Will Scott Walker Buy The Wisconsin Election? -- TYT

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"Governor Scott Walker is not trying to win the Wisconsin recall election that will be held June 5. He is trying to buy it...Walker's campaign finance disclosure forms reveal that, as of May 21, Walker has raised more than $30 million for the June 5 fight he was forced into when more than 900,000 Wisconsinites petitioned for a new election...".
The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
Read more from John Nichols of The Nation:
As Goes Janesville:

Right to Work Laws are a fucking joke. They should be called Anything but Right to Work, in Texas we are Right to Work and that basically means my employers can do whatever the hell they like to their employees they can cut your benefits at anytime without notice, they can cut your hours, your vacation, your sick time, and they can fire you for ANY reason whatsoever if you sneeze wrong in your bosses direction he can fire you, he can fire you if he doesn't like your haircut or the clothes you wear. I've was fired because I got hit by a frickin car and shattered my ankle and had to miss work until I was recovered didn't matter that it wasn't my fault or that it was well documented and I had doctors excuses I didn't show up for work so they fired me end of story. Fuck Right to Work Laws! Unions were the best thing that ever happened for employee's rights and now they are taking them away so they can make the U.S into a machine state like China. They better start building nets around all the buildings like they do at Foxconn because it's gonna be raining employees pretty soon.


Considering the outcome,I'd say that the election needs serious investigating:900,000 signitures demanding the chance to vote him out means there should have been at least that many votes against Walker.I cannot believe the people of Wisconsin are so quick to forget the protests a handful of months ago...and Republicans are not known for fair play when it comes to protecting their powerbase..

Might as well vote for the Koch brothers...

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