Vets react to McCain saying troops "Not too Important"


With all the ways McCain is currently shooting himself in the foot:
a) if this were a fight, I'd suspect it has been fixed and
b) he supposedly still has an approval rating greater than 40% among voters in the US?

Seems weird to me.


Many people seem to think that McCain has "earned" the presidency because of his service. Becoming president is not a reward for past deeds. The person who earns the presidency should be the person who makes the best, truthful, case to the American people that he will be the best among the candidates at faithfully executing the office, defending the Constitution, unifying the country, and moving it forward through the challenges that lie ahead.


Given how dramatically McCain shifted in almost all his positions to get into line with the party as it is now I think there is a possibility that if elected he may return back to his previous views where he wasn't an idiot.


There are plenty of reasons to reject McCain based on his policies, flip-flops or voting record...anyone rejecting him based on half-truths and distortions by the (dis)likes of Olbyloon probably isn't looking to be convinced otherwise.

Liberals generally despise the military...their 'concern' about the well-being of U.S. soldiers is about as convincing as a PETA vegan worrying if your steak is cooked properly.


^ Apparently the Pentagon also doesn't want to see the bill passed for its own reasons.

The GI Bill is pretty much a drop in the bucket these days as kollijes have already raised their tuitions to absorb it. Make the GI Bill bennies bigger and they'll just raise the tuition again.

Again, why would liberals care about the GI Bill? They're trying to keep military recruiters off "their" campuses, both kollij and high school. They despise the military who mostly vote Republican.


Your assumptions about liberals and their hatred for the military couldnt be further from the truth, or any more insulting.
I could sit here and tell you about the military history my family has and how proud I am of it but I feel I would be wasting my time. If for no other reason then because anyone can claim anything on the internet. I personally was never in the military for what its worth.
What I will say is that youre not helping your case or cause by making such assumptions. They don't help discourse they break it down. That is if by making comments on videosift you or anyone hopes to try and pursuade the "other side"
I value your opinions and views here because without discent on both sides democracy wouldnt work, frankly it would be really boring. I just wish you would make better arguments than "they(liberals) despise the military who mostly vote republican"
i.e. we hate them because of the way they generally vote?!?
I dont despise the military, I have nothing but respect for them. I despise the government for what they do to the military.

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