Virgin Comics is the creative collaboration of writer Deepak Chopra, filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, and Sir Richard Branson. Based in Bangalore, India, the company focuses on the creation of original stories and characters that tap into the vast library of traditional Asian mythology. Devi is the Sanskrit word for Goddess. She is synonymous with Shakti, the female aspect of the divine, as conceptualized by the Shakta tradition of Hinduism.
The rapid decay of the city of Sitapur and its festering crime forged by the fearsome renegade God Bala has forced the divine pantheon to re-birth a fierce feminine warrior by the name of Devi! Taking the form of a young city girl now cast as a “warrior of the light,” the Devi finds her only ally is a burnt out detective whose made quite a name for himself as a hunter of the strange creatures that lurk the city’s underbelly. A very modern take on a very ancient myth.
Virgin Comics
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