internet aristocrat breaks down how the new,and far more radical social justice warriors have infiltrated valid protest causes and corrupted them,from occupy to atheism,gamergate to feminism.

censorship by fiat and silencing any dissent,criticism or disagreement by hiding behind tired and inaccurate tropes:
you cant say anything because you are a white male.
your opinion does not matter because you are heterosexual.
and so on...and so on...and so on....
using all manners of "isms" to deflect criticism of their own myopic,self-centered narrative.dressed up as being a good and positive thing. is not.

just look at what these folks have done to atheism!
i mean..atheism PLUS?
who thought that was a good idea?
and look at how they have shut down credible and intelligent speakers and thinkers.simply by ACCUSING.

look what they did to occupy.

they are a stain and a corruption.
they pollute actual ,positive dialogue by shutting down anybody who dares dissent or disagree by simply accusing:racism,sexism,elitism,oppression

and then execute their self-righteousness by way of bully-groupthink,while simultaneously pretending the be the victim,or at least defending the supposed victim.

what i find so ironic is that many of these "victims" really want the SJW's to shut the fuck up,and stop representing them in any venue.

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