goliath-life and loathing in greater isreal

Paul Jay, Senior Editor, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay. And welcome to Reality Asserts Itself.

When I was a teenager in the late 1960s, I visited a relative in Israel. She'd gone to live on a kibbutz. If at that time a political leader of Israel had talked in overt racist language, had talked about cleansing Israel of its Arab population, I think the people my relative knew would have been appalled. Most Israelis I ran into--and I think it would be true to say most Israelis in general--would not accept that they belong to a state that was essentially racist, and certainly would not accept their political leaders talking that way.

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Good - if that's the right word - post. What is wrong with humans!!?? Ethnicity, religion, left, right, extremist, etc. etc. We have learned nothing from the history of "them and us." We, instead, have increased our hatred, fear, and loathing of those not affiliated to our particular "tribe." Those waiting gleefully for the apocalypse will, I fear, not have to wait too much longer. But it will not be what is hoped for. An apocalypse yes, but not one brought on by a god, one brought on by the ignorance and stupidity of humans.

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