"The Role Of Gov. Is To Crush The Middle Class"

This nine minute talk criticizes the right wing rhetoric that calls for crushing the teachers' unions in Wisconsin, as the Governor there tries to balance the budget, while refusing to raise taxes on the corporate looters.

Public eduction is perfectly sustainable. Take a look around the rest of the world. It's just not sustainable when you spend $1,154,031,244,020 on war in the middle east, give trillions away to corporations in the form of bailouts, subsidies and other types of corporate welfare, and give tax cuts to the super wealthy. When did you become such an uncritical right wing parrot? >> ^blankfist:

Maybe the government shouldn't be in the business of education? Public schools will forever be "under funded" as long as it remains "free". Completely unsustainable system.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Public eduction is perfectly sustainable. Take a look around the rest of the world. It's just not sustainable when you spend $1,154,031,244,020 on war in the middle east, give trillions away to corporations in the form of bailouts, subsidies and bailouts, and give tax cuts to the super wealthy. When did you become such an uncritical right wing parrot?>> ^blankfist:
Maybe the government shouldn't be in the business of education? Public schools will forever be "under funded" as long as it remains "free". Completely unsustainable system.

I was going to respond favorably to your comment, until I read your last sentence. Yeah, I'm so right wing with my ACLU card and all those right wing things I do in favor of people's equal rights and civil liberties. Your personal attacks diminish the effectiveness of your arguments. Try not doing that sometime and see how it works out for you.


Public education works in countries all over the world.

People refusing to do work until they get what they feel they deserve for it does not mean they are "holding" anyone "hostage".



Public education works in countries all over the world.

And an octagonal wheel will roll, but not as well as a round one. Why pay more for less? Who are these educrats fooling that they're the most efficient and effective at what they do?

People refusing to do work until they get what they feel they deserve for it does not mean they are "holding" anyone "hostage".

Average Milwaukee Public School Teacher Compensation Tops $100k/year


Ask all you like, reds. The answer is NO MORE.


Wake the fuck up my friend. I want to stage an intervention of one right here and now.

Let's take war, since we both agree.

How has the US conducted itself in it's corporate driven foreign policy over the last few decades? What is the pattern of our imperialism?

Step 1: Destabilize the economy, whether it be through violence, sanctions, puppet governments or all 3.

Step 2: We force these countries to privatize and to sell off their infrastructure to big business.

Step 3: Corporate profit.

Now take a look at our own nation. Do you see any similarities?

Our economy has already been destabilized by way of the deficit. Unfathomable amounts of money have gone towards war, corporate welfare and tax cuts for people who are making record profits, cleaning out our treasury and creating debt for many generations to come. We are now on to step two, which is to destroy and privatize the infrastructure. The same people that created this deficit are now saying that we can't afford education or social security, and you, Mr sanctimonious libertarian, in your eagerness to have anything at all to back up your shallow excuse for an ideology, latch on to this bullshit like a child hugging his teddy bear. When you say things like 'education is unsustainable' or other such provably false statements, you are a parrot of the right. If it pisses you off, then good, but don't be mad at me, talk to the guy in the mirror.

You aren't a rebel or a rugged individual. You are a pawn. Congrats for having liberal social views and supporting the ACLU, just like almost every other person on this site. I never know what response you are looking for when you trot out that unremarkable fact. Would you like a trophy? A handjob?

I don't care if you respond or not, because you are just going to trot out the same tired bullshit arguments that have already been thoroughly destroyed many times over on this site. You are being manipulated, your ego is being massaged, and Koch and Mellon Scaife are laughing all the way to the bank as they fill your head with utopian daydreams. Your own idol, Milton Friedman, supported death squads that killed tens of thousands in Chile. You've never responded to that fact, probably because you can't without having your worldview crash down on top of your head. Your economic belief system has nothing to do with liberty and everything to do with imperialism.

Everyone deserves liberty, not just rich people.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Public eduction is perfectly sustainable. Take a look around the rest of the world. It's just not sustainable when you spend $1,154,031,244,020 on war in the middle east, give trillions away to corporations in the form of bailouts, subsidies and bailouts, and give tax cuts to the super wealthy. When did you become such an uncritical right wing parrot?>> ^blankfist:
Maybe the government shouldn't be in the business of education? Public schools will forever be "under funded" as long as it remains "free". Completely unsustainable system.

I was going to respond favorably to your comment, until I read your last sentence. Yeah, I'm so right wing with my ACLU card and all those right wing things I do in favor of people's equal rights and civil liberties. Your personal attacks diminish the effectiveness of your arguments. Try not doing that sometime and see how it works out for you.


See QM, that's great. "NO MORE" is your stance on the issue and I support you 100%. But how totally un-American is it to try and take away the right that anyone should have to argue for the things they want? That's my only problem here.

It's my opinion that teachers are not respected enough, and that the education system that has benefited us so much is going to the dogs. It's also my opinion, as a private contractor who is married to a public employee, that people who are currently rallying against public employee unions are just looking for a quick fix to a much larger problem. And that while trying to push so hard on this fight, they are making the real issues much much worse by simply ignoring them.

But those are just my opinions.


similar video here:


All of this is still a byproduct of our basic problem... we don't have a government which is responsive to it's people...it is rather responsive to the richest 2-5 percent (our corporate overlords).
Our government seeks to control the public and it's opinions, not respond to it.
We need to actually control our government.

until that time comes, we're just farting on each other.
Get pissed about schools, budgets, wars...etc...it's just indicative of a bigger problem... and the most important political and human thing we can do is kick all those corporate-tit-sucking motherfuckers to the curb.

the writing is on the wall...we now have the tools to share information and organize.
The future will see the plutocracy preparing to cash out, at our expense. We need to be smart.


I respect your right to your opinions. Like everyone here, I'm basing my views on the sliver of my own experience.

The real problem, and it most always is with government, is spending more money than it has, and more money than it has the ability to take in without becoming tyrannical.

I'm not singling out teachers for blame, except they're the latest to make the news. The idiots at Government Motors with their unsustainable union-runs-the-business model is another example. They should've declared bankruptcy and restructured or died off.

Idiot politicians can't be counted on, as they're focused only on the HERE and NOW of getting elected. How to pay for it all is the next guy's problem...or raither, it's OUR problem.

I hear many people start off the discusion of unions with something like this: "Once Upon a Time, unions were necessary." Fair enough.

However, these modern unions aren't asking for things taken for granted today. They aren't "asking", period. They're demanding, with threats in case their demands aren't met. They're as comical to me as the entertainment unions. During awards shows those H-wood dopes are all in one auditorium that can barely hold their egos; they really think if that building vanished into the ether, there would be no one to take their places. That no one would become an actor or director because there was no union???

We the People have too many other options to put up with such decadence, particularly in matters of education. There's homeschooling, tutors and private schools.

The real losers of these unions besides taxpayers are GOOD teachers. They will never be rewarded in a system that ignores merit and makes the System itself and money-hungry educrats the star players.

I understand I'm the minority opinion here and you may not agree, but the real problem remains: how are you going to pay for all of the decadent demands of the union, which in turn doesn't fulfill its basic responsibilities of educating kids? You can only tax the the "evil rich" so much before they pack up and leave.


If teachers were paid $3.00/hour just to babysit kids: at 30 students per classroom, assuming 8 hour days and no pay for vacations (that's INCLUDING summer vacation) they would make about $105,000.00 per year. So it turns out that the number expressed in this video is WAY more accurate than I initially thought.

What does anyone have to say to THAT?

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