Rest In Peace - Dr. Donda West (Blog Post)

What a sad story, Dr. Donda West, mother of rap artist Kanye West, past away quite unexpectedly this weekend, possibly from complications related to a cosmetic surgery procedure.

I'm no fan of plastic surgery and one can only hope that a story that gets this level of coverage will give someone pause before they turn to surgery for elective procedures.


I like THE mashups (Blog Post)

Big fan of Mashups, used to be a dance DJ in my college days... way back when and my favorite thing to do was to come up with a great seq or match a couple of songs to make a new one.... And fastforward to the last few years the mashup has filled the void.

I tried my hand at one last year, and it seemed to work out. One for the oldies crowd, it's called "Dusty Delight Times" see if you can pick out the the 3 artists and tracks. List them in the comments and win the knowlege that you are super cool, but you already knew that... didn't you? 

Also check out DJ Earworm, my hero, he has a mountain of great mashups, and you can download them and save them and pet them and call them george...

Ants for Ant (Blog Post)

Fellow sifter Ant asked if I could post some Macro HD ant footage, here it is... As Ant would tell you these are argentine ants and they are VERY tiny (about an 1/8 of an inch). They have had a hard summer here in SoCal with the lack of water. I have, as many of my friends have, had plenty of the these little guys find their way into the house looking for water.


Watching Films with Jack (Blog Post)

I love good animation.

While I'm at it, I also like "The Last Boy Scout" and I also loved The "Larry Sanders Show".  So what do these three things have in comon? "Over The Hedge". Bruce Willis and Gary Shandling lend their voices to this good bit of animation. Now that being said, I can't say that I love "Over The Hedge" but watching a movie with your kid can help.

Jack watched "Over The Hedge" a little over a year ago... liked it, but it went unwatched for nearly a year. Development of the funny center of the brain happens during that time...and he wants to watch it again and this veiwing, he laughs a kids laugh, the kind of  laugh that make marketing people feverishly scribble notes, the laugh that will only come when it's deserved.

The following scene made Jack laugh, and in turn me too. For the more sophisticated adult mind the voice acting is quite good, Gary Shandling is spot on with his delivery of the line "I'm not falling for anymore of your SMOOOTH Talk!" Throw in Steve Carell, Eugen Levy, William Shatner and Nick Nolte with music by Ben Folds and you've got a fun afternoon watching a film with Jack.

Best. Halloween Invention. Ever. = Muscles (Blog Post)

For the last two years my son Jack has worn costumes that have implants, and they are to me one of the finest additions to kids costumes since the abolished 2000mil plastic "Face Humidifiers" of our halloween past.



And then there is me at the same age...back in the 60's


So Happy Halloween, Mr. Buff McHardAbs™!



My Backyard This Morning - Macro HD Video (Blog Post)


My Backyard This Morning - Macro HD Video from youdiejoe on Vimeo.

I've been inspired! Yes I'm back with another Macro HD Video... 

This one as you can tell by the title was shot in my backyard this morning (10.31.07).

It's just a quick 1 minute clip with the natural audio (no additives!).

You can download the MP4 file at Vimeo 


Jack and Tracy Go To Therapy (Blog Post)

30 Rock (NBC Thrusday nights), I tried to get everyone I knew to watch it last year and got a lot of "oh isn't that that show about SNL, like Sunset 60..or whatever?" And I would give a resounding NOT AT ALL like that Sunset show...This show is actually F U N N Y.

This is a quinticental 30 Rock clip here folks. Alec Baldwin is a comedy god!

I had to rewind this one several times so I could actually hear the dialouge over my constant laughing.

 I tried to sift this clip, and it got votes, then "THE MAN" shut down the YouTube link. I post because I love.

Aspen Fountain - Another Real Life HD Screensaver (Blog Post)

Aspen Fountain - HD Video from youdiejoe on Vimeo.

I Shot This 2 summers ago in Aspen CO, while on vaction with family and friends.

The video is rather hypnotic, I wish I could make a screen saver like this.

You will see my son pop in and out of frame, the VERY white kid with blondie hair and blue shorts.

It was shot in HD, 24fps and very high shutter speed around 1000 or so to catch the water and balloon dance.

The music is "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez, you might recognize it from the Sony Bravia ad with the bouncing rubber balls in San Francisco.

Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific - Macro HD Video (Blog Post)

Long Beach Aquarium Of The Pacific - Macro HD Video from youdiejoe on Vimeo.

This is video I took at The Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific with my consumer Sony AVCHD camera using the built in macro function.

The star fish's arms at the start of the video are roughly the size of your pinky finger, to give a sense of scale.

The music used is "Carnival of the Animals - Aquarium" by Camille Saint-Saëns


Lil' Dic (Blog Post)

Saw this "Truck" on the freeway here in LA and just wanted to share.

Why!? Is one useless 4x4 truck not enough that you need a smaller one to express your ultimate toolbaggyness?!?



Death To The blogspot "McBlog" (Blog Post)

I killed my blogspot McBlog page and have moved most of the content here. I don't want to flood the system, so I will try to spoon feed the rest of my content over the long haul.
So here we go, a place to drop my brain load and let my freak flag fly.
Enough about me, what about me...
I'm a audio engineer, I do a fair amount of mastering, and transfer for the Recording Industry. I have been doing this for around 7 years, 3 years ago I busted a move and opened my own biz. Much happier working for myself. I work essentially with all of the same people, only now it's from my home studio instead of the ol' office building.
Got my start in the arts back in the day, Got a college degree in the arts back in 88 from The North Carolina School Of The Arts. Was lucky enough to move around a bit as an army-brat.
I make my home in the sleepy seaside village of Los Angeles, with my super groovy 5 year old son.

Rocket Man, clearer video, better audio...still Shatner (Blog Post)

This is one of my favorite keepsakes, a first generation copy of the famous William Shatner "Rocket Man" performance at the 1978 SciFi Film awards show. 

This video includes an introduction by Karen Black not seen on the 100 zillionth generation copy on the net to date. Enjoy!

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