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Comments to LadyBug

MycroftHomlz says...

I would like to answer your questions, but before I do...

Have actually read the report published by NIST?

If you haven't, then I suggest you do. It always best to absolutely understand the point of view you are arguing against. To date, there are no peer-reviewed scientific papers that present evidence supporting a collapse due to controlled demolition.

I'd like to begin with the point where you seem to suggest, that the buildings are made entirely of steel.

"(forget the fact that these are, and still remain to be, the only 3 steel structures in history that have collapsed due to fire)"

This is not true, and you should clarify your comment. While this may seem a minor point, it is significant because it is the crux of your 5th question.

Onto the evidence:

♦WTC1: hit @ 8:45a ... collapse @ 10:28a - 118 min (impact to collapse time)
♦WTC2: hit @ 9:03a ... collapse @ 10:05a - 62 min (impact to collapse time)
♦WTC7: never hit .... collapse @ 5:20p - 8 hrs 35 min after first tower impact

If this information is true, then I think it is remarkable on many aspects, and contrary to what a lot of people contend. It seems to me that these times are remarkably long, and in light of that I would encourage you to discuss these times with a certified demolitions or structural engineer.

For the most part, the detailed explanation can only truly be answered by detailed simulations, which actually have been done. I encourage you to go to your local library and do a literature search on ISI.

1-5 can be found in the NIST report, and other peer-reviewed articles.

I will address 4, briefly-

4. The answer is not remarkable. WTC7 collapsed because of proximity and momentum transfer (and subsequent events detailed in the NIST report). Rather then go on, you should closely read the scientific report put out by NIST. Before you do, you should also read the Wikipedia post of the subject, it is very well cited and will round out your perspective of the scientific research that has been done to investigate the collapse of the buildings.

If you are truly interested in understanding the nuances of the science behind the collapse, then you must be willing to subject your hypotheses to the rigor of science and evidence that implies something very different than what you believe happened. If you are not willing to test your ideas in a scientific way, then they are a belief. Unfortunately, I cannot argue beliefs only scientifically based points of view.

That said, if you have any further scientific questions, I would be more than happy to answer them or find someone who can.



In reply to this comment by LadyBug:

questions ...
§ how is it the WTC2 collapsed first due to intense fire given the fact that it was hit second with a majority of the jet fuel being propelled out of the NE & SE corners of the building?
§ how is that the cores of WTC1 & WTC2, along with all their corner support beams, gave way and fell uniformly? ... there was no buckling, shifting, or tilting at all during their collapse
§ how come the collapses of WTC1 & WTC2 look identical even though the levels of impact, duration of fire, and amount of fuel in the building were drastically different?
§ how come WTC7 collapsed when there were no large fire(s) in that building?
§ how do 3 steel buildings collapse at free fall speed into their own footprint in a precisely vertical fashion?

*anxiously awaits answer*

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