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Member Since: October 2, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 7, 2020
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Comments to E_Nygma

oxdottir says...

Thanks for the vote. Personally, I always find it a bittersweet experience to find a video already here. I mean, it means I have to look more, but then, at least for once my taste wasn't diametrically opposed to that of the other sifters...

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
just tried to sift this myself

Arsenault185 says...

Because of the 3.1 Gold used to be able to *save but now gold 100 have to *promote. With promote having almost the same function of our old Save, I thought the *promote invocation got pushed down as well. Well, I guess its fine, because I still have way more power than silver did.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
yeah, i made that mistake a couple days ago too. it just got change recently to be a gold-100 thing.

In reply to this comment by arsenault185:
Damn. I thought that was a Gold thing.

JAPR says...

Yeah. A lot of it just depends who's one when it's near the front of the list, I think.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
glad you enjoyed it! it's so weird how some things i really like never leave the queue, and others hop right on up.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Hahaha, I'm going to put that in my profile.

Also, this is one of the best things I've seen in...well, ever. Hilarious!

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
I thought it might be "just another political rant." but if i type it into google i get "journal of applied poultry research," which is way more badass. i highly encourage you tell people that's what it means.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
'fraid it's just some initials. What was it you thought it was?

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
you know, given your username, i'm disappointed in your lack of political rants.

... or is that not what it stands for?

kronosposeidon says...

That's why I normally drink siphoned anti-freeze from cars at the Chinese restaurant. Best buzz is a free buzz, I always say.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
figures. it's pretty pricey at "thirty twice".

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I know! But the judge didn't buy it.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
the name seems to encourage drinking and driving...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Yeah, me too, but my kid gets tired of them after a while. On those nights I just give him a little extra Thunderbird to get him to sleep.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i love chinese leftovers!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You wouldn't be envious if you saw how I lived, unless living in a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant sounds appealing to you.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
It boggles my mind how you have sifted so many videos and become such an integral member of this community in such a short time. I am envious, thankful, and wasted.

JAPR says...

Hahaha, I'm going to put that in my profile.

Also, this is one of the best things I've seen in...well, ever. Hilarious!

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
I thought it might be "just another political rant." but if i type it into google i get "journal of applied poultry research," which is way more badass. i highly encourage you tell people that's what it means.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
'fraid it's just some initials. What was it you thought it was?

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
you know, given your username, i'm disappointed in your lack of political rants.

... or is that not what it stands for?

kronosposeidon says...

I know! But the judge didn't buy it.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
the name seems to encourage drinking and driving...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Yeah, me too, but my kid gets tired of them after a while. On those nights I just give him a little extra Thunderbird to get him to sleep.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i love chinese leftovers!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You wouldn't be envious if you saw how I lived, unless living in a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant sounds appealing to you.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
It boggles my mind how you have sifted so many videos and become such an integral member of this community in such a short time. I am envious, thankful, and wasted.

kronosposeidon says...

Yeah, me too, but my kid gets tired of them after a while. On those nights I just give him a little extra Thunderbird to get him to sleep.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i love chinese leftovers!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You wouldn't be envious if you saw how I lived, unless living in a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant sounds appealing to you.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
It boggles my mind how you have sifted so many videos and become such an integral member of this community in such a short time. I am envious, thankful, and wasted.

rembar says...

No offense to you. I've gotta stick by the guidelines I've set for the channel, and one of those is: Perpetual motion machines get chucked right out. The machine by itself might have some interesting properties to it, but it's not perpetual motion.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
sounds good rembar.

In reply to this comment by rembar:
EN, I am removing this post from the Science channel. That link pushed it over the edge and off the cliff. Sensational journalism loses out consistently to the laws of thermodynamics.

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