A few days ago, I tried to log into my sift account to comment. I just watch Desmond Tutu on Craig Ferguson, but it was only part 1 of a three part video. I wanted to comment with part 2’s and part 3’s youtube addresses.
Denied. WTF? Did I forget my password? No, because it was a completely simple easy password. My email address didn’t work either? Umm… I search for "Rick Steves" because I had submitted a Rick Steves interview with LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) about how marijuana should be legal in the States. The video showed it had been submitted by videosift member "9257". Arrrrgg! I never considered that someone would want to hack my videosift account (except maybe QM because of my smartass comments showing the "incorrectness" of his comments - just kidding QM.)
All of my blog entries have been deleted. The wonderful dialog I had with Farhad about the word enemy and the wonderful interaction and stories in the comments for my entry about feeling compelled to start a side business. The blog page shows them, but if you click on any of them... the ol' 404 pops up.
SO LET THIS BE A WARNING to all you. Change your password so it is a strong password so this doesn't happen to you.
So... in the spirit of this, I submit a video on how to make an easily-remembered strong password.
The offender's page:
[defunct] curiousityBack with a red "P". Sigh...
qualmThere was a major malfunction. Check sift talk for lucky's explanation.

You might want to re-reregister and correct the typo in your name. You've spelled 'curiosity' incorrectly. (Unless you prefer it that way for some reason.)
[defunct] curiousity>> ^qualm:
There was a major malfunction. Check sift talk for lucky's explanation.
You might want to re-reregister and correct the typo in your name. You've spelled 'curiosity' incorrectly. (Unless you prefer it that way for some reason.) <IMG class=smiley src="http://static1.videosift.com/videosift/i/emoticon/smile.gif">
Thanks for the information!
siftbotPermanently discarding this video - kill requested by submitter curiousity.