Arsenault185 US

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Member Since: September 26, 2007
Email: arsenault185 at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: February 3, 2012
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Comments to Arsenault185

dotdude says...

Our own Monster of Ceremonies, gorgonheap, will lead us in a dissection of Doc_M on Friday, April 25th @ 5:00pm MST. All participants are invited to bring their scalpels and other appropriate tools for this siftious endeavor. Medical records and other pertinent information will be made available here.


jwray says...

1. The human appendix is a useless vestigial organ. Vestigial organs and junk DNA are great evidence against "intelligent design".
2. Humanity did not stop evolving. It is still evolving, like every other species. Most people are born with a few mutations that were not present in either parent (this has been verified by DNA sequencing). Many of these mutations cause no change in phenotype because they affect junk DNA.
3. Dog breeding. There is DNA and archaeological evidence that all species of domesticated dogs (from chihuauas to Lassie) and grey wolves have a recent common ancestor. Actual experiments have been done in which a few decades of of selective breeding led lead to large changes.

In reply to this comment by arsenault185:
>> ^budzos:
Such an ignorant dumb fuck. The horror is that most people think the way this guy does. They see no difference between the big bang, abiogenesis, evolution, etc. because anything that goes "against god" is all part of the same crackpot theory to them.

Ignorant dumb fuck? Well, since he was able to mention 3 separate theories, then i would have to say hes not ignorant. Dumb? meh. He couldn't formulate a sentence to save his life. Fuck? yeah hes a fuck for giving creationists a bad name.

There is plenty of scientific fact to prove God and plenty to disprove and support evolution, life seeding, or other methods.

The biggest one that comes into my head is, if evolution were true, than large series of small mutations would have had to take place over millions of years. Well, in recorded history, there have been very few if any, mutations that led to a positive change in the biological make up of an organism. However, there have been more than enough mutations to argue against evolution. Heres a video that shows such mutations. Granted some of these may have been caused my chemicals and shit, affecting the fetal development, but things like this also occur in nature.
Now humans have evidently peaked in what we are capable of "evolving" to despite what Heroes and X-Men have to say. Because after thousands and thousands of years of recorded history, there seem to be no further evolutions, besides from rare genetic abnormalities, which are good for nothing more than conversation starters.

So if evolution is real, in the sense that man is "the retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having butt-sex with a fish-squirrel," then why did we stop evolving? Evolutionists say that evolution took place over millions of years. But man has only been around for a fraction of that. That means that the "missing link" isn'/t that far behind us, and was more than likely around for a long time as well. Another hole to the evolution theory is the "missing link" itself. Its not like there were only one or two of these man-apes. There had to be thousands of them in order to generate a populace capable of surviving the thousands of years it took to evolve into humans. So why is it we cant find them? What the hell is this about?

I could go on forever. You wont catch me berating others for their beliefs, even thought they might differ from mine. So to call some one an "Ignorant dumb fuck" for not agreeing with you, doesn't exactly help your argument.

smibbo says...

There are further evolutions in the human race. Here's one: laypersons article introducing research into a genetic mutation in humans
I know about this because I have a form of it. Yes, a mutation. I got it from my father and passed it on to two of my children. So far, the only advantage it seems to give is a slightly higher intelligence among those of us with the non-lethal form of it. I'm not makign this up; research has shown that those of us with dominant form of Spondylocostal Dysotosis have slightly higher intelligence.

Welcome to the new world.

In reply to this comment by arsenault185:
>> ^budzos:
Such an ignorant dumb fuck. The horror is that most people think the way this guy does. They see no difference between the big bang, abiogenesis, evolution, etc. because anything that goes "against god" is all part of the same crackpot theory to them.

Ignorant dumb fuck? Well, since he was able to mention 3 separate theories, then i would have to say hes not ignorant. Dumb? meh. He couldn't formulate a sentence to save his life. Fuck? yeah hes a fuck for giving creationists a bad name.

There is plenty of scientific fact to prove God and plenty to disprove and support evolution, life seeding, or other methods.

The biggest one that comes into my head is, if evolution were true, than large series of small mutations would have had to take place over millions of years. Well, in recorded history, there have been very few if any, mutations that led to a positive change in the biological make up of an organism. However, there have been more than enough mutations to argue against evolution. Heres a video that shows such mutations. Granted some of these may have been caused my chemicals and shit, affecting the fetal development, but things like this also occur in nature.
Now humans have evidently peaked in what we are capable of "evolving" to despite what Heroes and X-Men have to say. Because after thousands and thousands of years of recorded history, there seem to be no further evolutions, besides from rare genetic abnormalities, which are good for nothing more than conversation starters.

So if evolution is real, in the sense that man is "the retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having butt-sex with a fish-squirrel," then why did we stop evolving? Evolutionists say that evolution took place over millions of years. But man has only been around for a fraction of that. That means that the "missing link" isn'/t that far behind us, and was more than likely around for a long time as well. Another hole to the evolution theory is the "missing link" itself. Its not like there were only one or two of these man-apes. There had to be thousands of them in order to generate a populace capable of surviving the thousands of years it took to evolve into humans. So why is it we cant find them? What the hell is this about?

I could go on forever. You wont catch me berating others for their beliefs, even thought they might differ from mine. So to call some one an "Ignorant dumb fuck" for not agreeing with you, doesn't exactly help your argument.

theneb says...

Hi Craig,
I wish to apologize personally for my actions down voting your videos, my actions were immature and I shouldn't of acted in such a way.

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