privileged white woman gets a smackdown by a black activist

what happens when you pit a political consultant with a community activist and mix in a little race relations? then have it occur in texas?
you get this...and it goes off the rails REAL fast.

from R/S:
A debate at Fox’s Houston station went off the rails on Tuesday after a white Republican pundit told a black activist that “black culture” caused a cop to body slam a high school girl in South Carolina.

During a KRIV news segment called “Face Off,” Angela Box argued that Deputy Ben Fields should not have been fired for violently throwing a 16-year-old school girl to the ground because he was “doing his job.”

Box, who resigned from teaching in Texas after publicly wishing President Barack Obama would die from Ebola, insisted that the girl was “no innocent little lamb.”

“It’s time we start addressing the root cause of all this,” she said. “The disrespect of teachers, this Black Lives Matter movement, this perpetual chip on your shoulder against everybody that’s not like yourself. It’s got to stop. We’ve got to address the culture.”

Activist Quanell X calmly asserted that the officer should have been indicted in addition to being fired.

“Ms. Box, nobody supports a disruptive student in a classroom because it stops other kids learning,” Quanell X explained. “But what I do have a problem with is, men should never handle a woman like the way that cop handled that little girl, to turn that desk over the way he did, grab her around her neck, then grabbed that child and threw her across the room, that is unbecoming of a man with decent character and conduct.”

“Now for you to say that we need to deal with the culture of black kids in schools,” he noted, taking a deep breath. “Let’s deal with the culture of these crazy fanatic white boys who go in schools with guns and shoot and kill everybody.”

Box began shouting back but Quanell X continued: “Columbine, killing the kids at the [Sandy Hook] elementary school, the shootings in other cities across the America have all been crazy little white boys shooting up innocent people so let’s study that culture!”

With her finger in Quanell X’s face, the teacher-turned-pundit fired back by blaming Democrats for destroying black families and their “self worth.”

“Address the black culture, the perpetual chip on your shoulder, blame whitey!” she yelled.

“Show some manners,” Quanell X replied. “Don’t tell me a damn thing about the black culture and kids in school when it’s white boys who go in school and murder all kinds of innocent people. Don’t tell me that! We need to study these fanatic white boys!”

“When you go in these inner cities and start teaching there, you let me know,” Box quipped. “Then you can have something to say about it.”

“I went to inner city schools!” Quanell X exclaimed. “And at the end of the day, there’s wolves in sheep’s clothing teaching at inner city schools.”

“How dare you say that to me,” Box gasped.

“It’s the truth when it comes to you!” Quanell X concluded.

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