US Military Destroys Iraqi Homes By Mistake

From AiB: Adhamiya has been a difficult neighborhood for most of the war. Many important Baathists are from the area, and it is the neighborhood where Saddam last appeared as President of Iraq. However, despite the depiction in much of the media that Adhamiya is a haven of terrorists and insurgents, it is a huge neighborhood, and houses many Iraqis who are tired of the fighting and violence.

>> ^dead_tofu:
they give about $2000 to families of civilians killed by the army,right? so a house.....hmmmm, $100 ????

Hmm...let me see if I can figure this one out here...

Al Qaeda kills USA soldier = USA pays victim's family over">$200,000.00.

Al Qaeda kills USA civilian (9/11) = USA pays victim's family ~$1,650,000.00.

USA kills Iraq civilian (that was never, in any way, connected to Al Qaeda) = USA pays victim's family $2,000.00.

That's how you say "an Iraqi life means next to nothing to us" in dollar signs.

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