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qruelthis seems to be a hot button issue with some and i can forsee downvotes for disagreeing with the title. I would appreciate any downvoters to specifically explain their disagreements with the facts in this video. thanks.
curiousityJournal of Pediatrics:
Mercury is good for kids!! (I'm being sarcastic, but the reports weren't.)
qrueli give my kids a healthy daily dose of mercury, sometimes twice a day if they get unruly.
RaigenI'm only upvoting so that people can look into it for themselves. It is the lack of critical thinking that will doom human-kind.
Follow this: eSkeptic - Mercury Rising: The Vaccine-Autism Myth by Matthew P. Normand and Jesse Dallery (it's a little down the page, just search for "Mercury Rising" if you're lazy) which also appeared in Volume 13, Number 3 of Skeptic Magazine.
Partially taken from the last paragraph of the article:
"Claims of a causal link between the administration of
thimerosal-containing vaccines and the onset of autism are
unfounded. The controversy has been driven more by public fervor
than it has by science...
...Compounding the difficulty is that many must navigate
the waters of emerging science without having received the necessary
training to do so. Clarifying misguided claims of causative factors
can help redirect necessary resources to more promising treatments,
and perhaps reveal a better understanding of the real factors that
cause autism."
Now bring on the video that claims Aspartame causes blindess and MS, I'm ready for that too.
choggieRaigen, what are you are prepared to do? Provide contrindicative "evidence" in the form of promulgated and disseminated data from the very entities who stand to gain from the same?
Science, and her so-called, self-proclaimed sirens-a double-edged mind fuck for certain folks.
Aspartame causes this. People making money off shit bad for the body.
Fluoride, the same.
and phenylketoneurics....tell us, what is that??? Harmless huh???
Those above referenced statements sound like yer basic pap from the mind of some party-line doubt, some "expert"
-"promising treatments"....medical newsspeak on a level with Joe Mengele, eh???
Check that shit man, it's worst than a drug addiction....
qruelI remember reading that article and being disappointed with the many half truths that it asserted. In addition the article you cited certainly didn't dispel any of the facts mentioned in the video above. Perhaps the government should have read your article before conceeding that vaccines caused this girls autism (aggravating the previously undiagnosed mitochonrial disorder).
"It is the lack of critical thinking that will doom human-kind."
I agree, what idiots would look at the levels below and then try to assert that it doesn't do any harm to a newborn.
0.5 parts per billion (ppb) mercury = Kills human neuroblastoma cells (Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140).
"2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water."
20 ppb mercury = Neurite membrane structure destroyed (Leong et al., Neuroreport 2001; 12: 733-37).
"200 ppb mercury = level in liquid the EPA classifies as hazardous waste."
25,000 ppb mercury = Concentration of mercury in the Hepatitis B vaccine, administered at birth in the U.S., from 1990-2001.
50,000 ppb Mercury = Concentration of mercury in multi-dose DTaP and Haemophilus B vaccine vials, administered 4 times each in the 1990's to children at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age. Current "preservative" level mercury in multi-dose flu (94% of supply), meningococcal and tetanus (7 and older) vaccines. This can be confirmed by simply analyzing the multi- dose vials.
Raigen>> ^choggie:
Aspartame causes this. People making money off shit bad for the body.
Fluoride, the same.
and phenylketoneurics....tell us, what is that??? Harmless huh???
Those above referenced statements sound like yer basic pap from the mind of some party-line doubt, some "expert"
Chogglestein, I'm not sure what two Psychologists would get out of writing an article for Skeptic magazine, claiming there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, maybe they're just sick and crazy doctors?
And are you referring to "phenylketonuric/phenylketonuria" which is an inherited genetic disease due to the faulty metabolism of phenylalanine? The latter which is found in most diet drinks? I've been diabetic for more years than I have fingers and toes, and have enjoyed diet Coke and diet Pepsi without incident in these times. Hell, for a year in my first apartment (I know I'm stupid so don't point it out) that's all I drank, between 6-10 a day. Was I addicted? No, I was addicted to alcohol at the time though! Now it's a random one, or two I enjoy a week, and I've yet to suffer ill effects from the phenylalanine or aspartame. And considering my condition, and sweet tooth, I've ingested more than my fair share of aspartame, I'm sure.
On the issue of the Vaccine-Austim hooplah, however, I'll of course concede that, yes, having such a large amount of shots in one day is over the boards, doing so could potentially injure a child. Also, Qruel, I understand the ppb mercury leves you cited, these vaccines, however, are not using methylmercury, they are using ethylmercury, which (I cite Wiki here): "Unlike methylmercury, ethylmercury has not been found to bioaccumulate.[1] The toxicity of ethylmercury is not well studied, but exposure standards based on methylmercury (such as those currently recommended by the EPA) are not demonstrated to be equivalent for ethylmercury. What does that mean? It means it is easily flushed and expelled by the human body. Unless, of course, a particular human body has problems with that. I note here, that we are all not the same 100% biologically, as Lewis Black said: "What's good for you might kill the bastard sitting next to you."
So, even though there is less observable, and confirmed, damage for ethylmercury, it is still treated as if it were as dangerous and bioaccumulated as methymercury.
Here's another article written by Kristina Chew, PhD, about the Vaccine-Autism hoopla, and her own personal experience with it, as her child has autism:
Here's another good artice over at The Skeptic's Dictionary: The Anti-Vaccination Movement (AVM).
What is shown, for the most part, in these Vaccine-Autism cases is a correlative link. "100 of these 200 kids had X Vaccine, and they got Autism, ergo, the vaccine caused it." A few months ago I had a similar discussion with some "Right-to-Lifers" in my town over a billboard they put up outright saying that abortion caused breast cancer. The "evidence" they cited on their website was decades old, and all refuted by modern studies. Not to mention her strongest "evidence" was that in the last ten years in Canada the rate of abortions and breast cancer went up. I told her so did the use of computers in the home, does that cause cancer too? She screamed the same nonsense into me that "You don't think doctor's would lie about this to make money? What about cigarrettes!".
When it is a personal experience, with a lot of emotion involved, IE; parents with their children, you look for a pattern. We are pattern-seeking primates (as Dr. Shermer mentions in the Skeptic Mag article) and as Carl Sagan pointed out in Demon Haunted World, we tend to find lots of pattern where there is none.
As it still stands there is no solid scientific evidence to prove having these vaccines and children getting autism. I will gladly accept that they do when the evidence is presented.
And I'll say what I said to the Right-to-Life lady on the phone:
"Correlation dose not equal causation, you cannot have causation, not yours."
choggiecontrol is the issue
published and peer reviewed does not necessarily sound data make
unhealthy addiction to or the placing of upon the highest pedestal of anything that would cater to predictable primate behavior(including science), foolhardy.
What the planet may need at this point is enematic in in Enema!
God knows a good virus would do wonders for the inordinate amount of bullshit that comes from most humans.....
Raigen>> ^choggie:
What the planet may need at this point is enematic in in Enema!
God knows a good virus would do wonders for the inordinate amount of bullshit that comes from most humans.....
For once... I think I agree with you, Chogs.
qruelwhile I appreciate this statement from you
I'll of course concede that, yes, having such a large amount of shots in one day is over the boards, doing so could potentially injure a child.
this is a nice concession but it does little to enlighten with the details of what the repercussions of all those shots in one day might mean, such as taking into account at what levels induce what kind of damage and if damage is done, who is responsible ?
currently, some of the problems I see with vaccines are they try a one size fits all approach, not taking into consideration that some by have adverse reactions to large amounts of ethylmercury, aluminum and formaldahyde.
a lot of these discussions leave out the human aspect or try to diminish the parents point of view. the parents stories I've heard, talk of children who are progressing and developing normally, then after several rounds of vaccines their kids change overnight.
you might find this video enlightening
choggieFunny you should mention that qruel-I was at a closing today and talked to my client about her baby (going on 18 months) that had a similar story to tell-developmentally progressing normally and now, after the all-manner battery cocktail suggested by most doctors, and due for one at 18 months, mom is going with her inclinations, that the child's violent behavior, reverting to crawling and bottle-drinking, and other developmental schism could be possibly manifesting as the result of poison.
My great-granny used to tell me, there are 3 entities she never trusted-
Bankers, doctors, lawyers.
I embraced her list, and have since added another nefarious and likely to be full of bullshit character to the list......EXPERTS.
Show me and expert, and I'll show you an insect, a tunnel-reality fixator, or a bullshitter.
jwrayTry using ascorbic acid as a preservative instead of cumulative human toxins like murcury and aluminum.
RaigenAgain, Ethylmercury is not bioaccumulative. I'll make a wild assumption that all of us have had numerous vaccinations in our lives, hell I know I have, right from infancy. And the last time I checked, I do not have autism, neither does anyone I know, nor does my parents who had the small-pox vaccinations in the 60's and 70's which contained much, much higher levels of "mercury".
And, Chogs, perhaps it's because I live, and have been raised, in Ontario, Canada, but I certainly don't know anyone that would feel that way about doctors. Especially to go so far as to lump them in with bankers and lawyers. But then again, in the States, and a couple other countries, hospitals are business, competeting with each other for your money, and your ailments. I'm always surprised when I'm travelling in the U.S. and see billboards advertising "Come to this Hospital, we have the bes Cardiologists!", etc. There's no such thing here. When you're sick, you go to a doctor, you trust your doctors, they make you feel better, and you pay nothing. Of course they don't always get it right the first time, I've been misdiagnosed myself, and that was my own fault for providing incomplete information about my symptoms, but that didn't necessitate me mistrusting my doctors. These people swear an oath to do no harm, and help people. I'm sorry, but it is ignorance like that which turns my stomach against doctors. I get enough of it from my mother who is now only trusting Homeopaths to help her with her problems.
Oh yes, and the next time you trust an "expert" who tells you that thimersol is causing autism in children, remember your own statements.
And, Qruel, I did look at those videos, certainly thought provoking indeed. And worthy of a lot more in depth research for sure.
you mention not knowing anyone with autism and your folks getting vaccinated in the 60's and 70's. I'm sure you're aware that up till the 1983 there were only 10 vaccines given to kids and now there are 36? [EDIT] During the late 80's and 90's, the level of thimerosal was 99 times greater than the EPA's limit for daily exposure to methylmercury. While you say ethylmercury is not bioacculmative, you mention nothing of its toxicity. Also, there are conflicting studies on the status of it being bio acculmative.
please check out this rebuttal to the study that was done that came to the conclusion that ethylmercury is not bioacculmative. " Boyd E. Haley, PhD Professor of Chemistry and Department Chairman. University of Kentucky"
you might also want to check out the scientific studies listed under #5 and #7 on this list at
Out of curiosity, what part of that video did you think was thought provoking ?
I'm still working on rebutting the dozen or so half truths/oversights from that first article in e-sceptic and when I'm done I'll provide a link for you as it would take up too much room here.
siftbotMoving this video to qruel's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 3 days.
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Corner to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter qruel.
nibiyabiMercury was removed from all vaccinations in the United States (except the influenza vaccine) in 1999 (give or take a year, but I'm pretty sure that's right), not because of a causal link, but because of public outcry. I don't know the chemical specifics (I'm a Psych/Polisci major), but they found alternatives that also work. She received vaccines with mercury, so technically she could have possibly been affected (there is no evidence that mercury causes Autism, keep in mind), but this is no longer the case. Seeing as how I don't want parents getting any "bright" ideas, I have to do my utmost to keep this from the front page (though Oprah has done enough damage already). OK, they just started talking about the removal of mercury from the vaccines and now this woman is saying that barely traceable levels of mercury are more unsafe than subjecting her child to the mumps, typhoid fever, measles, etc. etc. etc. Psycho. I feel bad for her kids -- hope they don't get TB.
qruel^This is a widely held, inaccurate belief. Actually thimerisal was not removed in 1999 and was not removed from all vaccinations, that is one of many common pieces of misinformation repeated by the media. According to David Kirby, author of Evidence of Harm.
Thimerosal started to get phased out (volunarily, not mandatory) but that stock piles of it were used until gone around the 2004-2005 time frame. (I'll provide the link when I find it)
And as late as 2003, a review of the Physician's Desk Reference showed that three childhood vaccines were still being made with full doses of thimerosal.
Diphtheria-Tetanus-acellular-Pertussis (DTaP) in multi-dose vials contained 25 micrograms of mercury
Haemophilus-influenza-Type b (HibTITTER) in multi-dose vials contained contained 25 micrograms of mercury
B vaccine (delivered on first day of birth) manufactured by Merck contained 12.5 micrograms of mercury.
These vaccines represented about half of the childhood vaccines available for use in the US that year.
in addition the flu vaccine has been recommended for women who are pregnany and children starting at six months and it also contains 25 micrograms of mercury.
In 2003 the total childhood mercury intake could have been more than 300 µg, according to the report in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Spring 2003 issue.
"Testing Mercury Free Vaccines"
and as far as your comment about "barely traceable levels of mercury".
If the vaccine manufacturers want to claim that a vaccine is mercury free then it should be.
According to Boyd Haley, PhD, Chemistry Department Chair, University of Kentucky, mercury binds to the antigenic protein in the vaccine and cannot be completely, 100% filtered out. In a test all four vaccine vials tested contained mercury despite manufacturer claims that two of the vials were completely mercury free. All four vials also contained aluminum, one nine times more than the other three, which tremendously enhances the toxicity of mercury causing neuronal death in the brain. It is the position of Dr. Haley as well as Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI) that if mercury can be detected in any vaccine using standard instrumentation, the content should be disclosed in the product insert and manufacturers should not be allowed to call the product "mercury free". This sounds very reasonable to me.
this should also be required reading "CDC Discourages Thimerosal Removal"
nibiyabiThe warning sounds reasonable -- not vaccinating your kids, however, is not.
Baerasays...Very interesting. Thanks for the information as well, guys.
jwrayTo be on the safe side, don't get more than two vaccination shots at once and opt for the thiomersal-free variety.
There are plenty of easily-excreted preservatives that could be substituted for mercury. Nothing you do to dress up mercury can make it completely safe. The FDA has set no safe lower threshold for methylmercury exposure, and it's thermodynamically inevitable that any mercury compound will form traces of methylmercury in vivo.
Thiomersal has been used since the 1920's. It was grandfathered in by the FDA without adequate human toxicology testing. The only reason for these preservatives is to prevent bacterial growth in multi-dose vaccine vials after opening. I.E., they risk people's health with mercury-containing preservatives to save a couple of pennies per shot on independent packaging. The whole idea of using a general biocide as a preservative in something intended to be injected into human blood is ridiculous.
sepatownthe title is a tad misleading even if the link does exist
Still no autism-vaccine link, say health officials
Autism payout reignites vaccine controversy
nibiyabiFinally, proof that all of this is crap:
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