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Truth about the Present Condition of Islam

Islam needs major reform. Dr. Sultan is brave for saying so, in plain Arabic.

I agree and disagree on many of her views. Mostly because as a immigrant living in America she has lost touch with the Islamic community, and has now declined to making inflammatory statements everywhere she goes instead of actually working to some end.

"Other Jews, such as Judea Pearl (father of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl), have strongly criticized Sultan's polemics. In an op-ed piece published in the Los Angeles Times (June 25, 2006) and titled "Islam’s Ann Coulter," Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, who attended a fundraiser for a local Jewish organization where Sultan was a speaker, wrote "Sultan’s over-the-top, indefensible remarks at the fundraiser, along with her failure to mention the important, continuing efforts of the Islamic Center (of Southern California), insulted all Muslims and Jews in L.A. and throughout the nation who are trying to bridge the cultural gap between the two groups. And that’s one reason why I eventually walked out of the event."

Everything she says is simply conjecture. You can't blame religion for being abused and corrupted by various power hungry individuals, but then again how do you at the same time defend democracy being brought through bombs? And honestly if the Palestinian people could afford F-16s, they would use them instead of suicide bombers. Suicide bombing is not a point reached out of irrational religious fervor, it's reached by human desperation at seeing nothing being done about your plight for over 60 years or seeing your country taken over by a goverment preaching freedom and democracy, while it appoints its own ministers and goverment behind a emerald concrete walled complex away from the people.

If what she said was really true. There would have been a religious and cultural war spreading back to the Crusades, but we're not, because this is ALL INVENTED just like the Crusades. And the more troops and soldiers we send to bring 'freedom', the more we galvanize the people that see this as a military occupation, the more we create the very thing we want to avoid. If this is really a war for the fate of western civilization then maybe we should get the draft back, and send 500,000 troops. But we won't, because it's NOT.

The whole fiasco about Iraq having had weapons of mass destruction is a perpetuated lie that is still defended under the guise of bad intelligence and such, not mentioning the clear fact that Iraq was under UN sanctions and a NO FLY ZONE with US and UK fighters occasionally firing a few cruise missiles. The whole nation was under watch by Coalition Forces stationed in the Gulf. Militarily ask yourself if it's advisable to develop a nuclear weapon to attack the US under those conditions. The moment that happens it gives the US total carte blanche in using it's own nuclear arsenal. Now in a nuclear stand off who do you think would survive? Developing nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction is no avenue for any other nation on the planet.

But what do I know am a liberal defeatist communist right QM?


The simple fact is that QM has never attempted to offer a balanced or objective view of the Islamic world in any of his/her posts or comments and has only resorted to crude name calling and ill-informed stereotypes and generalities. The title of the this video is grossly misleading - by calling your video 'the truth about the present condition of Islam' you seek to paint all Muslims and the entire Islamic world as backward and unthinking. There are billions of Muslims in this world from hundreds of countries who speak thousands of languages. The Islamic world is incredibly diverse incorporating a plethora of cultures and traditions. The extremists and literalists are only a tiny drop in the ocean of modern Islam. They are unrepresentative, and have very little support. However people do support resistance against Israeli and American imperialism, and the vile dictatorships - propped up by America - that rule many Islamic states.

While the women in the video may have some good points to make - and in fact I'm pretty certain she is referring only to the Taliban and not to the entire Muslim world as you would like us to believe QM - she also resorts to simplistic generalities and ill-informed comments. For example, although we haven't seen Jews blow themselves up, for over fifty years we have seen the Israelis oppress the Palestinians - including daily humiliation, terrorism and murder and a concerted effort to steal Palestinian land and annex Jerusalem. This is just as appalling as the acts of a person forced to blow themselves up out of desperation.


In my daily trawl through YouTube I have encountered many videos from Memri TV. This website only shows the very worst of the Islamic world - radical fringe preachers with little or no public support, unobjective critics of America and Israel, anti-semites, holocaust deniers, misogynists, etc. However, it presents these opinions as if they are widely held, rarely questioned, and representative of the Islamic world. Further more - and this is particularly worrying - the site often mistranslates, or takes out of context, what major Islamic leaders are saying in order to make them seem more extreme and bigotted. The site uses an Arabic title and icon in order to try and disguise its real agenda.

Who are Memri? They send out their videos to all senators and congressmen, and all mainstream media, so we should really know something about them!

MEMRI was founded in 1998 by its president Yigal Carmon, a retired colonel from Israeli military intelligence, and the academic Dr. Meyrav Wurmser. Meyrav Wurmser and her husband David Wurmser were both co authors of A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel) which was the precursor for the Wolfowitz doctrine- which led to PNAC - Project for the New American Century. Dr. Meyrav Wurmser received her doctorate at George Washington University, by researching the life and works of Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism. Her husband David Wurmser works directly under Vice President Dick Cheney and his chief of staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby. It was David Wurmser that told Dick Cheney that Wilson's wife Plame was the one that sent Wilson to Niger.

MEMRI's headquarters are in Washington DC. It is a non-profit organization, exempt from taxation, that has private donors. MEMRI's largest donor is The Bradley Foundation. The Bradley Foundation has also provided funding for the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). PNAC brought together prominent members of the (George W) Bush Administration (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz) in the late 1990s to articulate their neoconservative foreign policy.

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