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Member Since: July 7, 2006
Last Power Points used: May 6, 2011
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Comments to SpeveO

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 5 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 50 stars, earning you status of Gold Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

GeeSussFreeK says...

Dude, awesome linkage! Best hour I have spent learning in awhile. Very great stuff

Do you know who did it so I can send him a thank you as well? That was surely a lot of effort.

In reply to this comment by SpeveO:
Make sure to watch the presentation on 'naked short selling' at http://www.businessjive.com/. It's a very thorough explanation if you are looking to understand what 'naked short selling' is, how it works and how it's been abused. Mind blowing.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 25 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

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