I supervise the work so that her criticism of what I'm doing can encourage my growing frustration over the plumber's inability to be finished with his work 30 minutes after he shows up. You know, even though I expected it to take all day.

Oh, yeah, I hope this plumber is not in the Local Plumber's Union (the dreaded 'LPU'). Someone once told me the LPU is a powerful organization with a secret plot to keep my boiler from working.

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