Fusionaut CA

Member Profile

Real Name: Paul Richey
Channel: Celtic
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Member Since: September 9, 2008
Email: richeypaul at gmail dot com
Homepage: http://fusionauts.com/
Favorite Sift: Miles Davis - Tutu
Last Power Points used: September 20, 2018
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Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to Fusionaut

eric3579 says...

Thanks for the promote

Fusionaut said:

*promote for the video, not so much the comments which have veered off course. The title of the video could be "Stop Harassing Women." Telling someone to smile, when she doesn't want to smile, right after you've hit on her, when she doesn't want you to hit on her, is harassment. No one deserves to be treated like that and this video and art project are meant to raise awareness for the issue. Just listen to Tatyana's opening statement.


On a side note, how cool is it that she's has some Vibes in her apartment?

siftbot says...

You just received a gift of 2 Power Points from an anonymous specimen of awesomeness. Spend them well, and make your generous benefactor proud.

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