The Unemployment Disaster Continues

From Dec.3 2010

Ah, let's just lean back and enjoy the show.

42.91 million now rely on the SNAP. You went from 26.5 to almost 43 million in less than five years. That's 6! (SIX) million more in the last 12 months alone. I was disgusted when it passed the 30 million mark, but when 40 was breached, my inherent cynicism took over. So now it's fun again.

And what about the FED audit?
It's fucking hilarious if you look at it. TALF, PDCF and whatnot, they made sure the casino could keep on playing. There's no denying that all those capitalists are hardcore socialists when their ass is on the line. Deficit, debt, inflation: irrelevant, big money needs its bailout.
And since all is fine now - except for some collateral damage like mass unemployment, mass foreclosure, explosion of the SNAP, etc -, the deficit matters once again. Woe is us if we don't cut social security.

For the grand finale, you need some Tea Bagger to run the show or a proper socialist. Either is fine by me, as long as it's entertaining. Though I do prefer the latter, just to see Goldman Sachs nationalized and then cut down into manageable pieces.

Or how about a race to the bottom, EU vs USA? You're in the lead now, but once Portugal and Spain go down, we might just have a chance.

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