Member Profile

Real Name: Edgar
Channel: Water - H2O & Everything Maritime
Birthdate: January 16th, 1988 (37 years old)
A little about me...

Musician? Music-aficionado (aren' t we all)?

Then you really ought to visit The Sift's last.fm page!

A note regarding the Sift - downvote more. Since the queue escape limit has become comparatively minuscule due to increasing amount of users voting, feel free to downvote stuff you feel mustn't be published. And please, do not get too upset if somebody (e.g. me) downvotes your submissions - instead inquire politely as to any reasons for such a decision, if it's not already pointed out in a comment (I usually leave an explanation for my more guilt-inducing downvotes and so can you).

Science + Actionpack = my favorite channels' couple.

Seriously, I love this place and so should you. If you don't, odds are you're doing something wrong. Try stopping trolling, for instance. And if the Sift's taking up too much of your leisure time - well, there's not much anyone can help you with, really. It doesn't further my procrastination though; worst 'affliction' of mine is regularly downloa legally obtaining a number of TV-series ^_^

Additional info: http://blog.videosift.com/youdiejoe/25-Random-things-about-me#comment-658810

Cheers, EDD

Member Since: May 11, 2007
Homepage: http://twitter.com/elapins
Favorite Sift: Antwerp train station breaks into song
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Last Power Points used: March 1, 2012
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Comments to EDD

kronosposeidon says...

I know you're a sucker for bunny videos, so here ya go:

mintbbb says...

Awww, thanks, you are so sweet! I definitely have been thinking of returning lately. I probably would not be quite as active as during my heyday, but it would be nice to be posting again. I'll probably have to wait until this 'choggie was kicked off, let's just have a huge blowout!' thing cools down.

I am working less hours now, so I should have some time to sift and do other fun stuff

Again, thanks, it is nice to hear I am being missed and remembered! I promise to do some sifting real soon, IF I am fast enough to find some goodies.


In reply to this comment by EDD:
Now that choggie's gone, do come back - please, mint. I am also taking a break of sorts, but while I was still active (and boy was I active during 2009) I really did miss having you around - having someone other than arvana (and then only occasionally) to compete with in what I guess we might call rapid-reponse-sifting And I know *some* of our sources overlapped, but nowhere near the majority, and you always brought impressive and interesting clips to the table that me and my Mrs. would both enjoy.

What I'm getting at is, you have most definitely not been forgotten. The Sift lost hell of a lot more than choggie's unintelligible redneck antics and a horde of useless avantgarde 10-vote "filler" videos the day you left us.

In reply to this comment by mintbbb:
Choggie never did anything nasty to me personally - however, my dear hubby, NetRunner, cannot say the same. Choggie was not the reason why I stopped sifting. I simply just burned out. But when Choggie was reinstated, I definitely didn't want to come back.

It is the Internet. I have been online since 1992. I know what goes on, just these days I have enought choices to just leave when a place becomes too much to bear. I am ignoring a lot, and I have had a thick skin. But enough is enough. You hurt my loved ones, you hurt me.

Yes, I am sorry, but I still am fragile! I am emotional! I take things personally! You might say nasty things because you think you are anonymous, and people who take things seriously are silly, but that's not true. You might be a troll and all you want to do is hurt, and it is silly to take you seriously, but people like me still do.. And the attacks might not be directed to me, but I don't want to be around trolls, or people who cannot say anything nice, or people who just have to add at least one kind of insult to any comment they make. I know, I can just sift and never pay attention to any comments, or any other videos. But I used to love this place and was happy to be here.

I might not come back just because Choggie is gone - but if/when I do, I am going to appreciate not having him here.

No drama for me any more. Sorry for being a princess, but I do have a choice. A Choggieless VS is a lot better than a Choggiefull one. Like I said, now I might be back. MIGHT.

I do miss sifting, but these days most people don't even remember me, or know me to begin with. Sigh.

*rant off*

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