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U.S. Attacks Syria & Pakistan: "Refuses to Comment..."

From Y/T: "AKA: How to recruit and produce new terrorists by angering every single country in the Middle East. Contributions to the eternal "War on Terrorism" brought to you by the Homeland Corporation.

Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Al-Qaeda have joined forces for the first time in history to rise up and fight against the "infidels" that create havoc, death, destruction and war with the entire Middle East.

It seems that Venezuela and Russia apparently want in as well... Some say even China is getting a bit upset... "
Via: ScrapeUp

Can't wait till we finally scare all the Bad Guys into not scaring us anymore.

I think the warnings at the airport pretty much sum it up.

"Warning: Threat Level is Orange. Please don't leave your bags unattended."

As if someday, when the threat level is green or blue or whatever 'safe' is, we can all just leave our stuff laying around and no one will touch it. You can stop locking your doors, we got all the Bad Guys. Please feel free to leave stores unattended, people will just leave you the money for the things they take. We've murdered all the Bad Guys, just us Good Guys left...

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