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WARNING: Cheetos cause schizophrenic hallucinations

So it seems Cheetos has started lacing their product with LSD or some other powerful hallucinogen. Or so one might be lead to believe from the commercial. Either way, it was creepy the first time I saw it and still is. BTW: That's Felicia Day, and Chester is apparently being voiced by Patrick Stewart.

Now the question of the day, if Cheetos really did cause hallucinations like that how many bags would you buy.

Sorry, But anything thats a recording of a screen gets an automatic downvote from me. The site is about Quality, and even thought the content might be great, the video itself isn't. If you end up re-sifting a clean version, let me know.

Oh - especially if they cant even put the camera on something to avoid the shake.


Fair enough.

The sad part is, this appears to be Cheetos' official youtube submission. The shaky cam is their way of making it look grass roots or something, that and forcing people to signup at their web site if they want the non-shaky cam version. I imagine they're rather persistent in getting better quality version pulled.

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