Vintage Gracie Jiu Jitsu, restored video from the early 50s

A remastered clip of some old Gracie Jiu Jitsu. I'm pretty sure that's Helio himself with the mustache :)

Haha, wasn't this clip upped by Lord Asia?

Man, some thing about BJJ change (better submissions, shittier throws, divergence from judo), but other things never will (Gracie propaganda).

"It is the most complete form of self-defense". Oh, for those simpler, more innocent times. I especially love the flop pass and then what appears to be a pro-wrestling-style rear neck crank (possibly a loose collar choke?) by Carlos at 4:15.

*sigh*, I'm pretty sure I have to upvote or I think I get stripped of all my ranks. I'll just say I'm upvoting for historical significance. Yeah, that's what I'm doing.


i think gracie fanbois are rather geeky, so thats why i put it there

Hah, true 'nuff, though these days we get less of Gracie nutriders stumbling onto the mats as we do TUF noobs. When will they ever learn that there's no such thing as submission by association???

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