The Religion of Fear (Pat Condells take on Fitna)

Since making this video I've noticed that the film is back on LiveLeak. Bravo. Long live free speech.

Reaction from Iran

Iran leads the world in executing children

Swiss foreign minister wears headscarf in Iran

Wife-beating in Islam

Hamas bunny threatens to kill Danes over cartoons

I know a lot of people dont like this guys videos but this one especially is on point. He even threw in how its the minority of Muslims that are giving it a bad name by saying they represent the entire religion as they oppress with extreme bigotry. People always accuse him of being hypocritical but I think this video shows that to not be just as aggressive and even offensive back and to stand up for ones self means you'll permanently be taking it in the back door. I hate when people pull the victim excuse while blatantly attacking others, especially from the largest religion in the world who is also (arguably) the richest as well.


Oh, isn't this precious:
"...the Islamic States succeeded in forcing through an amendment to a resolution on Freedom of on the “abuse” of this most cherished freedom by anyone who, for example, dares speak out against Sharia laws that require women to be stoned to death for adultery or young men to be hanged for being gay, or against the marriage of girls as young as nine, as in Iran."

Yeah, it's real, and yeah, it's one step closer to the dark ages.


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